/** * Wrapper method to send Invite to a user to become colleague * * @param profile profile of the user to whom the invite is to be sent * @param inviteMsg Invite message to the other user * @return value is true if invite is sent successfully else value is false * @throws ProfileServiceException */ public boolean sendInvite(Profile profile, String inviteMsg) throws ProfileServiceException { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.entering(sourceClass, "getColleagues", inviteMsg); } if (profile == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(StringUtil.format("A null profile was passed")); } Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); String url = resolveProfileUrl( ProfileEntity.NONADMIN.getProfileEntityType(), ProfileType.CONNECTIONS.getProfileType()); if (isEmail(profile.getReqId())) { parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.EMAIL, profile.getReqId()); } else { parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.USERID, profile.getReqId()); } parameters.put("connectionType", "colleague"); XMLProfilesPayloadBuilder builder = XMLProfilesPayloadBuilder.INSTANCE; Object content = builder.generateInviteRequestPayload(inviteMsg); // getClientService().post(url, parameters, content); boolean result = executePost(url, parameters, null, content, null); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.exiting(sourceClass, "getColleagues"); } return result; }
/** * Wrapper method to accept a Invite * * @param connectionId unique id of the connection * @param title message to the other user * @param content message to the other user * @return if invite is accepted then return true * @throws ProfileServiceException */ public boolean acceptInvite(String connectionId, String title, String content) throws ProfileServiceException { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.entering(sourceClass, "acceptInvite", connectionId); } Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.CONNECTIONID, connectionId); String url = resolveProfileUrl( ProfileEntity.NONADMIN.getProfileEntityType(), ProfileType.CONNECTION.getProfileType()); XMLProfilesPayloadBuilder builder = XMLProfilesPayloadBuilder.INSTANCE; Object payload = builder.generateAcceptInvitePayload(connectionId, title, content); boolean result = executePut(url, parameters, null, payload, null); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.exiting(sourceClass, "acceptInvite"); } return result; }