public void setOnThumbnailUpdatedListener(OnThumbnailUpdatedListener listener) { mOnThumbnailUpdatedListener = listener; for (Tab t : mTabs) { WebView web = t.getWebView(); if (web != null) { web.setPictureListener(listener != null ? t : null); } } }
@Test public void shouldRecordPictureListener() { WebView.PictureListener pictureListener = new WebView.PictureListener() { @Override public void onNewPicture(WebView view, Picture picture) { ; } }; assertThat(shadowWebView.getPictureListener()).isNull(); webView.setPictureListener(pictureListener); assertThat(shadowWebView.getPictureListener()).isSameAs(pictureListener); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void onPostExecute(AsyncTaskResult<NovelContentModel> result) { Exception e = result.getError(); if (e == null) { content = result.getResult(); if (content.getLastUpdate().getTime() != pageModel.getLastUpdate().getTime()) Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), "Content might be updated: " + content.getLastUpdate().toString() + " != " + pageModel.getLastUpdate().toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); // load the contents here final WebView wv = (WebView) findViewById(; wv.getSettings().setAllowFileAccess(true); wv.getSettings().setSupportZoom(true); wv.getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(true); wv.getSettings().setLoadWithOverviewMode(true); // wv.getSettings().setUseWideViewPort(true); wv.getSettings() .setLoadsImagesAutomatically( PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext()) .getBoolean("show_images", false)); // wv.setBackgroundColor(0); wv.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); // custom link handler BakaTsukiWebViewClient client = new BakaTsukiWebViewClient(activity); wv.setWebViewClient(client); int styleId = -1; if (getColorPreferences()) { styleId = R.raw.style_dark; Log.d("CSS", "CSS = dark"); } else { styleId =; Log.d("CSS", "CSS = normal"); } LNReaderApplication app = (LNReaderApplication) getApplication(); String html = "<html><head><style type=\"text/css\">" + app.ReadCss(styleId) + "</style></head><body>" + content.getContent() + "</body></html>"; wv.loadDataWithBaseURL(Constants.BASE_URL, html, "text/html", "utf-8", ""); wv.setInitialScale((int) (content.getLastZoom() * 100)); wv.setPictureListener( new PictureListener() { boolean needScroll = true; @Deprecated public void onNewPicture(WebView arg0, Picture arg1) { Log.d( TAG, "Content Height: " + wv.getContentHeight() + " : " + content.getLastYScroll()); if (needScroll && wv.getContentHeight() * content.getLastZoom() > content.getLastYScroll()) { wv.scrollTo(0, content.getLastYScroll()); needScroll = false; } } }); try { novelDetails = dao.getNovelDetails(pageModel.getParentPageModel(), null); volume = pageModel .getParent() .replace( pageModel.getParentPageModel().getPage() + Constants.NOVEL_BOOK_DIVIDER, ""); setTitle(pageModel.getTitle() + " (" + volume + ")"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Error when setting title: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } Log.d( TAG, "Load Content: " + content.getLastXScroll() + " " + content.getLastYScroll() + " " + content.getLastZoom()); buildTOCMenu(); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Error when loading novel content: " + e.getMessage(), e); Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), e.getClass().toString() + ": " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } ToggleProgressBar(false); refresh = false; }