public void loadAnimation() { Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.slide_in_right_delay); Animation animation2 = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.slide_in_right_delay); Animation animation3 = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.slide_in_right_delay); Animation fadeAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade_in); overLay.setAnimation(animation); overLay2.setAnimation(animation2); overLay3.setAnimation(animation3); welcomeText.setAnimation(fadeAnimation); animation3.setStartOffset(500); animation2.setStartOffset(600); animation.setStartOffset(700); fadeAnimation.setStartOffset(1000); welcomeText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); fadeAnimation.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {} @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { // searchNewMessages(); loadOut(); } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {} }); // }
public void refreshViews() { layout.removeAllViews(); views = new ArrayList<View>(); cardViews = new ArrayList<CardUI>(); profilePictures = new ArrayList<MLRoundedImageView>(); users = ItemsData.retrieveUserIdsCurrentlyRenting(getActivity()); bitmaps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>(); if (users.size() == 0) { CardUI cards = new CardUI(getActivity()); cards.setPadding(0, 20, 0, 20); cards.addCard(new EmptyRentalListCard(getActivity())); cards.refresh(); views.add(cards); } else { for (User u : users) { views.add(createProfile(u)); views.add( createUserRentals( ItemsData.retrieveItemsLentByUserId(u.getFacebookId(), getActivity()))); } } for (int i = 0; i < views.size(); i++) { View v = views.get(i); v.setVisibility(LinearLayout.VISIBLE); Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getActivity(), R.animator.fade_in); animation.setDuration(300); animation.setStartOffset(i * 100); v.setAnimation(animation); layout.addView(v); } }
private void showBitmapForView(ImageView v, final Bitmap bitmap) { v.setImageBitmap(bitmap); Animation a = AnimUtils.FadeIn.loadAnimation(UI.getActivity(), 500); a.setStartOffset(500); v.startAnimation(a); topicView .findViewById( .setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { File f; try { f = Utils.saveTmpBitmap(bitmap); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(f), "image/*"); startActivity(intent); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); UI.toast("图片保存出错"); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { UI.toast("无法查看图片,无图库程序"); } } }); }
public static void fadeViewInOut(View view, long startDelay, long fadeTime, long stayTime) { AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet(false); Animation in = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f); in.setStartOffset(startDelay); in.setDuration(fadeTime); in.setFillAfter(false); in.setZAdjustment(Animation.ZORDER_TOP); set.addAnimation(in); Animation out = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 0.0f); out.setStartOffset(fadeTime + startDelay + stayTime); out.setDuration(fadeTime); out.setFillAfter(true); out.setZAdjustment(Animation.ZORDER_TOP); set.addAnimation(out); set.setFillAfter(true); view.startAnimation(set); }
/** * A fade animation that will fade the subject in by changing alpha from 0 to 1. * * @param duration the animation duration in milliseconds * @param delay how long to wait before starting the animation, in milliseconds * @return a fade animation * @see #fadeInAnimation(View, long) */ public static Animation fadeInAnimation(long duration, long delay) { Animation fadeIn = new AlphaAnimation(0, 1); fadeIn.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); fadeIn.setDuration(duration); fadeIn.setStartOffset(delay); return fadeIn; }
private void fadePage() { if (eink || pageNumberAnim == null) { pageNumberTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { pageNumberAnim.setStartOffset(0); pageNumberAnim.setFillAfter(true); pageNumberTextView.startAnimation(pageNumberAnim); } }
/** * A fade animation that will fade the subject out by changing alpha from 1 to 0. * * @param duration the animation duration in milliseconds * @param delay how long to wait before starting the animation, in milliseconds * @return a fade animation * @see #fadeOutAnimation(View, long) */ public static Animation fadeOutAnimation(long duration, long delay) { Animation fadeOut = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0); fadeOut.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); fadeOut.setStartOffset(delay); fadeOut.setDuration(duration); return fadeOut; }
