public void retry(long message_id) { Common.logError("retry"); Message msg = TLMessage.get(message_id); if (msg == null) return; TLMessage.delete(message_id); sendMessage(msg); }
public int getUserColor(final long userId, final boolean ignoreCache) { if (userId == -1) return Color.TRANSPARENT; if (!ignoreCache && mUserColors.indexOfKey(userId) >= 0) return mUserColors.get(userId); final int color = mColorPreferences.getInt(Long.toString(userId), Color.TRANSPARENT); mUserColors.put(userId, color); return color; }
public void saveCategory(Category newCategory) { CategoryTree tree = loadCategories(); if ( > 0) { LongSparseArray<Category> map = tree.asIdMap(); Category oldCategory = map.get(; if (oldCategory != null) { oldCategory.title = newCategory.title; Category oldParent = map.get(oldCategory.parentId); Category newParent = map.get(newCategory.parentId); if (newParent != oldParent) { if (oldParent != null) { oldParent.removeChild(oldCategory); } else { tree.removeRoot(oldCategory); } if (newParent != null) { newParent.addChild(oldCategory); } else { tree.addRoot(oldCategory); } } } } else { if (newCategory.parentId > 0) { LongSparseArray<Category> map = tree.asIdMap(); Category parent = map.get(newCategory.parentId); if (parent != null) { parent.addChild(newCategory); } } else { tree.addRoot(newCategory); } } saveCategories(tree); }
public DownloadInfoRunnable getDownload(long id) { if (downloads.get(id) != null) { return downloads.get(id); } else { return new DownloadInfoRunnable(manager, id); } }
private void TL_RpcResult(TL.Object obj) { req_msg_id = obj.getLong("req_msg_id"); TL.Object result = obj.getObject("result"); Message msg = TLMessage.get(req_msg_id); if (msg != null && msg.result != null) msg.result.onResultRPC( result, msg.param, != null &&"rpc_error")); process(result); TLMessage.delete(req_msg_id); }
@Override public boolean performItemClick(View view, int position, long id) { boolean handled = false; boolean dispatchItemClick = true; if (mChoiceMode != CHOICE_MODE_NONE) { handled = true; boolean checkedStateChanged = false; if (mChoiceMode == CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE || mChoiceMode == CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL && mChoiceActionMode != null) { boolean newValue = !mCheckStates.get(position, false); mCheckStates.put(position, newValue); if (mCheckedIdStates != null && mAdapter.hasStableIds()) { if (newValue) { mCheckedIdStates.put(mAdapter.getItemId(position), position); } else { mCheckedIdStates.delete(mAdapter.getItemId(position)); } } if (newValue) { mCheckedItemCount++; } else { mCheckedItemCount--; } if (mChoiceActionMode != null) { mMultiChoiceModeCallback.onItemCheckedStateChanged( mChoiceActionMode, position, id, newValue); dispatchItemClick = false; } checkedStateChanged = true; } else if (mChoiceMode == CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE) { boolean newValue = !mCheckStates.get(position, false); if (newValue) { mCheckStates.clear(); mCheckStates.put(position, true); if (mCheckedIdStates != null && mAdapter.hasStableIds()) { mCheckedIdStates.clear(); mCheckedIdStates.put(mAdapter.getItemId(position), position); } mCheckedItemCount = 1; } else if (mCheckStates.size() == 0 || !mCheckStates.valueAt(0)) { mCheckedItemCount = 0; } checkedStateChanged = true; } if (checkedStateChanged) { updateOnScreenCheckedViews(); } } if (dispatchItemClick) { handled |= super.performItemClick(view, position, id); } return handled; }
@Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(out, flags); out.writeByte((byte) (inActionMode ? 1 : 0)); out.writeInt(checkedItemCount); out.writeSparseBooleanArray(checkState); final int N = checkIdState != null ? checkIdState.size() : 0; out.writeInt(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { out.writeLong(checkIdState.keyAt(i)); out.writeInt(checkIdState.valueAt(i)); } }
@Override public long[] getCheckedItemIds() { if (mChoiceMode == CHOICE_MODE_NONE || mCheckedIdStates == null || mAdapter == null) { return new long[0]; } final LongSparseArray<Integer> idStates = mCheckedIdStates; final int count = idStates.size(); final long[] ids = new long[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ids[i] = idStates.keyAt(i); } return ids; }
