public static void handlePreferenceAppearance(ListActivity activity) { PreferenceConfiguration configuration = PreferenceConfiguration.getInstance(); boolean valid = null == configuration ? false : configuration.isPreferenceConfigurationValid(); if (valid) { int style = configuration.getTitleStyle(); if (style > 0) { activity.setTheme(style); } int color = configuration.getTitleColor(); if (color != 0) { TextView titleView = (TextView) activity.getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(; if (null != titleView) { titleView.setTextColor(color); } } Drawable line = configuration.getSeparateLine(); if (null != line) { activity.getListView().setDivider(line); } Drawable bg = configuration.getBackground(); if (null != bg) { activity.getListView().setCacheColorHint(0x00000000); // activity.getListView().setBackgroundDrawable(bg); activity.getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(bg); } // 滚动条等有图之后再看看 } }
public void refresh() { final SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder view = new DefaultTargetViewBinder(adapter); final Cursor cursor = adapter.fetchByRiposteId(id.value); final ListView listView = activity.getListView(); final ComponentIndex rowIndex = new ComponentIndex(R.layout.target_row); final TargetListMapping mapping = new TargetListMapping(); lists.refresh(activity, cursor, listView, rowIndex, mapping, view); }
/** Set the Drawable for the list selector etc. based on the current theme. */ public static void updateListDrawables(ListActivity la, int theme) { ListView lv = la.getListView(); if (Util.isLightTheme(theme)) { lv.setBackgroundResource(android.R.color.background_light); lv.setSelector(R.drawable.list_selector_blue); } else /* if (Common.isDarkTheme(theme)) */ { lv.setSelector(android.R.drawable.list_selector_background); } }
public static <LI extends ListItem> void attach( @Nonnull ListActivity listActivity, @Nonnull ListItemAdapter<? extends LI> adapter) { listActivity.setListAdapter(adapter); fillListView(listActivity.getListView(), adapter, listActivity); }
public EndlessListAdapter(ListActivity activity, int progressItemLayoutResId) { this(activity, activity.getListView(), progressItemLayoutResId); }