public void animateRegion() { if (regionIV != null) { Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getActivity(), R.anim.fade_in); regionIV.setAnimation(anim); regionTV.setAnimation(anim); anim.setStartOffset(1500); anim.setFillAfter(true); anim.start(); } }
public void animateCards() { for (int i = 0; i < views.size(); i++) { View v = views.get(i); v.setVisibility(LinearLayout.VISIBLE); Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getActivity(), R.animator.fade_in); animation.setDuration(200); animation.setStartOffset((i + 1) * 75); v.setAnimation(animation); } }
public static Animation getFadeOutAnimation( Context context, long initialDelayMs, long durationMs, AnimationListener listener) { Animation fadeOutAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.fade_out); fadeOutAnimation.setStartOffset(initialDelayMs); fadeOutAnimation.setDuration(durationMs); if (listener != null) { fadeOutAnimation.setAnimationListener(listener); } return fadeOutAnimation; }
/** * The function responsible for fade-in fade-out effect * * @imageView <-- The View which displays the images * @images[] <-- Holds R references to the images to display * @imageIndex <-- index of the first image to show in images[] * @forever <-- If equals true then after the last image it starts all over again with the first * image resulting in an infinite loop. You have been warned. */ private void animate( final ImageView imageView, final int images[], final int imageIndex, final boolean forever) { int fadeInDuration = 800; // Configure time values here int timeBetween = 200; int fadeOutDuration = 400; // imageView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); //Visible or invisible by default - this will // apply when the animation ends imageView.setImageResource(images[imageIndex]); Animation fadeIn = new AlphaAnimation((float) 0.1, (float) 1.0); fadeIn.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); // add this fadeIn.setDuration(fadeInDuration); Animation fadeOut = new AlphaAnimation((float) 1.0, (float) 1.0); fadeOut.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); // and this fadeOut.setStartOffset(fadeInDuration + timeBetween); fadeOut.setDuration(fadeOutDuration); AnimationSet animation = new AnimationSet(false); // change to false animation.addAnimation(fadeIn); animation.addAnimation(fadeOut); animation.setRepeatCount(1); imageView.setAnimation(animation); animation.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { if (images.length - 1 > imageIndex) { animate( imageView, images, imageIndex + 1, forever); // Calls itself until it gets to the end of the array } else { if (forever == true) { animate( imageView, images, 0, forever); // Calls itself to start the animation all over again in a loop if // forever = true } } } public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); }
/** * Create a pair of {@link FlipAnimation} that can be used to flip 3D transition from {@code * fromView} to {@code toView}. A typical use case is with {@link ViewAnimator} as an out and in * transition. * * <p>NOTE: Avoid using this method. Instead, use {@link #flipTransition}. * * @param fromView the view transition away from * @param toView the view transition to * @param dir the flip direction * @param duration the transition duration in milliseconds * @param interpolator the interpolator to use (pass {@code null} to use the {@link * AccelerateInterpolator} interpolator) * @return */ public static Animation[] flipAnimation( final View fromView, final View toView, FlipDirection dir, long duration, Interpolator interpolator) { Animation[] result = new Animation[2]; float centerX; float centerY; centerX = fromView.getWidth() / 2.0f; centerY = fromView.getHeight() / 2.0f; Animation outFlip = new FlipAnimation( dir.getStartDegreeForFirstView(), dir.getEndDegreeForFirstView(), centerX, centerY, FlipAnimation.SCALE_DEFAULT, FlipAnimation.ScaleUpDownEnum.SCALE_DOWN); outFlip.setDuration(duration); outFlip.setFillAfter(true); outFlip.setInterpolator(interpolator == null ? new AccelerateInterpolator() : interpolator); AnimationSet outAnimation = new AnimationSet(true); outAnimation.addAnimation(outFlip); result[0] = outAnimation; // Uncomment the following if toView has its layout established (not the case if using // ViewFlipper and on first show) // centerX = toView.getWidth() / 2.0f; // centerY = toView.getHeight() / 2.0f; Animation inFlip = new FlipAnimation( dir.getStartDegreeForSecondView(), dir.getEndDegreeForSecondView(), centerX, centerY, FlipAnimation.SCALE_DEFAULT, FlipAnimation.ScaleUpDownEnum.SCALE_UP); inFlip.setDuration(duration); inFlip.setFillAfter(true); inFlip.setInterpolator(interpolator == null ? new AccelerateInterpolator() : interpolator); inFlip.setStartOffset(duration); AnimationSet inAnimation = new AnimationSet(true); inAnimation.addAnimation(inFlip); result[1] = inAnimation; return result; }
