private static int graphWidth(BMGraph g) { if (g.getNodes().size() < 2) return 1; double minx, miny, maxx, maxy; minx = miny = Double.MAX_VALUE; maxy = maxx = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (BMNode n : g.getNodes()) { String[] posstr = n.get(BMGraphAttributes.POS_KEY).split(","); double x = Double.parseDouble(posstr[0]); double y = Double.parseDouble(posstr[1]); minx = Math.min(x, minx); miny = Math.min(y, miny); maxx = Math.max(x, minx); maxy = Math.max(y, maxx); } // System.out.println("minx = "+minx+" maxx = "+maxx+" miny = "+miny+" maxy = "+maxy); return 5 * (int) (Math.max(1, (Math.ceil(Math.max(maxx - minx, maxy - miny)) / SCALE))); }
/** * Uses distance scaling to solve initial layout. * * @param b */ public static void solvePositions(BMGraph b) { if (b.getNodes().size() < 1) {"layout", "Not doing initial layout on an empty graph."); return; } "layout", "Solving initial layout positions for a graph of " + b.getNodes().size() + " nodes"); BMGraph[] components = connectedComponents(b); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { solveComponentPositions(components[i]); } Comparator<BMGraph> graphCmp = new Comparator<BMGraph>() { public int compare(BMGraph arg0, BMGraph arg1) { return graphWidth(arg1) - graphWidth(arg0); } }; Arrays.sort(components, graphCmp); SquarePacker pack = new SquarePacker(2 * graphWidth(components[0])); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { int wh = graphWidth(components[i]); Point p = pack.pack(wh); // System.out.println("p = "+p); for (BMNode cnode : components[i].getNodes()) { String[] posstr = cnode.get(BMGraphAttributes.POS_KEY).split(","); double x = Double.parseDouble(posstr[0]); double y = Double.parseDouble(posstr[1]); double whd = wh / 5.0; BMNode node = b.getNode(cnode); x = (p.x / 5.0 * SCALE + SCALE * whd / 2 + 0.5 * (x * 0.9)); y = (p.y / 5.0 * SCALE + SCALE * whd / 2 + 0.5 * (y * 0.9)); node.put(BMGraphAttributes.POS_KEY, x + "," + y); } }"layout", "Solved initial layout positions."); }