예제 #1
  public final boolean isFacing(Vector vector) {
    vector = vector.copy();

    return normal.getDotProduct(vector) >= 0.0D;
  public void testIterator() throws Exception {
    Iterator<Vector.Element> iterator = test.iterateNonZero();
    checkIterator(iterator, gold);

    iterator = test.iterator();
    checkIterator(iterator, gold);

    double[] doubles = {0.0, 5.0, 0, 3.0};
    RandomAccessSparseVector zeros = new RandomAccessSparseVector(doubles.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < doubles.length; i++) {
      zeros.setQuick(i, doubles[i]);
    iterator = zeros.iterateNonZero();
    checkIterator(iterator, doubles);
    iterator = zeros.iterator();
    checkIterator(iterator, doubles);

    doubles = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0};
    zeros = new RandomAccessSparseVector(doubles.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < doubles.length; i++) {
      zeros.setQuick(i, doubles[i]);
    iterator = zeros.iterateNonZero();
    checkIterator(iterator, doubles);
    iterator = zeros.iterator();
    checkIterator(iterator, doubles);
예제 #3
  private void boundary(Particle particle) {

    Vector positionInBoundary = particle.getPosition().clone();
    Vector velocityInBoundary = particle.getVelocity().clone();

    der lantern renderer verändert die übergebenen winkel, somit muss ich hier schauen,
    dass auch die auslenkung wieder ausgleiche.

    if (positionInBoundary.x < -(BOUNDARY * 0.5f)) {
      positionInBoundary.x = -(BOUNDARY * 0.5f);
      velocityInBoundary.x *= -BUMP_DECELERATION; // reverse and damp
    if (positionInBoundary.x > (BOUNDARY * 0.5f)) {
      positionInBoundary.x = (BOUNDARY * 0.5f);
      velocityInBoundary.x *= -BUMP_DECELERATION; // reverse and damp

    if (positionInBoundary.y < -(BOUNDARY * 0.5f)) {
      positionInBoundary.y = -(BOUNDARY * 0.5f);
      velocityInBoundary.y *= -BUMP_DECELERATION; // reverse and damp
    if (positionInBoundary.y > (BOUNDARY * 1.8)) {
      positionInBoundary.y = (BOUNDARY * 1.8f);
      velocityInBoundary.y *= -BUMP_DECELERATION; // reverse and damp

 public void testSparseDoubleVectorInt() throws Exception {
   Vector val = new RandomAccessSparseVector(4);
   assertEquals("size", 4, val.size());
   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
     assertEquals("get [" + i + ']', 0.0, val.get(i));
 public void testAssignDoubleArray() throws Exception {
   double[] array = new double[test.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
     assertEquals("value[" + i + ']', 0.0, test.getQuick(i));
      aliases = {"clipboard", "copy"},
      usage = "",
      desc = "Choose the clipboard brush",
      help =
          "Chooses the clipboard brush.\n"
              + "The -a flag makes it not paste air.\n"
              + "Without the -p flag, the paste will appear centered at the target location. "
              + "With the flag, then the paste will appear relative to where you had "
              + "stood relative to the copied area when you copied it.")
  public void clipboardBrush(
      Player player,
      LocalSession session,
      EditSession editSession,
      @Switch('a') boolean ignoreAir,
      @Switch('p') boolean usingOrigin)
      throws WorldEditException {
    ClipboardHolder holder = session.getClipboard();
    Clipboard clipboard = holder.getClipboard();

    Vector size = clipboard.getDimensions();


    BrushTool tool = session.getBrushTool(player.getItemInHand());
    tool.setBrush(new ClipboardBrush(holder, ignoreAir, usingOrigin), "worldedit.brush.clipboard");