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) { for (int i = 0; i < views.size(); i++) { View v = views.get(i); v.setVisibility(LinearLayout.VISIBLE); Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getActivity(), R.animator.fade_in); animation.setDuration(300); animation.setStartOffset(i * 100); v.setAnimation(animation); layout.addView(v); } new FacebookPictures().execute(new Void[] {}); }
public void loadOut() { Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.slide_out_left_delay); Animation animation2 = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.slide_out_left_delay); Animation animation3 = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.slide_out_left_delay); Animation fadeAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade_out); overLay.clearAnimation(); overLay.setAnimation(animation); overLay2.clearAnimation(); overLay2.setAnimation(animation2); overLay3.clearAnimation(); overLay3.setAnimation(animation3); welcomeText.clearAnimation(); welcomeText.setAnimation(fadeAnimation); fadeAnimation.setStartOffset(1500); animation.setStartOffset(2000); animation2.setStartOffset(2100); animation3.setStartOffset(2200); welcomeText.setVisibility(View.GONE); overLay.setVisibility(View.GONE); overLay2.setVisibility(View.GONE); overLay3.setVisibility(View.GONE); animation3.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {} @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { dashBoard(); } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {} }); }
private void setupText1Marquee() { final int duration = (int) (mText1Difference * MS_PER_PX); mMoveText1TextOut = new TranslateAnimation(0, -mText1Difference, 0, 0); mMoveText1TextOut.setDuration(duration); mMoveText1TextOut.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); mMoveText1TextOut.setFillAfter(true); mMoveText1TextIn = new TranslateAnimation(-mText1Difference, 0, 0, 0); mMoveText1TextIn.setDuration(duration); mMoveText1TextIn.setStartOffset(PAUSE_BETWEEN_ANIMATIONS); mMoveText1TextIn.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); mMoveText1TextIn.setFillAfter(true); mMoveText1TextOut.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { // mMoveText1TextOutPlaying = true; expandTextView(mTextField1); } public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { // mMoveText1TextOutPlaying = false; if (mCancelled) { return; } mTextField1.startAnimation(mMoveText1TextIn); } public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {} }); mMoveText1TextIn.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {} public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { cutTextView(mTextField1); if (mCancelled) { return; } startTextField1Animation(); } public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {} }); }
@Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View v = convertView; if (convertView == null) { v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_radio_item, null); } ImageView stt = (ImageView) v.findViewById(; TextView tvNama = (TextView) v.findViewById(; TextView tvKota = (TextView) v.findViewById(; ImageView blink = (ImageView) v.findViewById(; TextView tvStat = (TextView) v.findViewById(; Radio r = data.get(position); Animation anim = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f); anim.setDuration(500); anim.setStartOffset(200); anim.setRepeatMode(Animation.REVERSE); anim.setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE); if (url.equals(r.getUrl()) && isPlayed && serviceRunning && onRadio) { r.setPlayedAtm(true); r.setStatusMessage("Menjalankan"); isPlayed = false; } tvNama.setText(r.getNamaRadio()); // int c = tvNama.getTextColors().getDefaultColor(); tvKota.setText(r.getKota()); if (r.isPlayedAtm()) { tvNama.setTextColor(_ac.getResources().getColor(R.color.hijau_1)); stt.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_radio_on); blink.setImageResource(R.drawable.lingkaran_kecil); blink.startAnimation(anim); tvStat.setText(r.getStatusMessage()); tvStat.startAnimation(anim); } else { tvNama.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); stt.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_radio_off); blink.setImageResource(android.R.color.transparent); blink.clearAnimation(); if (r.getStatusMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("Error")) { tvStat.setText("Tidak ada koneksi."); } else { tvStat.setText(""); } tvStat.clearAnimation(); } return v; }
