/** Removes all SuperActivityToasts and clears the list */ void cancelAllSuperActivityToasts() { removeMessages(Messages.DISPLAY); removeMessages(Messages.REMOVE); for (XActivityToast xActivityToast : mList) { if (xActivityToast.isShowing()) { xActivityToast.getViewGroup().removeView(xActivityToast.getView()); xActivityToast.getViewGroup().invalidate(); } } mList.clear(); }
/** Hide and remove the XActivityToast */ void removeSuperToast(final XActivityToast xActivityToast) { /* If XActivityToast has been dismissed before it shows, do not attempt to show it */ if (!xActivityToast.isShowing()) { mList.remove(xActivityToast); return; } /* If being called somewhere else get rid of delayed remove message */ removeMessages(Messages.REMOVE, xActivityToast); final ViewGroup viewGroup = xActivityToast.getViewGroup(); final View toastView = xActivityToast.getView(); if (viewGroup != null) { Animation animation = getDismissAnimation(xActivityToast); animation.setAnimationListener( new Animation.AnimationListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { /* Do nothing */ } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { if (xActivityToast.getOnDismissWrapper() != null) { xActivityToast.getOnDismissWrapper().onDismiss(xActivityToast.getView()); } /* Show the XActivityToast next in the list if any exist */ ManagerXActivityToast.this.showNextSuperToast(); } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { /* Do nothing */ } }); toastView.startAnimation(animation); viewGroup.removeView(toastView); mList.poll(); } }
/** Removes all SuperActivityToasts and clears the list for a specific activity */ void cancelAllSuperActivityToastsForActivity(Activity activity) { Iterator<XActivityToast> superActivityToastIterator = mList.iterator(); while (superActivityToastIterator.hasNext()) { XActivityToast xActivityToast = superActivityToastIterator.next(); if ((xActivityToast.getActivity()) != null && xActivityToast.getActivity().equals(activity)) { if (xActivityToast.isShowing()) { xActivityToast.getViewGroup().removeView(xActivityToast.getView()); } removeMessages(Messages.DISPLAY, xActivityToast); removeMessages(Messages.REMOVE, xActivityToast); superActivityToastIterator.remove(); } } }
/** Displays a XActivityToast. */ private void displaySuperToast(XActivityToast xActivityToast) { /* If this XActivityToast is somehow already showing do nothing */ if (xActivityToast.isShowing()) { return; } final ViewGroup viewGroup = xActivityToast.getViewGroup(); final View toastView = xActivityToast.getView(); if (viewGroup != null) { try { viewGroup.addView(toastView); if (!xActivityToast.getShowImmediate()) { toastView.startAnimation(getShowAnimation(xActivityToast)); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { this.cancelAllSuperActivityToastsForActivity(xActivityToast.getActivity()); } } /* Dismiss the XActivityToast at the set duration time unless indeterminate */ if (!xActivityToast.isIndeterminate()) { Message message = obtainMessage(Messages.REMOVE); message.obj = xActivityToast; sendMessageDelayed( message, xActivityToast.getDuration() + getShowAnimation(xActivityToast).getDuration()); } }