static void initialBackground(
     GuidedStepSupportFragment fragment, int id, FragmentTransaction ft) {
   if (fragment.getContainerIdForBackground() != View.NO_ID) {
     Fragment backgroundFragment = fragment.onProvideBackgroundSupportFragment();
     if (backgroundFragment != null) {
       ft.replace(fragment.getContainerIdForBackground(), backgroundFragment);
   * Adds the specified GuidedStepSupportFragment to the fragment stack, replacing any existing
   * GuidedStepSupportFragments in the stack, and configuring the fragment-to-fragment custom
   * transitions. A backstack entry is added, so the fragment will be dismissed when BACK key is
   * pressed.
   * <li>If current fragment on stack is GuidedStepSupportFragment: assign {@link #UI_STYLE_DEFAULT}
   * <li>If current fragment on stack is not GuidedStepSupportFragment: assign {@link
   *     <p>Note: currently fragments added using this method must be created programmatically
   *     rather than via XML.
   * @param fragmentManager The FragmentManager to be used in the transaction.
   * @param fragment The GuidedStepSupportFragment to be inserted into the fragment stack.
   * @param id The id of container to add GuidedStepSupportFragment, can be
   * @return The ID returned by the call FragmentTransaction.replace.
  public static int add(
      FragmentManager fragmentManager, GuidedStepSupportFragment fragment, int id) {
    boolean inGuidedStep = getCurrentGuidedStepSupportFragment(fragmentManager) != null;
        && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21
        && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23
        && !inGuidedStep
        && fragment.getContainerIdForBackground() != View.NO_ID) {
      // workaround b/22631964 for framework fragment
          .replace(id, new DummyFragment(), TAG_LEAN_BACK_ACTIONS_FRAGMENT)
          .replace(fragment.getContainerIdForBackground(), new DummyFragment())
    FragmentTransaction ft = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

    fragment.setUiStyle(inGuidedStep ? UI_STYLE_DEFAULT : UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE);
    initialBackground(fragment, id, ft);
    return ft.replace(id, fragment, TAG_LEAN_BACK_ACTIONS_FRAGMENT).commit();