/** * Code from * * <p>Cycles through an array of images in one ImageView, sequentially fading them out and fading * the new photo in. * * @param imageView ImageView : The View which displays the images * @param images int[] : Holds R references to the images to display * @param imageIndex int : index of the first image to show in images[] * @param forever boolean : If equals true than it loops back to the first image */ public static void animate( final ImageView imageView, final int images[], final int imageIndex, final boolean forever) { // TODO: Smooth fade between images instead of fade through white int fadeInDuration = 500; // Configure time values here int timeBetween = 5000; int fadeOutDuration = 1000; imageView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // Visible or invisible by default - this will apply when the animation ends imageView.setImageResource(images[imageIndex]); // Initialize the fade in animation Animation fadeIn = new AlphaAnimation(0, 1); fadeIn.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); fadeIn.setDuration(fadeInDuration); // Initialize the fade out animation Animation fadeOut = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0); fadeOut.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); fadeOut.setStartOffset(fadeInDuration + timeBetween); fadeOut.setDuration(fadeOutDuration); // Apply the animation set AnimationSet animation = new AnimationSet(false); animation.addAnimation(fadeIn); animation.addAnimation(fadeOut); animation.setRepeatCount(1); imageView.setAnimation(animation); // Overriding this function causes the animations to loop animation.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { if (images.length - 1 > imageIndex) { animate(imageView, images, imageIndex + 1, forever); // Calls itself until it gets to the end of the array if (forever) { animate(imageView, images, 0, forever); // Calls itself to start the animation // all over again in a loop, if forever = true } } } public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {} public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {} }); }
private void fadeZoom() { // #ifdef pro // if (this.textReflowMode) { // this.zoomLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE); // return; // } // #endif if (eink || zoomAnim == null) { zoomLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { zoomAnim.setStartOffset(0); zoomAnim.setFillAfter(true); zoomLayout.startAnimation(zoomAnim); } }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); getWindow() .setFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, (WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN)); setContentView(R.layout.splashjar); ImageView moviemaniac = (ImageView) findViewById(; // moviemaniac.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); final Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.alpha); anim.setStartOffset(1000); moviemaniac.startAnimation(anim); // YoYo.with(Techniques.FadeInUp).duration(3000).playOn(moviemaniac); }
/** * Opens the floating toolbar overflow. This method should not be called if menu items have not * been laid out with {@link #layoutMenuItems(java.util.List, MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener, * int)}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if called when menu items have not been laid out. */ private void openOverflow() { Preconditions.checkState(mMainPanel != null); Preconditions.checkState(mOverflowPanel != null); mMainPanel.fadeOut(true); Size overflowPanelSize = mOverflowPanel.measure(); final int targetWidth = overflowPanelSize.getWidth(); final int targetHeight = overflowPanelSize.getHeight(); final boolean morphUpwards = (mOverflowDirection == OVERFLOW_DIRECTION_UP); final int startWidth = mContentContainer.getWidth(); final int startHeight = mContentContainer.getHeight(); final float startY = mContentContainer.getY(); final float right = mContentContainer.getX() + mContentContainer.getWidth(); Animation widthAnimation = new Animation() { @Override protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = mContentContainer.getLayoutParams(); int deltaWidth = (int) (interpolatedTime * (targetWidth - startWidth)); params.width = startWidth + deltaWidth; mContentContainer.setLayoutParams(params); mContentContainer.setX(right - mContentContainer.getWidth()); } }; Animation heightAnimation = new Animation() { @Override protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = mContentContainer.getLayoutParams(); int deltaHeight = (int) (interpolatedTime * (targetHeight - startHeight)); params.height = startHeight + deltaHeight; mContentContainer.setLayoutParams(params); if (morphUpwards) { float y = startY - (mContentContainer.getHeight() - startHeight); mContentContainer.setY(y); } } }; widthAnimation.setDuration(240); heightAnimation.setDuration(180); heightAnimation.setStartOffset(60); mOpenOverflowAnimation.getAnimations().clear(); mOpenOverflowAnimation.setAnimationListener(mOnOverflowOpened); mOpenOverflowAnimation.addAnimation(widthAnimation); mOpenOverflowAnimation.addAnimation(heightAnimation); mContentContainer.startAnimation(mOpenOverflowAnimation); }
public void startTickAnim() { // hide tick mLeftRectWidth = 0; mRightRectWidth = 0; invalidate(); Animation tickAnim = new Animation() { @Override protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) { super.applyTransformation(interpolatedTime, t); if (0.54 < interpolatedTime && 0.7 >= interpolatedTime) { // grow left and right rect to right mLeftRectGrowMode = true; mLeftRectWidth = mMaxLeftRectWidth * ((interpolatedTime - 0.54f) / 0.16f); if (0.65 < interpolatedTime) { mRightRectWidth = MAX_RIGHT_RECT_W * ((interpolatedTime - 0.65f) / 0.19f); } invalidate(); } else if (0.7 < interpolatedTime && 0.84 >= interpolatedTime) { // shorten left rect from right, still grow right rect mLeftRectGrowMode = false; mLeftRectWidth = mMaxLeftRectWidth * (1 - ((interpolatedTime - 0.7f) / 0.14f)); mLeftRectWidth = mLeftRectWidth < MIN_LEFT_RECT_W ? MIN_LEFT_RECT_W : mLeftRectWidth; mRightRectWidth = MAX_RIGHT_RECT_W * ((interpolatedTime - 0.65f) / 0.19f); invalidate(); } else if (0.84 < interpolatedTime && 1 >= interpolatedTime) { // restore left rect width, shorten right rect to const mLeftRectGrowMode = false; mLeftRectWidth = MIN_LEFT_RECT_W + (CONST_LEFT_RECT_W - MIN_LEFT_RECT_W) * ((interpolatedTime - 0.84f) / 0.16f); mRightRectWidth = CONST_RIGHT_RECT_W + (MAX_RIGHT_RECT_W - CONST_RIGHT_RECT_W) * (1 - ((interpolatedTime - 0.84f) / 0.16f)); invalidate(); } } }; tickAnim.setDuration(750); tickAnim.setStartOffset(100); startAnimation(tickAnim); }
/** * Create a pair of {@link FlipAnimation} that can be used to flip 3D transition from {@code * fromView} to {@code toView}. A typical use case is with {@link ViewAnimator} as an out and in * transition. * * <p>NOTE: Avoid using this method. Instead, use {@link #flipTransition}. * * @param fromView the view transition away from * @param toView the view transition to * @param dir the flip direction * @param duration the transition duration in milliseconds * @param interpolator the interpolator to use (pass {@code null} to use the {@link * AccelerateInterpolator} interpolator) * @return */ public static Animation[] flipAnimation( final View fromView, final View toView, FlipDirection dir, long duration) { Animation[] result = new Animation[2]; float centerY; centerY = fromView.getHeight() / 2.0f; Animation outFlip = new FlipAnimation( dir.getStartDegreeForFirstView(), dir.getEndDegreeForFirstView(), true, centerY, dir, fromView.getWidth()); outFlip.setDuration(duration); outFlip.setFillAfter(true); outFlip.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); AnimationSet outAnimation = new AnimationSet(true); outAnimation.addAnimation(outFlip); result[0] = outAnimation; Animation inFlip = new FlipAnimation( dir.getStartDegreeForSecondView(), dir.getEndDegreeForSecondView(), false, centerY, dir, fromView.getWidth()); inFlip.setDuration(duration); inFlip.setFillAfter(true); inFlip.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); inFlip.setStartOffset(duration); AnimationSet inAnimation = new AnimationSet(true); inAnimation.addAnimation(inFlip); result[1] = inAnimation; return result; }
