예제 #1
  * Updates the item at the given index and calls {@link Callback#onChanged(int, int)} and/or
  * {@link Callback#onMoved(int, int)} if necessary.
  * <p>You can use this method if you need to change an existing Item such that its position in the
  * list may change.
  * <p>If the new object is a different object (<code>get(index) != item</code>) and {@link
  * Callback#areContentsTheSame(Object, Object)} returns <code>true</code>, SortedList avoids
  * calling {@link Callback#onChanged(int, int)} otherwise it calls {@link Callback#onChanged(int,
  * int)}.
  * <p>If the new position of the item is different than the provided <code>index</code>,
  * SortedList calls {@link Callback#onMoved(int, int)}.
  * @param index The index of the item to replace
  * @param item The item to replace the item at the given Index.
  * @see #add(Object)
 public void updateItemAt(int index, T item) {
   final T existing = get(index);
   // assume changed if the same object is given back
   boolean contentsChanged = existing == item || !mCallback.areContentsTheSame(existing, item);
   if (existing != item) {
     // different items, we can use comparison and may avoid lookup
     final int cmp = mCallback.compare(existing, item);
     if (cmp == 0) {
       mData[index] = item;
       if (contentsChanged) {
         mCallback.onChanged(index, 1);
   if (contentsChanged) {
     mCallback.onChanged(index, 1);
   // TODO this done in 1 pass to avoid shifting twice.
   removeItemAtIndex(index, false);
   int newIndex = add(item, false);
   if (index != newIndex) {
     mCallback.onMoved(index, newIndex);
예제 #2
 /** Ends the update transaction and dispatches any remaining event to the callback. */
 public void endBatchedUpdates() {
   if (mCallback instanceof BatchedCallback) {
     ((BatchedCallback) mCallback).dispatchLastEvent();
   if (mCallback == mBatchedCallback) {
     mCallback = mBatchedCallback.mWrappedCallback;
예제 #3
 /** Removes all items from the SortedList. */
 public void clear() {
   if (mSize == 0) {
   final int prevSize = mSize;
   Arrays.fill(mData, 0, prevSize, null);
   mSize = 0;
   mCallback.onRemoved(0, prevSize);
예제 #4
  * This method can be used to recalculate the position of the item at the given index, without
  * triggering an {@link Callback#onChanged(int, int)} callback.
  * <p>If you are editing objects in the list such that their position in the list may change but
  * you don't want to trigger an onChange animation, you can use this method to re-position it. If
  * the item changes position, SortedList will call {@link Callback#onMoved(int, int)} without
  * calling {@link Callback#onChanged(int, int)}.
  * <p>A sample usage may look like:
  * <pre>
  *     final int position = mSortedList.indexOf(item);
  *     item.incrementPriority(); // assume items are sorted by priority
  *     mSortedList.recalculatePositionOfItemAt(position);
  * </pre>
  * In the example above, because the sorting criteria of the item has been changed,
  * mSortedList.indexOf(item) will not be able to find the item. This is why the code above first
  * gets the position before editing the item, edits it and informs the SortedList that item should
  * be repositioned.
  * @param index The current index of the Item whose position should be re-calculated.
  * @see #updateItemAt(int, Object)
  * @see #add(Object)
 public void recalculatePositionOfItemAt(int index) {
   // TODO can be improved
   final T item = get(index);
   removeItemAtIndex(index, false);
   int newIndex = add(item, false);
   if (index != newIndex) {
     mCallback.onMoved(index, newIndex);
예제 #5
  * Batches adapter updates that happen between calling this method until calling {@link
  * #endBatchedUpdates()}. For example, if you add multiple items in a loop and they are placed
  * into consecutive indices, SortedList calls {@link Callback#onInserted(int, int)} only once with
  * the proper item count. If an event cannot be merged with the previous event, the previous event
  * is dispatched to the callback instantly.
  * <p>After running your data updates, you <b>must</b> call {@link #endBatchedUpdates()} which
  * will dispatch any deferred data change event to the current callback.
  * <p>A sample implementation may look like this:
  * <pre>
  *     mSortedList.beginBatchedUpdates();
  *     try {
  *         mSortedList.add(item1)
  *         mSortedList.add(item2)
  *         mSortedList.remove(item3)
  *         ...
  *     } finally {
  *         mSortedList.endBatchedUpdates();
  *     }
  * </pre>
  * <p>Instead of using this method to batch calls, you can use a Callback that extends {@link
  * BatchedCallback}. In that case, you must make sure that you are manually calling {@link
  * BatchedCallback#dispatchLastEvent()} right after you complete your data changes. Failing to do
  * so may create data inconsistencies with the Callback.
  * <p>If the current Callback in an instance of {@link BatchedCallback}, calling this method has
  * no effect.
 public void beginBatchedUpdates() {
   if (mCallback instanceof BatchedCallback) {
   if (mBatchedCallback == null) {
     mBatchedCallback = new BatchedCallback(mCallback);
   mCallback = mBatchedCallback;
예제 #6
  * Adds the given items to the list. Equivalent to calling {@link SortedList#add} in a loop,
  * except the callback events may be in a different order/granularity since addAll can batch them
  * for better performance.
  * <p>If allowed, may modify the input array and even take the ownership over it in order to avoid
  * extra memory allocation during sorting and deduplication.
  * @param items Array of items to be added into the list.
  * @param mayModifyInput If true, SortedList is allowed to modify the input.
  * @see {@link SortedList#addAll(Object[] items)}.
 public void addAll(T[] items, boolean mayModifyInput) {
   if (items.length == 0) {
   if (mayModifyInput) {
   } else {
     T[] copy = (T[]) Array.newInstance(mTClass, items.length);
     System.arraycopy(items, 0, copy, 0, items.length);
예제 #7
  * Removes the item at the given index and calls {@link Callback#onRemoved(int, int)}.
  * @param index The index of the item to be removed.
  * @return The removed item.
 public T removeItemAt(int index) {
   T item = get(index);
   removeItemAtIndex(index, true);
   return item;
예제 #8
  * Removes the provided item from the list and calls {@link Callback#onRemoved(int, int)}.
  * @param item The item to be removed from the list.
  * @return True if item is removed, false if item cannot be found in the list.
 public boolean remove(T item) {
   return remove(item, true);
예제 #9
  * Adds the given item to the list. If this is a new item, SortedList calls {@link
  * Callback#onInserted(int, int)}.
  * <p>If the item already exists in the list and its sorting criteria is not changed, it is
  * replaced with the existing Item. SortedList uses {@link Callback#areItemsTheSame(Object,
  * Object)} to check if two items are the same item and uses {@link
  * Callback#areContentsTheSame(Object, Object)} to decide whether it should call {@link
  * Callback#onChanged(int, int)} or not. In both cases, it always removes the reference to the old
  * item and puts the new item into the backing array even if {@link
  * Callback#areContentsTheSame(Object, Object)} returns false.
  * <p>If the sorting criteria of the item is changed, SortedList won't be able to find its
  * duplicate in the list which will result in having a duplicate of the Item in the list. If you
  * need to update sorting criteria of an item that already exists in the list, use {@link
  * #updateItemAt(int, Object)}. You can find the index of the item using {@link #indexOf(Object)}
  * before you update the object.
  * @param item The item to be added into the list.
  * @return The index of the newly added item.
  * @see {@link Callback#compare(Object, Object)}
  * @see {@link Callback#areItemsTheSame(Object, Object)}
  * @see {@link Callback#areContentsTheSame(Object, Object)}}
 public int add(T item) {
   return add(item, true);