예제 #1
  * 启动Aviary图片编辑器
  * @param uri 图片的URI
  * @param outputFilePath 输出的图片的路径
 private void startFeather(Uri uri, String outputFilePath) {
   // Create the intent needed to start feather
   Intent newIntent = new Intent(this, FeatherActivity.class);
   // set the source image uri
   // pass the required api_key and secret
   newIntent.putExtra("API_KEY", API_KEY);
   // pass the uri of the destination image file (optional)
   // This will be the same uri you will receive in the onActivityResult
   newIntent.putExtra("output", Uri.parse("file://" + outputFilePath)); // 返回时data中保存的uri
   // format of the destination image (optional)
   newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_OUTPUT_FORMAT, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.name());
   // output format quality (optional)
   newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_OUTPUT_QUALITY, 90);
   newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_TOOLS_DISABLE_VIBRATION, true);
   final DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
   int max_size = Math.min(metrics.widthPixels, metrics.heightPixels);
   max_size = (int) (max_size / 0.8);
   newIntent.putExtra("max-image-size", max_size);
   // Enable/disable the default borders for the effects
   newIntent.putExtra("effect-enable-borders", true);
   // The session-id key must be 64 char length
   mSessionId = StringUtils.getSha256(System.currentTimeMillis() + API_KEY);
   newIntent.putExtra("output-hires-session-id", mSessionId);
   startActivityForResult(newIntent, ConstantUtil.REQUEST_AVIARY_FEATURE);
예제 #2
  public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext)
      throws JSONException {
    mFolderName = args.isNull(10) ? mFolderName : args.getString(10);
    mGalleryFolder = createFolders();

    if (action.equals("show")) {
      try {
        Log.i(LOG_TAG, action);
        this.callbackContext = callbackContext;

        // make sure an image URI has been provided
        if (args.isNull(0)) {
          callbackContext.error("Cannot start aviary, an image URI is required.");
          return true;

        // parameters
        String source = args.getString(0); // 0 - image URI
        String outputFormat =
                ? Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.name()
                : args.getString(1); // 1 - EXTRA_OUTPUT_FORMAT
        int quality = args.isNull(2) ? 95 : args.getInt(2); // 2 - EXTRA_OUTPUT_QUALITY

        String[] toolList = new String[] {}; // 3 - EXTRA_TOOLS_LIST
        if (!args.isNull(3)) {
          JSONArray toolArray = args.getJSONArray(3);
          toolList = new String[toolArray.length()];
          for (int i = 0; i < toolArray.length(); i++) {
            toolList[i] = toolArray.getString(i);

        Boolean hideExitUnsaveConfirmation =
            args.isNull(4) ? false : args.getBoolean(4); // 4 - EXTRA_HIDE_EXIT_UNSAVE_CONFIRMATION
        Boolean enableEffectsPacks =
            args.isNull(5) ? false : args.getBoolean(5); // 5 - EXTRA_EFFECTS_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_PACKS
        Boolean enableFramesPacks =
            args.isNull(6) ? false : args.getBoolean(6); // 6 - EXTRA_FRAMES_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_PACKS
        Boolean enableStickersPacks =
            args.isNull(7) ? false : args.getBoolean(7); // 7 - EXTRA_STICKERS_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_PACKS
        Boolean disableVibration =
            args.isNull(8) ? false : args.getBoolean(8); // 8 - EXTRA_TOOLS_DISABLE_VIBRATION
        Boolean inSaveOnNoChanges =
            args.isNull(9) ? true : args.getBoolean(9); // 9 - EXTRA_IN_SAVE_ON_NO_CHANGES

        // get URI
        Uri uri = Uri.parse(source);

        // first check the external storage availability
        if (!isExternalStorageAvilable()) {
          callbackContext.error("Cannot start aviary, external storage unavailable.");
          return true;
        String mOutputFilePath;

        // create a temporary file where to store the resulting image
        File file = getNextFileName();
        if (null != file) {
          mOutputFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
        } else {
          callbackContext.error("Cannot start aviary, failed to create a temp file.");
          return true;

        // Create the intent needed to start feather
        Class<FeatherActivity> clsAviary = FeatherActivity.class;
        Intent newIntent = new Intent(this.cordova.getActivity(), clsAviary);

        // set the parameters
        newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.parse("file://" + mOutputFilePath));
        newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_OUTPUT_FORMAT, outputFormat);
        newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_OUTPUT_QUALITY, quality);

        if (toolList.length > 0) {
          newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_TOOLS_LIST, toolList);

            Constants.EXTRA_HIDE_EXIT_UNSAVE_CONFIRMATION, hideExitUnsaveConfirmation);

        newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_EFFECTS_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_PACKS, enableEffectsPacks);
        newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_FRAMES_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_PACKS, enableFramesPacks);
        newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_STICKERS_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_PACKS, enableStickersPacks);

        // http://developers.aviary.com/docs/android/intent-parameters#EXTRA_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE
        // newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, 1000);

        // since a minor bug exists that when explicitly setting this to false disables vibration so
        // only set if true
        if (disableVibration) {
          newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_TOOLS_DISABLE_VIBRATION, disableVibration);

        newIntent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_IN_SAVE_ON_NO_CHANGES, inSaveOnNoChanges);

        cordova.getActivity().startActivityForResult(newIntent, ACTION_REQUEST_FEATHER);
        return true;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.toString());
        callbackContext.error("Unknown error occured showing aviary.");
    } else if (action.equals("prepareForShow")) {
      // nothing to do on Android

    return false;