@Override public View onCreateView( LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { profilePictures = new ArrayList<MLRoundedImageView>(); views = new ArrayList<View>(); cardViews = new ArrayList<CardUI>(); myInflater = inflater; scroller = new ScrollView(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); layout = new LinearLayout(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); layout.setPadding(0, 5, 0, 5); layout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); scroller.addView(layout); scroller.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor(Utils.BACKGROUND_COLOR)); users = ItemsData.retrieveUserIdsCurrentlyRenting(getActivity()); bitmaps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>(); if (users.size() == 0) { CardUI cards = new CardUI(getActivity()); cards.setPadding(0, 20, 0, 20); cards.addCard(new EmptyRentalListCard(getActivity())); cards.refresh(); views.add(cards); } else { for (User u : users) { views.add(createProfile(u)); views.add( createUserRentals( ItemsData.retrieveItemsLentByUserId(u.getFacebookId(), getActivity()))); } } for (int i = 0; i < views.size(); i++) { View v = views.get(i); v.setVisibility(LinearLayout.VISIBLE); Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getActivity(), R.animator.fade_in); animation.setDuration(300); animation.setStartOffset(i * 100); v.setAnimation(animation); layout.addView(v); } return scroller; }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); // 隐藏标题栏 getWindow() .setFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); // 隐藏状态栏 setContentView(R.layout.activity_intr_b); instance = this; image1 = (ImageView) findViewById(; image2 = (ImageView) findViewById(; image3 = (ImageView) findViewById(; image4 = (ImageView) findViewById(; leftIn = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.left_in); topIn = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.right_in); leftIn.setStartOffset(500); leftIn.setAnimationListener(new AAnimationListener(1)); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.bi_hen5_activity); setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); Uri path = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.hen); mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(Bi_Hen_Activity.this, path); mediaPlayer.start(); hen = (ImageView) findViewById(; hentext = (ImageView) findViewById(; slidedown = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.bi_slidedown); slidedown.setStartOffset(2000); slidedown.setDuration(2000); hen.startAnimation(slidedown); mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener( new OnCompletionListener() { @Override public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) { mediaPlayer.stop(); mediaPlayer.release(); slidedown.cancel(); // after completion of this audio it will switch to eagle activity Intent intent = new Intent(Bi_Hen_Activity.this, Bi_Chil_Activity.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); startActivity(intent); finish(); } }); }
private void prepareAnimation() { // Measure mPaint.setTextSize(mTextField.getTextSize()); mPaint.setTypeface(mTextField.getTypeface()); float mTextWidth = mPaint.measureText(mTextField.getText().toString()); // See how much functions are needed at all mMarqueeNeeded = mTextWidth > getMeasuredWidth(); mTextDifference = Math.abs((mTextWidth - getMeasuredWidth())) + 5; if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "mTextWidth : " + mTextWidth); Log.d(TAG, "measuredWidth : " + getMeasuredWidth()); Log.d(TAG, "mMarqueeNeeded : " + mMarqueeNeeded); Log.d(TAG, "mTextDifference : " + mTextDifference); } final int duration = (int) (mTextDifference * mSpeed); mMoveTextOut = new TranslateAnimation(0, -mTextDifference, 0, 0); mMoveTextOut.setDuration(duration); mMoveTextOut.setInterpolator(mInterpolator); mMoveTextOut.setFillAfter(true); mMoveTextIn = new TranslateAnimation(-mTextDifference, 0, 0, 0); mMoveTextIn.setDuration(duration); mMoveTextIn.setStartOffset(mAnimationPause); mMoveTextIn.setInterpolator(mInterpolator); mMoveTextIn.setFillAfter(true); mMoveTextOut.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { expandTextView(); } public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { if (mCancelled) { return; } mTextField.startAnimation(mMoveTextIn); } public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {} }); mMoveTextIn.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {} public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { cutTextView(); if (mCancelled) { return; } startTextFieldAnimation(); } public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {} }); }
