   * Add a webLinkedFile in the queue if it hasn't been already downloaded and if it respect the
   * good host or protocol
   * @param uri the URI to add
   * @param depth the depth of the URI
   * @param parent the webHtmlFile parent
  public void addLinkedFile(URI uri, int depth, WebFile parent) {
    // creates the webLinkedFile according to the URI
    if (!isUriAlreadyDownloaded(uri)) {
      // verification if the depth is good
      if (depth <= maxDepth) {
        WebLinkedFile webLinkedFile = new WebLinkedFile(uri, depth, parent);
        String webFileHost = Utils.getCompleteHost(webLinkedFile.getURI());

        // filter the linked files with the Filter
        RE r = new RE(regExp);
        if (r.match(webLinkedFile.getFileName())) {
          if (webFileHost.equals(defaultHost)) {
            // add the webHtmlFile in the treeModel
            DiscoveryTreeNode parentNode = (DiscoveryTreeNode) treeRoot.getChild(parent);
            DiscoveryTreeNode node = parentNode.add(webLinkedFile);
            treeModel.nodesWereInserted(parentNode, new int[] {parentNode.getIndex(node)});
            // add the webHtmlFile in the detailledModel
          } else {
            // it is not the same web site or the same protocol
                    + " / "
                    + defaultHost
                    + ": NOT THE SAME HOST OR THE SAME PROTOCOL");