    player.print("Clipboard brush shape equipped.");
예제 #7
 public void extendedConstructorTest_ComponentsMatchGivenComponents_IllegalYComponent() {
   Vector v = new Vector(5, Double.NaN);
   assertTrue(Util.fuzzyEquals(v._X(), 5));
   assertFalse(Util.fuzzyEquals(v._Y(), 6));
   assertTrue(Util.fuzzyEquals(v._Y(), 0));
예제 #8
  * Returns the dot product of the two vectors. It's the user responsibility to make sure that each
  * vector has the same dimensions.
 public static double unCheckedDotProduct(Vector A, Vector B) {
   double result = 0;
   double[] dataA = A.getData();
   double[] dataB = B.getData();
   for (int i = 0; i < A.getLength(); i++) result += dataA[i] * dataB[i];
   return result;
예제 #9
 public static void crossProduct3D(Vector A, Vector B, Vector C) {
   if (B.getData().equals(C.getData()))
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inner data structures are the same.");
   if (A.getLength() != 3 || B.getLength() != 3)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vectors should both be 3D vectors");
   unCheckedCrossPorduct3D(A, B, C);
예제 #10
 public void testEquals() {
예제 #11
  * Multiplies the matrix A with the vector B and stores the result in vector C, the inner data
  * arrays of C may NOT be the same as the one in B (So be careful when using vectors from methods
  * like {@link Vector.wrapAround()} or {@link Matrix.wrapAround()}).
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the dimensions of A, B and C are illegal for a
  *     matrix-vector multiplication.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the inner data arrays of B and C are the same.
 public static void mult(Matrix A, Vector B, Vector C) {
   if (B.getData().equals(C.getData()))
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inner data structures are the same.");
   if (A.getnCols() != B.getLength() || A.getnRows() != C.getLength())
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal matrix dimensions.");
   else unCheckedMult(A, B, C);
예제 #12
 /*  сложение векторов поэлементно */
 public void Add(Vector summandVector) {
   if (summandVector.GetSize() == this.GetSize()) {
     for (int i = 0; i < this.GetSize(); i++) {
       this.SetValue(i, this.GetValue(i) + summandVector.GetValue(i));
예제 #13
      aliases = {"/hsphere"},
      usage = "<block> <radius> [raised?] ",
      desc = "Generate a hollow sphere",
      min = 2,
      max = 3)
  public static void hsphere(
      CommandContext args,
      WorldEdit we,
      LocalSession session,
      LocalPlayer player,
      EditSession editSession)
      throws WorldEditException {

    Pattern block = we.getBlockPattern(player, args.getString(0));
    double radius = Math.max(1, args.getDouble(1));
    boolean raised =
        args.argsLength() > 2
            ? (args.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
                || args.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
            : false;

    Vector pos = session.getPlacementPosition(player);
    if (raised) {
      pos = pos.add(0, radius, 0);

