예제 #1
   * Returns a collection of bounds for reactions included in the given's model metabolism. Note
   * that it has to be a sum of bounds of the parent model (if the given model has a parent) and the
   * bounds directly associated with current model.
   * @param model
   * @return collection of bounds for the given model
  Collection<EBounds> getBoundsForModel(EModel model, EntityManager em) {

    if (model.getParent() == null) {
      return model.getEBoundsCollection();
    } else {
       * There are two sources of bounds for each model.
       * First, we retrieve bounds that have been defined for this model
      List<EBounds> res1 =
          em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM EBounds e WHERE e.model = :model")
              .setParameter("model", model)

       * The remaining bounds are taken from the parent model
      List<EBounds> res2 =
                  " SELECT b FROM EModel m, EBounds b WHERE "
                      + " m.id = :modelID AND m.parent IS NOT NULL AND "
                      + " b.model = m.parent AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT c "
                      + " FROM EBounds c WHERE c.model = :model AND "
                      + " b.reaction = c.reaction )")
              .setParameter("modelID", model.getId())
              .setParameter("model", model)
      return res1;