@Override public void setItemChecked(int position, boolean value) { if (mChoiceMode == CHOICE_MODE_NONE) { return; } if (value && mChoiceMode == CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL && mChoiceActionMode == null) { mChoiceActionMode = startActionMode(mMultiChoiceModeCallback); } if (mChoiceMode == CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE || mChoiceMode == CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL) { boolean oldValue = mCheckStates.get(position); mCheckStates.put(position, value); if (mCheckedIdStates != null && mAdapter.hasStableIds()) { if (value) { mCheckedIdStates.put(mAdapter.getItemId(position), position); } else { mCheckedIdStates.delete(mAdapter.getItemId(position)); } } if (oldValue != value) { if (value) { mCheckedItemCount++; } else { mCheckedItemCount--; } } if (mChoiceActionMode != null) { final long id = mAdapter.getItemId(position); mMultiChoiceModeCallback.onItemCheckedStateChanged(mChoiceActionMode, position, id, value); } } else { boolean updateIds = mCheckedIdStates != null && mAdapter.hasStableIds(); if (value || isItemChecked(position)) { mCheckStates.clear(); if (updateIds) { mCheckedIdStates.clear(); } } if (value) { mCheckStates.put(position, true); if (updateIds) { mCheckedIdStates.put(mAdapter.getItemId(position), position); } mCheckedItemCount = 1; } else if (mCheckStates.size() == 0 || !mCheckStates.valueAt(0)) { mCheckedItemCount = 0; } } updateOnScreenCheckedViews(); }
/** * Reads all PGPKeyRing objects from input * * @param inputData * @return */ private void generateListOfKeyrings(InputData inputData) { PositionAwareInputStream progressIn = new PositionAwareInputStream(inputData.getInputStream()); // need to have access to the bufferedInput, so we can reuse it for the possible // PGPObject chunks after the first one, e.g. files with several consecutive ASCII // armor blocks BufferedInputStream bufferedInput = new BufferedInputStream(progressIn); try { // parse all keyrings Iterator<UncachedKeyRing> it = UncachedKeyRing.fromStream(bufferedInput); while (it.hasNext()) { UncachedKeyRing ring =; ImportKeysListEntry item = new ImportKeysListEntry(getContext(), ring); mData.add(item); mParcelableRings.put(item.hashCode(), new ParcelableKeyRing(ring.getEncoded())); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "IOException on parsing key file! Return NoValidKeysException!", e); OperationResult.OperationLog log = new OperationResult.OperationLog(); log.add(OperationResult.LogType.MSG_GET_NO_VALID_KEYS, 0); GetKeyResult getKeyResult = new GetKeyResult(GetKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR_NO_VALID_KEYS, log); mEntryListWrapper = new AsyncTaskResultWrapper<ArrayList<ImportKeysListEntry>>(mData, getKeyResult); } }
@Override public void setAdapter(ListAdapter adapter) { if (adapter == null) { mAdapter = null; } else if (mForceHeaderListAdapter || mHeaderViewInfos.size() > 0 || mFooterViewInfos.size() > 0) { mAdapter = new HeaderViewListAdapter( mHeaderViewInfos, mFooterViewInfos, adapter, mListAdapterCallback); } else { mAdapter = new ListAdapterWrapper(adapter, mListAdapterCallback); } if (mAdapter != null) { mAdapterHasStableIds = mAdapter.hasStableIds(); if (mChoiceMode != CHOICE_MODE_NONE && mAdapterHasStableIds && mCheckedIdStates == null) { mCheckedIdStates = new LongSparseArray<Integer>(); } } if (mCheckStates != null) { mCheckStates.clear(); } if (mCheckedIdStates != null) { mCheckedIdStates.clear(); } super.setAdapter(mAdapter); }
public void deleteCategoryById(long id) { if (id > 0) { CategoryTree tree = loadCategories(); LongSparseArray<Category> map = tree.asIdMap(); Category category = map.get(id); if (category != null) { Category parent = category.parent; if (parent == null) { tree.removeRoot(category); } else { parent.removeChild(category); } saveCategories(tree); } } }
public void clearUserColor(final long userId) { if (userId < 0) return; mUserColors.remove(userId); final SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mColorPreferences.edit(); editor.remove(Long.toString(userId)); editor.apply(); }
private void TL_RpcError(TL.Object obj) { int code = obj.getInt("error_code"); String msg = obj.getString("error_message"); Common.logError(String.format("rpc_error: %s (%d)\n", msg, code)); Message req_msg = TLMessage.get(req_msg_id); if (req_msg == null) return; Common.logError("message object: " + + ":" + req_msg.obj.type); int idx = msg.indexOf("_MIGRATE_"); if (idx > 0) { String type = msg.substring(0, idx); String num = msg.substring(idx + 9); if ((idx = num.indexOf(":")) > 0) num = num.substring(0, idx); int dc_id = Integer.parseInt(num); Common.logError("redirect to dc: " + dc_id); MTProto m = MTProto.getConnection(dc_id, cb, reuseFlag); cb.onRedirect(m); if (type.equals("PHONE") || type.equals("NETWORK") || type.equals("USER")) dc_this = dc_id; m.sendMessage(req_msg); } }
