예제 #1
  private void syncWindowStateNext() throws EOFException {
    AppXrw.logger.info("Enter syncWindowStateNext");

    CreateWindowMsgArgs crtMsgArgs = new CreateWindowMsgArgs();
    WindowXrw win;
    int controllingUserLen;
    int desiredZOrder;
    float rotY; // Currently ignored
    Vector3f userTranslation = new Vector3f();

    crtMsgArgs.wid = bufQueue.nextInt();
    crtMsgArgs.x = (short) bufQueue.nextInt();
    crtMsgArgs.y = (short) bufQueue.nextInt();
    crtMsgArgs.wAndBorder = bufQueue.nextInt();
    crtMsgArgs.hAndBorder = bufQueue.nextInt();
    crtMsgArgs.borderWidth = bufQueue.nextInt();
    controllingUserLen = bufQueue.nextInt();
    desiredZOrder = bufQueue.nextInt();
    rotY = bufQueue.nextFloat(); // Just skipped
    userTranslation.x = bufQueue.nextFloat();
    userTranslation.y = bufQueue.nextFloat();
    userTranslation.z = bufQueue.nextFloat();
    AppXrw.logger.info("userTranslation = " + userTranslation);
    /* TODO: 0.4 protocol:
    int transientFor = bufQueue.nextInt();
    AppXrw.logger.info("transientFor = " + transientFor);
    // TODO: 0.4 protocol: skip isTransient
    int transientFor = bufQueue.nextInt();
    int typeOrdinal = bufQueue.nextInt();
    Window2D.Type type = Window2D.Type.values()[typeOrdinal];
    AppXrw.logger.info("type = " + type);
    int parentWid = bufQueue.nextInt();
    AppXrw.logger.info("parentWid = " + parentWid);

    crtMsgArgs.decorated = (bufQueue.nextByte() == 1) ? true : false;
    AppXrw.logger.info("client = " + client);
    AppXrw.logger.info("crtMsgArgs = " + crtMsgArgs);
    AppXrw.logger.info("desiredZOrder= " + desiredZOrder);

    // Make sure window is ready to receive data on creation
    win = client.createWindow(crtMsgArgs);
    if (win == null) {
      AppXrw.logger.warning("Cannot create slave window for " + crtMsgArgs.wid);

    if (win.getType() != type) {

    // Defer parent assignment until all windows are created
    if (parentWid != WindowXrw.INVALID_WID) {
      windowParents.put(win, parentWid);


    CellTransform userTransformCell = new CellTransform(null, null);

    boolean show = (bufQueue.nextByte() == 1) ? true : false;
    AppXrw.logger.info("show = " + show);

    if (controllingUserLen > 0) {
      byte[] controllingUserBuf = bufQueue.nextBuffer();
      String controllingUser = new String(controllingUserBuf);
      AppXrw.logger.info("controlling user = " + controllingUser);

    int srcWidth = crtMsgArgs.wAndBorder;
    int srcHeight = crtMsgArgs.hAndBorder;
    int[] pixels = new int[srcWidth * srcHeight];

    for (int y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) {
      int srcLineOffset = y * srcWidth;
      for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; x++) {
        pixels[srcLineOffset + x] = bufQueue.nextInt();
    win.displayPixels(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight, pixels);

    /* TODO: 0.4 protocol:
    WindowXrw winTransientFor = client.lookupWindow(transientFor);
    win.setVisibleApp(show, winTransientFor);
예제 #2
  private void initialHandshake() throws EOFException {

    String userName = session.getUserID().getUsername();
    int strLen = userName.length();

    // Inform the server  that we have connected by sending a hello message
    // with the name of this user
    byte[] helloBuf =
        new byte[Proto.ClientMessageType.HELLO.size() + strLen + Proto.SIGNATURE_SIZE];
    helloBuf[0] = (byte) Proto.ClientMessageType.HELLO.ordinal();
    helloBuf[1] = (byte) 0; // pad
    helloBuf[2] = (byte) ((strLen >> 8) & 0xff);
    helloBuf[3] = (byte) (strLen & 0xff);
    System.arraycopy(userName.getBytes(), 0, helloBuf, 4, strLen);
    try {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    AppXrw.logger.info("Broadcast slave Hello message for user " + userName);

    // Get the welcome message from the server. This contains the client id
    // Note: because the master hub broadcasts to all slaves, there is a chance
    // there might be irrelevant messages queued up for this
    // slave. These should be ignored. This come from the fact that it takes
    // some time after the slave joins the connection for the master to become
    // aware of it and to compose and send the welcome message. During this time
    // if there are any incoming messages from the X server they will be
    // forwarded to this slave even if it has not yet been officially welcomed.
    // Since the content of these messages will be reflected in the welcome message
    // and the slave can't really do anything until it is welcomed we need
    // to ignore these messages.

    ServerMessageType type = null;
    do {
      type = getMessageType();
    } while (type != ServerMessageType.WELCOME);
    // TODO: eventually we should add a timeout

    // Skip 3 bytes of pad

    clientId = bufQueue.nextInt();


    // Read the initial window state synchronization
    // part of the welcome message
    int numWins = bufQueue.nextInt();
    AppXrw.logger.info("numWins = " + numWins);
    for (int i = 0; i < numWins; i++) {

    // All windows have been defined. Now assign the parents
    for (WindowXrw win : windowParents.keySet()) {
      Integer parentWid = windowParents.get(win);
      if (parentWid != null) {
        WindowXrw parentWin = client.lookupWindow(parentWid.intValue());