private void Initialize() { _playerID = getIntent().getExtras().getInt(Constants.KEY_PLAYER_ID); _playerName = getIntent().getExtras().getString(Constants.KEY_PLAYER_NAME); _category = getIntent().getExtras().getInt(Constants.KEY_CATEGORY); _category_in = getIntent().getExtras().getString(Constants.KEY_CATEGORY_IN); _image = getIntent().getExtras().getInt(Constants.KEY_IMAGE); // INTENTS intentGame = new Intent(this, Game.class); // BUTTONS btnAnimals = (Button) findViewById(; btnCartoons = (Button) findViewById(; btnMathematics = (Button) findViewById(; btnShapes = (Button) findViewById(; btnColors = (Button) findViewById(; btnObjects = (Button) findViewById(; btnBody = (Button) findViewById(; btnNurseryRhimes = (Button) findViewById(; btnObjectsInstruments = (Button) findViewById(; mpAnimals = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.animals); mpCartoons = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.cartoons); mpMathematics = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.mathematics); mpShapes = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.shapes); mpColors = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.colors); mpObjects = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.z_objects); mpBody = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.z_body); // mpNurseryRhimes = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.); // mpObjectsInstruments = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.z_body); // IMAGE ivSubCatImage = (ImageView) findViewById(; @SuppressWarnings("unused") Typeface fontButton = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), Constants.FONT_BUTTON); // SET BUTTONS's ONCLICKLISTENERS Button[] buttons = { btnAnimals, btnCartoons, btnMathematics, btnShapes, btnColors, btnObjects, btnBody, btnNurseryRhimes, btnObjectsInstruments }; for (Button b : buttons) { b.setOnClickListener(this); b.setTypeface(Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), Constants.FONT_BUTTON)); } anim = new TranslateAnimation(0.0f, 0.0f, -200, 0.0f); anim.setDuration(1000); anim.setInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(this, android.R.anim.bounce_interpolator)); anim.setStartOffset(300); // AnimateButtons(); spTap = new SoundPool(4, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0); spTapSoundID = spTap.load(this, R.raw.tap, 0); // PREFERENCES SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext()); sounds = (prefs.getBoolean(Constants.KEY_PREFS_SOUND, true) == false) ? false : true; }
public void animate(View view) { Animation animation = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f); animation.setDuration(1000); animation.setStartOffset(500); view.startAnimation(animation); }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); final Intent callingIntent = getIntent(); mAnimationType = callingIntent.getIntExtra("animation", KYLE_DEATH); if (mAnimationType == KYLE_DEATH) { setContentView(R.layout.animation_player); ImageView canvasImage = (ImageView) findViewById(; canvasImage.setImageResource(R.anim.kyle_fall); mAnimation = (AnimationDrawable) canvasImage.getDrawable(); } else { if (mAnimationType == WANDA_ENDING || mAnimationType == KABOCHA_ENDING) { float startX = 0.0f; DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metrics); if (mAnimationType == WANDA_ENDING) { setContentView(R.layout.good_ending_animation); startX = 200 * metrics.density; } else { setContentView(R.layout.kabocha_ending_animation); startX = -200 * metrics.density; } // HACK // The TranslateAnimation system doesn't support device independent // pixels. So for the Wanda ending and Kabocha endings, in which the // game over text scrolls in horizontally, compute the size based on // the actual density of the display and just generate the anim in // code. The Rokudou animation can be safely loaded from a file. Animation gameOverAnim = new TranslateAnimation(startX, 0, 0, 0); gameOverAnim.setDuration(6000); gameOverAnim.setFillAfter(true); gameOverAnim.setFillEnabled(true); gameOverAnim.setStartOffset(8000); View background = findViewById(; View foreground = findViewById(; View gameOver = findViewById(; Animation foregroundAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.horizontal_layer2_slide); Animation backgroundAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.horizontal_layer1_slide); background.startAnimation(backgroundAnim); foreground.startAnimation(foregroundAnim); gameOver.startAnimation(gameOverAnim); mAnimationEndTime = gameOverAnim.getDuration() + System.currentTimeMillis(); } else if (mAnimationType == ROKUDOU_ENDING) { setContentView(R.layout.rokudou_ending_animation); View background = findViewById(; View sphere = findViewById(; View cliffs = findViewById(; View rokudou = findViewById(; View gameOver = findViewById(; Animation backgroundAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.rokudou_slide_bg); Animation sphereAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.rokudou_slide_sphere); Animation cliffsAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.rokudou_slide_cliffs); Animation rokudouAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.rokudou_slide_rokudou); Animation gameOverAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.rokudou_game_over); background.startAnimation(backgroundAnim); sphere.startAnimation(sphereAnim); cliffs.startAnimation(cliffsAnim); rokudou.startAnimation(rokudouAnim); gameOver.startAnimation(gameOverAnim); mAnimationEndTime = gameOverAnim.getDuration() + System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { assert false; } } // Pass the calling intent back so that we can figure out which animation just played. setResult(RESULT_OK, callingIntent); }
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { NodeViewHolder holder; if (convertView == null) { // ProgressBar sfumata final ShapeDrawable pgDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new RoundRectShape(Constants.roundedCorners, null, null)); final LinearGradient gradient = new LinearGradient( 0, 0, 250, 0, context.getResources().getColor(color.aa_red), context.getResources().getColor(color.aa_green),; convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.listview, parent, false); holder = new NodeViewHolder(); holder.text = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.textTyp = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.textHlt = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.image = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.hlt = (ProgressBar) convertView.findViewById(; holder.hlt.setIndeterminate(false); holder.hlt.setMax(50); holder.hlt.setProgress(20); holder.hlt.setProgress(0); holder.hlt.setMax((int) Constants.MAX_HEALTH); holder.hlt.setBackgroundResource(android.R.drawable.progress_horizontal); holder.imageRes = nodi[position].getIconResourceId(); // pgDrawable.getPaint().setStrokeWidth(3); pgDrawable.getPaint().setDither(true); pgDrawable.getPaint().setShader(gradient); ClipDrawable progress = new ClipDrawable(pgDrawable, Gravity.LEFT, ClipDrawable.HORIZONTAL); // Rect bounds = holder.hlt.getProgressDrawable().getBounds(); holder.hlt.setProgressDrawable(progress); // holder.hlt.getProgressDrawable().setBounds(bounds); convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (NodeViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); // ClipDrawable progress = new ClipDrawable(pgDrawable, // Gravity.LEFT, ClipDrawable.HORIZONTAL); // holder.hlt.setProgressDrawable(progress); } holder.text.setText(nodi[position].getNiceName()); // holder.text.setTextAppearance(context,; // Progress = health holder.hlt.setProgress(0); holder.hlt.setProgress(nodi[position].getHealth()); /* Dimensioni del testo settate dalle opzioni */ // holder.textTyp.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP,holder.textTyp.getTextSize() // + opzioni.getListDimensTesto()); // holder.textTyp.setTextAppearance(context,; holder.textTyp.setText( nodi[position].getActiveTypicals().size() + " " + context.getString(R.string.manual_typicals) + " - " + context.getString(R.string.update) + " " + Constants.getTimeAgo(nodi[position].getRefreshedAt())); if (opzioni.isLightThemeSelected()) { holder.textTyp.setTextColor(context.getResources().getColor(; holder.text.setTextColor(context.getResources().getColor(; holder.textHlt.setTextColor(context.getResources().getColor(; } /* Icona del nodo */ holder.image.setImageResource(holder.imageRes); if (opzioni.getTextFx()) { Animation a2 = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.alpha); a2.reset(); // a2.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + 400 * position); a2.setStartOffset(250 * position); // Animazione immagine holder.image.clearAnimation(); holder.image.startAnimation(a2); // holder.text.clearAnimation(); // holder.text.startAnimation(a2); } = nodi[position]; return convertView; }