private void TL_BadMsgNotification(TL.Object obj) { int error_code = obj.getInt("error_code"); Message msg = TLMessage.get(obj.getLong("bad_msg_id")); Common.logError("bad_msg: " + error_code + " " + + ":" + msg.obj.type); if (error_code == 16 || error_code == 17) { time_delta = (int) ((cur_message_id >> 32) - Common.getUnixTime()); last_message_id = 0; } if (error_code == 32 || error_code == 33) { Common.logError("cur seq: " + cur_msg_seq); Common.logError("old seq: " + seqno); if (!bad_seq) { session = GEN_session_id(); seqno = 0; send_ping(); bad_seq = true; } // seqno = cur_msg_seq + (cur_msg_seq % 2) + 100; // session = GEN_session_id(); // seqno = 0; } if ( == 0xedab447b) { // bad_server_salt server_salt = obj.getLong("new_server_salt"); dcState.set("server_salt", server_salt); } retry(obj.getLong("bad_msg_id")); }
public void setUserColor(final long userId, final int color) { if (userId < 0) return; mUserColors.put(userId, color); final SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mColorPreferences.edit(); editor.putInt(String.valueOf(userId), color); editor.apply(); }
private void TL_MsgsAck(TL.Object obj) { TL.Vector msg_ids = obj.getVector("msg_ids"); for (int i = 0; i < msg_ids.count; i++) { Message msg = TLMessage.get(msg_ids.getLong(i)); if (msg != null) msg.accepted = true; // TLMessage.delete(msg_ids.getLong(i)); } }
@Override public View getHeader(RecyclerView parent, int position) { long headerId = mAdapter.getHeaderId(position); View header = mHeaderViews.get(headerId); if (header == null) { // TODO - recycle views RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder = mAdapter.onCreateHeaderViewHolder(parent); mAdapter.onBindHeaderViewHolder(viewHolder, position); header = viewHolder.itemView; if (header.getLayoutParams() == null) { header.setLayoutParams( new ViewGroup.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); } int widthSpec; int heightSpec; if (mOrientationProvider.getOrientation(parent) == LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL) { widthSpec = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(parent.getWidth(), View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); heightSpec = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(parent.getHeight(), View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); } else { widthSpec = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(parent.getWidth(), View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); heightSpec = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(parent.getHeight(), View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); } int childWidth = ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec( widthSpec, parent.getPaddingLeft() + parent.getPaddingRight(), header.getLayoutParams().width); int childHeight = ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec( heightSpec, parent.getPaddingTop() + parent.getPaddingBottom(), header.getLayoutParams().height); header.measure(childWidth, childHeight); header.layout(0, 0, header.getMeasuredWidth(), header.getMeasuredHeight()); mHeaderViews.put(headerId, header); } return header; }
/** Called when one specific passphrase for keyId timed out. */ private void removeTimeoutedPassphrase(long keyId) { CachedPassphrase cPass = mPassphraseCache.get(keyId); if (cPass != null) { if (cPass.mPassphrase != null) { // clean internal char[] from memory! cPass.mPassphrase.removeFromMemory(); } // remove passphrase object mPassphraseCache.remove(keyId); } Log.d( Constants.TAG, "PassphraseCacheService Timeout of keyId " + keyId + ", removed from memory!"); updateService(); }
@Override public void clearChoices() { if (mCheckStates != null) { mCheckStates.clear(); } if (mCheckedIdStates != null) { mCheckedIdStates.clear(); } mCheckedItemCount = 0; }
private void removeScreenLockPassphrases() { for (int i = 0; i < mPassphraseCache.size(); ) { CachedPassphrase cPass = mPassphraseCache.valueAt(i); if (cPass.mTimeoutMode == TimeoutMode.LOCK) { // remove passphrase object mPassphraseCache.removeAt(i); continue; } // only do this if we didn't remove at, which continues loop by reducing size! i += 1; } Log.d( Constants.TAG, "PassphraseCacheService Removing all cached-until-lock passphrases from memory!"); updateService(); }
private void updateService() { if (mPassphraseCache.size() > 0) { startForeground(Constants.Notification.PASSPHRASE_CACHE, getNotification()); } else { // stop whole service if no cached passphrases remaining Log.d( Constants.TAG, "PassphraseCacheService: No passphrases remaining in memory, stopping service!"); stopForeground(true); } }
