예제 #1
  private void handlerAttackDefend(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {
    Entity attacker = event.getDamager();
    Entity defender = event.getEntity();

    if (attacker != null
        && defender != null
        && attacker instanceof Player
        && defender instanceof Player) {
      // only let adversaries (same warzone, different team) attack each other
      Player a = (Player) attacker;
      Player d = (Player) defender;
      Warzone attackerWarzone = war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(a.getName());
      Team attackerTeam = war.getPlayerTeam(a.getName());
      Warzone defenderWarzone = war.getPlayerTeamWarzone(d.getName());
      Team defenderTeam = war.getPlayerTeam(d.getName());
      if (attackerTeam != null
          && defenderTeam != null
          && attackerTeam != defenderTeam
          && attackerWarzone == defenderWarzone) {
        // Make sure one of the players isn't in the spawn
        //				if(!){
        //				// A real attack: handle death scenario. ==> now handled in entity damage as well
        //				//synchronized(d) {
        ////					if(d.getHealth() <= 0) {
        //////						// Player died, loot him!
        //////						PlayerInventory attackerInv = a.getInventory();
        //////						PlayerInventory defenderInv = d.getInventory();
        //////						HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> noMorePlace = new HashMap<Integer, ItemStack>();
        //////						for(ItemStack stack : defenderInv.getContents()) {
        //////							HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> newNoMorePlace = attackerInv.addItem(stack);
        //////							noMorePlace.putAll(newNoMorePlace);
        //////						}
        //////						// attacker inventory is full, drop the rest.
        //////						if(!noMorePlace.isEmpty()) {
        //////							for(Integer key : noMorePlace.keySet()) {
        //////								ItemStack toDrop = noMorePlace.get(key);
        //////								defender.getWorld().dropItem(defender.getLocation(), toDrop);
        //////							}
        //////						}
        ////						handleDeath(d, defenderWarzone, defenderTeam);
        ////						event.setCancelled(true);
        //					//}
        //				}
        if (defenderTeam.getSpawnVolume().contains(d.getLocation())) { // attacking person in spawn
          war.badMsg(a, "Can't attack a player that's inside his team's spawn.");
        } else if (attackerTeam.getSpawnVolume().contains(a.getLocation())
            && !attackerTeam.getSpawnVolume().contains(d.getLocation())) {
          // only let a player inside spawn attack an enemy player if that player enters the spawn
          war.badMsg(a, "Can't attack a player from inside your spawn.");
        // }
      } else if (attackerTeam != null
          && defenderTeam != null
          && attackerTeam == defenderTeam
          && attackerWarzone == defenderWarzone
          && attacker.getEntityId() != defender.getEntityId()) {
        // same team, but not same person
        if (attackerWarzone.getFriendlyFire()) {
              "Friendly fire is on! Please, don't hurt your teammates."); // if ff is on, let the
                                                                          // attack go through
        } else {
          war.badMsg(a, "Your attack missed! Your target is on your team.");
          event.setCancelled(true); // ff is off
      } else if (attackerTeam == null && defenderTeam == null && !war.isPvpInZonesOnly()) {
        // let normal PVP through is its not turned off
      } else if (attackerTeam == null && defenderTeam == null && war.isPvpInZonesOnly()) {
            "Your attack missed! Global PVP is turned off. You can only attack other players in warzones. Try /warhub, /zones and /zone.");
        event.setCancelled(true); // global pvp is off
      } else {
        war.badMsg(a, "Your attack missed!");
        if (attackerTeam == null) {
              "You must join a team "
                  + ", then you'll be able to damage people "
                  + "in the other teams in that warzone.");
        } else if (defenderTeam == null) {
          war.badMsg(a, "Your target is not in a team.");
        } else if (attackerTeam == defenderTeam) {
          war.badMsg(a, "Your target is on your team.");
        } else if (attackerWarzone != defenderWarzone) {
          war.badMsg(a, "Your target is playing in another warzone.");
        event.setCancelled(true); // can't attack someone inside a warzone if you're not in a team

      //			if(event.isCancelled() && event instanceof EntityDamageByProjectileEvent) {
      //				//((EntityDamageByProjectileEvent)event).setBounce(true);
      //			}