예제 #1
 private void createDir(String uuid, String project, String path, File[] children)
     throws FileServiceException, IOException, UserNotAuthorizedException {
   if (children != null && children.length > 0) {
     String[] parents = CLIUtils.convertAbsolutePathToArray(path, false, false);
     for (File child : children) {
       if (child.isDirectory()) {
         fileService.create(uuid, project, parents, child.getName(), true);
         createDir(uuid, project, path + "/" + child.getName(), child.listFiles());
       } else {
         fileService.upload(uuid, project, parents, child.getName(), child, true);
예제 #2
  public String execute(String uuid, String... params) throws RemoteException {
    try {
      LongOpt[] longopts = new LongOpt[4];
      longopts[0] = new LongOpt("help", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'h');
      longopts[1] = new LongOpt("project", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'p');
      longopts[2] = new LongOpt("file", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'f');
      longopts[3] = new LongOpt("dest", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'd');

      Getopt g = new Getopt("put", params, "", longopts);

      String project = null;
      String path = null;
      String[] parents = null;
      String dest = null;
      int c;
      while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
          case 'p':
            project = g.getOptarg();
          case 'f':
            path = g.getOptarg();
          case 'd':
            dest = g.getOptarg();
            if (!".".equals(dest)) {
              parents = CLIUtils.convertAbsolutePathToArray(dest, false, false);
          case 'h':
            return usage(uuid);
            return CLIResultCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
                + "::Could not execute the command \n "
                + usage(uuid);

      if (uuid == null) {
        return CLIResultCodes.USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED + "::--uuid parameter is required!";

      if (project == null) {
        return CLIResultCodes.USER_ERROR + "::--project parameter is required!";

      if (path == null) {
        return CLIResultCodes.USER_ERROR + "::--file parameter is required!";

      if (dest == null) {
        return CLIResultCodes.USER_ERROR + "::--dest parameter is required!";

      if (!fileService.exists(uuid, project, null, null)) {
        return CLIResultCodes.PROJECT_NOT_FOUND
            + "::Could not find project ["
            + project
            + "] for the current user";

      File src = new File(path);

      if (!src.exists()) {
        return CLIResultCodes.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
            + "::File ["
            + src.getName()
            + "] does not exist!";

      String fileName = src.getName();
      if (src.isDirectory()) {
        fileService.create(uuid, project, parents, fileName, true);
        String childrenPath = fileName;
        if (parents != null) {
          childrenPath = dest + "/" + fileName;
        createDir(uuid, project, childrenPath, src.listFiles());
        return CLIResultCodes.OK
            + "::Put the directory ["
            + src.getName()
            + "] to the destination ["
            + dest
            + "]";
      } else {
        fileService.upload(uuid, project, parents, fileName, src, true);
        return CLIResultCodes.OK
            + "::Put the file ["
            + src.getName()
            + "] to the destination ["
            + dest
            + "]";
    } catch (UserNotAuthorizedException e) {
      CLIUtils.handleException(e, logger);
      return CLIResultCodes.USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED + "::User not authorized!";
    } catch (Exception e) {
      CLIUtils.handleException(e, logger);
      return CLIResultCodes.OK + "::Could not execute the command \n " + usage(uuid);