private Notification getNotification() { NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); builder .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_stat_notify_24dp) .setColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.primary)) .setContentTitle( getResources() .getQuantityString( R.plurals.passp_cache_notif_n_keys, mPassphraseCache.size(), mPassphraseCache.size())) .setContentText(getString(R.string.passp_cache_notif_touch_to_clear)); NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle(); inboxStyle.setBigContentTitle(getString(R.string.passp_cache_notif_keys)); // Moves events into the big view for (int i = 0; i < mPassphraseCache.size(); i++) { inboxStyle.addLine(mPassphraseCache.valueAt(i).mPrimaryUserId); } // Moves the big view style object into the notification object. builder.setStyle(inboxStyle); Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), PassphraseCacheService.class); intent.setAction(ACTION_PASSPHRASE_CACHE_CLEAR); PendingIntent clearCachePi = PendingIntent.getService( getApplicationContext(), 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); // Add cache clear PI to normal touch builder.setContentIntent(clearCachePi); // Add clear PI action below text builder.addAction( R.drawable.ic_close_white_24dp, getString(R.string.passp_cache_notif_clear), clearCachePi); return; }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // download from net if (mSource == { mHeaders.append( GROUP_IN_THEATERS, getActivity().getResources().getString(R.string.film_group_in_theaters)); mHeaders.append( GROUP_MOST_POPULAR, getActivity().getResources().getString(R.string.film_group_most_popular)); List<Film> downloadedFilms = ((App) getActivity().getApplicationContext()).downloadedFilms; if (downloadedFilms == null) { // Starting Download Service mReceiver = new DownloadServiceReceiver(new Handler()); mReceiver.setReceiver(this); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SYNC, null, getActivity(), DownloadService.class); // Send optional extras to Download IntentService intent.putExtra("receiver", mReceiver); intent.putExtra("groups", new int[] {GROUP_IN_THEATERS, GROUP_MOST_POPULAR}); getActivity().startService(intent); } else { setFilms(downloadedFilms); } } else if (mSource == { mHeaders.append( GROUP_FAVOURITES, getActivity().getResources().getString(R.string.film_group_favourites)); mDatabase = new FilmDatabase(getActivity()); setFilms(mDatabase.getAll()); } }
public void setReferrer(long id, String referrer) { try { DownloadInfoRunnable downloadInfoRunnable = downloads.get(id); if (downloadInfoRunnable != null) { downloadInfoRunnable.getDownloadExecutor().getApk().setReferrer(referrer); } else { Log.d("AptoideDownloadService", "Downloadinfo for referrer was null"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d("AptoideDownloadService", "error setting referrer"); } }
public SavedState(Parcel in) { super(in); inActionMode = in.readByte() != 0; checkedItemCount = in.readInt(); checkState = in.readSparseBooleanArray(); final int N = in.readInt(); if (N > 0) { checkIdState = new LongSparseArray<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { final long key = in.readLong(); final int value = in.readInt(); checkIdState.put(key, value); } } }
private void download( long id, Download download, FinishedApk apk, ArrayList<DownloadModel> filesToDownload) { DownloadInfoRunnable info = getDownload(id); if (download.getCpiUrl() != null) { apk.setCpiUrl(download.getCpiUrl()); } if (download.getReferrer() != null) { apk.setReferrer(download.getReferrer()); } else { Log.d("AptoideDownloadService", "Creating download with no referrer"); } info.setDownloadExecutor(new DownloadExecutor(apk)); info.setDownload(download); info.setFilesToDownload(filesToDownload); boolean update; try { Aptoide.getContext().getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(download.getPackageName(), 0); update = true; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { update = false; } info.setUpdate(update); downloads.put(info.getId(), info); NotificationCompat.Builder builder = setNotification(info.getId()); info.setmBuilder(builder);; if (mBuilder == null) mBuilder = createDefaultNotification(); startForeground(-3,; startService(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), DownloadService.class)); startIfStopped(); Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), getApplicationContext().getString(R.string.starting_download), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); }
