private void setComposite(Composite comp, int flags) { // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); if (comp instanceof AlphaComposite) { AlphaComposite ac = (AlphaComposite) comp; rq.ensureCapacity(16); buf.putInt(SET_ALPHA_COMPOSITE); buf.putInt(ac.getRule()); buf.putFloat(ac.getAlpha()); buf.putInt(flags); } else if (comp instanceof XORComposite) { int xorPixel = ((XORComposite) comp).getXorPixel(); rq.ensureCapacity(8); buf.putInt(SET_XOR_COMPOSITE); buf.putInt(xorPixel); } else { throw new InternalError("not yet implemented"); } }
private void setClip(Region clip) { // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); if (clip.isRectangular()) { rq.ensureCapacity(20); buf.putInt(SET_RECT_CLIP); buf.putInt(clip.getLoX()).putInt(clip.getLoY()); buf.putInt(clip.getHiX()).putInt(clip.getHiY()); } else { rq.ensureCapacity(28); // so that we have room for at least a span buf.putInt(BEGIN_SHAPE_CLIP); buf.putInt(SET_SHAPE_CLIP_SPANS); // include a placeholder for the span count int countIndex = buf.position(); buf.putInt(0); int spanCount = 0; int remainingSpans = buf.remaining() / BYTES_PER_SPAN; int span[] = new int[4]; SpanIterator si = clip.getSpanIterator(); while (si.nextSpan(span)) { if (remainingSpans == 0) { buf.putInt(countIndex, spanCount); rq.flushNow(); buf.putInt(SET_SHAPE_CLIP_SPANS); countIndex = buf.position(); buf.putInt(0); spanCount = 0; remainingSpans = buf.remaining() / BYTES_PER_SPAN; } buf.putInt(span[0]); // x1 buf.putInt(span[1]); // y1 buf.putInt(span[2]); // x2 buf.putInt(span[3]); // y2 spanCount++; remainingSpans--; } buf.putInt(countIndex, spanCount); rq.ensureCapacity(4); buf.putInt(END_SHAPE_CLIP); } }
private void resetTransform() { // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); rq.ensureCapacity(4); buf.putInt(RESET_TRANSFORM); }
private void resetComposite() { // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); rq.ensureCapacity(4); buf.putInt(RESET_COMPOSITE); }
private void resetClip() { // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); rq.ensureCapacity(4); buf.putInt(RESET_CLIP); }