public synchronized boolean sendMessage(Message msg) { if (msg == null) return false; if (!connected || (msg.encrypted && (auth_key == null || auth_key.length == 0)) || bad_seq) { Common.logError("add to queue " + connected + " " + msg.encrypted); TLMessageQueue.add(msg); return false; } ByteBuffer b = null; Common.logInfo("message send: " + + ":" + msg.obj.type); byte[] msg_data = msg.obj.serialize(); /* if (msg_data.length > 255) { Common.logError("compress..."); byte[] data = Common.gzipDeflate(msg_data); // TODO: compress message data if (data.length < msg_data.length && data.length > 32) msg_data = TL.newObject("gzip_packed", data).serialize(); } */ if (msg.encrypted) { long message_id = GEN_message_id(); TLMessage.put(message_id, msg); int size_real = 32 + msg_data.length; int size_padding = (size_real + 15) / 16 * 16; ByteBuffer p = BufferAlloc(size_padding); p.putLong(server_salt); p.putLong(session); p.putLong(message_id); if (msg.accept) seqno++; p.putInt(seqno); if (msg.accept) seqno++; p.putInt(msg_data.length); p.put(msg_data); byte[] data = p.array(); GEN_random_bytes(data, p.position(), data.length); // encrypt data byte[] msg_key = Common.ASUB(Common.getSHA1(Common.ASUB(data, 0, size_real)), 4, 16); synchronized (aes) { aes.prepare(true, msg_key, auth_key); data = aes.IGE(data, true); } // write encrypted packet b = BufferAlloc(24 + data.length); b.putLong(auth_key_id); b.put(msg_key); b.put(data); } else { b = BufferAlloc(20 + msg_data.length); b.putLong(0); b.putLong(GEN_message_id()); b.putInt(msg_data.length); b.put(msg_data); } try { synchronized (transport) { transport.send(b.array()); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } }
/** * Get the final moves that we want to upsync to the server, setting the status in the DB for all * rows to {@link #STATUS_PROCESSING} that are being updated and to {@link #STATUS_FAILED} for any * old updates. Messages whose sequence of pending moves results in a no-op (i.e. the message has * been moved back to its original folder) have their moves cleared from the DB without any * upsync. * * @param context A {@link Context}. * @param accountId The account we want to update. * @return The final moves to send to the server, or null if there are none. */ public static List<MessageMove> getMoves(final Context context, final long accountId) { final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); final Cursor c = getCursor(cr, CONTENT_URI, ProjectionMoveQuery.PROJECTION, accountId); if (c == null) { return null; } // Collapse any rows in the cursor that are acting on the same message. We know the cursor // returned by getRowsToProcess is ordered from oldest to newest, and we use this fact to // get the original and final folder for the message. LongSparseArray<MessageMove> movesMap = new LongSparseArray(); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { final long id = c.getLong(ProjectionMoveQuery.COLUMN_ID); final long messageKey = c.getLong(ProjectionMoveQuery.COLUMN_MESSAGE_KEY); final String serverId = c.getString(ProjectionMoveQuery.COLUMN_SERVER_ID); final long srcFolderKey = c.getLong(ProjectionMoveQuery.COLUMN_SRC_FOLDER_KEY); final long dstFolderKey = c.getLong(ProjectionMoveQuery.COLUMN_DST_FOLDER_KEY); final String srcFolderServerId = c.getString(ProjectionMoveQuery.COLUMN_SRC_FOLDER_SERVER_ID); final String dstFolderServerId = c.getString(ProjectionMoveQuery.COLUMN_DST_FOLDER_SERVER_ID); final MessageMove existingMove = movesMap.get(messageKey); if (existingMove != null) { if (existingMove.mLastId >= id) { LogUtils.w(LOG_TAG, "Moves were not in ascending id order"); } if (!existingMove.mDstFolderServerId.equals(srcFolderServerId) || existingMove.mDstFolderKey != srcFolderKey) { LogUtils.w(LOG_TAG, "existing move's dst not same as this move's src"); } existingMove.mDstFolderKey = dstFolderKey; existingMove.mDstFolderServerId = dstFolderServerId; existingMove.mLastId = id; } else { movesMap.put( messageKey, new MessageMove( messageKey, serverId, id, srcFolderKey, dstFolderKey, srcFolderServerId, dstFolderServerId)); } } } finally { c.close(); } // Prune any no-op moves (i.e. messages that have been moved back to the initial folder). final int moveCount = movesMap.size(); final long[] unmovedMessages = new long[moveCount]; int unmovedMessagesCount = 0; final ArrayList<MessageMove> moves = new ArrayList(moveCount); for (int i = 0; i < movesMap.size(); ++i) { final MessageMove move = movesMap.valueAt(i); // We also treat changes without a server id as a no-op. if ((move.mServerId == null || move.mServerId.length() == 0) || move.mSrcFolderKey == move.mDstFolderKey) { unmovedMessages[unmovedMessagesCount] = move.mMessageKey; ++unmovedMessagesCount; } else { moves.add(move); } } if (unmovedMessagesCount != 0) { deleteRowsForMessages(cr, CONTENT_URI, unmovedMessages, unmovedMessagesCount); } if (moves.isEmpty()) { return null; } return moves; }
@Override public void invalidate() { mHeaderViews.clear(); }