    int affected = editSession.makeSphere(pos, block, radius, false);
    player.print(affected + " block(s) have been created.");
예제 #14
 private String transformationStr(Transformation trf) {
   NumberFormat fmt = FloatFormat.getInstance();
   Matrix matrix = trf.matrix();
   Vector vector = trf.vector();
   return "matrix <"
       + fmt.format(matrix.get(Transformation.X, Transformation.X))
       + ","
       + fmt.format(matrix.get(Transformation.Z, Transformation.X))
       + ","
       + fmt.format(matrix.get(Transformation.Y, Transformation.X))
       + ","
       + fmt.format(matrix.get(Transformation.X, Transformation.Z))
       + ","
       + fmt.format(matrix.get(Transformation.Z, Transformation.Z))
       + ","
       + fmt.format(matrix.get(Transformation.Y, Transformation.Z))
       + ","
       + fmt.format(matrix.get(Transformation.X, Transformation.Y))
       + ","
       + fmt.format(matrix.get(Transformation.Z, Transformation.Y))
       + ","
       + fmt.format(matrix.get(Transformation.Y, Transformation.Y))
       + ","
       + fmt.format(vector.getX())
       + ","
       + fmt.format(vector.getZ())
       + ","
       + fmt.format(vector.getY())
       + ">";
 public void testAddToPoint() {
   MapPoint point = new MapPoint(2637887.25, 6815777.50);
   Vector vector = new Vector(600, 800).setLength(1);
   MapPoint newPoint = vector.clone().multiply(0.1).addToPoint(point);
   assertEquals(2637887.31, newPoint.getX(), 0.001);
   assertEquals(6815777.58, newPoint.getY(), 0.001);
예제 #16
 public <M extends Number> void sub(Vector<M> vector) {
   assert (vector.length() == n);
   for (Map.Entry<Integer, M> e : vector.entrySet()) {
     sub(e.getKey(), e.getValue().intValue());
예제 #17
  * Paste from the clipboard.
  * @param editSession
  * @param newOrigin Position to paste it from
  * @param noAir True to not paste air
  * @throws MaxChangedBlocksException
 public void paste(EditSession editSession, Vector newOrigin, boolean noAir, boolean entities)
     throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
   place(editSession, newOrigin.add(offset), noAir);
   if (entities) {
예제 #18
 public Vector getSurfaceNormal(Coordinates c) {
   Vector s = immerseVector(c, ddu);
   Vector t = immerseVector(c, ddv);
   return s.crossProduct(t);
예제 #19
 public float getDistance(Vector vector) {
   return (float)
           Math.pow(vector.getX() - x, 2)
               + Math.pow(vector.getY() - y, 2)
               + Math.pow(vector.getZ() - z, 2));
예제 #20
 public static Point intersectionPoint(Ray ray, Plane plane) {
   Vector rayToPlaneVector = vectorBetween(ray.point, plane.point);
   float scaleFactor =
       rayToPlaneVector.dotProduct(plane.normal) / ray.vector.dotProduct(plane.normal);
   Point intersectionPoint = ray.point.translate(ray.vector.scale(scaleFactor));
   return intersectionPoint;
 public void testGetOver() {
   try {
     fail("expected exception");
   } catch (IndexException e) {
예제 #22
  * Returns the winding number of this polygon, treated as closed. It will be > 0, if the corners
  * are in countercock sense, and < 0, if the corners are in clockwise sense.
 public int winding_number_after_closing() {
   Point[] corner_arr = corner_array();
   if (corner_arr.length < 2) {
     return 0;
   Vector first_side_vector = corner_arr[1].difference_by(corner_arr[0]);
   Vector prev_side_vector = first_side_vector;
   int corner_count = corner_arr.length;
   // Skip the last corner, if it is equal to the first corner.
   if (corner_arr[0].equals(corner_arr[corner_count - 1])) {
   double angle_sum = 0;
   for (int i = 1; i <= corner_count; ++i) {
     Vector next_side_vector;
     if (i == corner_count - 1) {
       next_side_vector = corner_arr[0].difference_by(corner_arr[i]);
     } else if (i == corner_count) {
       next_side_vector = first_side_vector;
     } else {
       next_side_vector = corner_arr[i + 1].difference_by(corner_arr[i]);
     angle_sum += prev_side_vector.angle_approx(next_side_vector);
     prev_side_vector = next_side_vector;
   angle_sum /= 2.0 * Math.PI;
   if (Math.abs(angle_sum) < 0.5) {
     System.out.println("Polygon.winding_number_after_closing: winding number != 0 expected");
   return (int) Math.round(angle_sum);
 public void testTimesVectorCardinality() {
   try {
     test.times(new DenseVector(test.size() + 1));
     fail("expected exception");
   } catch (CardinalityException e) {
예제 #24
 public Vector backProp(Vector error) {
   derivs = fcn.applyDerivative(outputs);
   errors = derivs.multiply(error);
   Vector blame = weights.transpose().multiply(errors);
   // take off the bias signal, the previous layer need not know
   return blame.slice(blame.dim() - 1);
 public void testAssignVector() throws Exception {
   Vector other = new DenseVector(test.size());
   for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
     assertEquals("value[" + i + ']', 0.0, test.getQuick(i));
예제 #26
 public void train() {
   for (int i = 0; i < weights.getM(); ++i) {
     for (int j = 0; j < weights.getN(); ++j) {
       weights.set(i, j, weights.get(i, j) + (learning * inputs.get(i) * errors.get(j)));
예제 #27
  public List<String> query(String query, Integer type) {

    Vector qfea = features.get(query);

    TreeMap<Double, String> score_id =
        new TreeMap<Double, String>(
            new Comparator<Double>() {
              public int compare(Double a, Double b) {
                return -a.compareTo(b);

    Double score;
    for (String eid : type_entities.get(type)) {
      score = qfea.dot(features.get(eid));
      score_id.put(score, eid);

    List<String> rank = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String id : score_id.values()) {
      if (!query.equals(id)) rank.add(id);

    return rank;
예제 #28
   * Adds a position to be used a source.
   * @param pos
   * @return
  public void addSingleSourcePosition(Vector pos) {
    int x = pos.getBlockX();
    int y = pos.getBlockY();
    int z = pos.getBlockZ();

    if (CraftBook.getBlockID(pos) == BlockType.CHEST) {
      ComplexBlock complexBlock = etc.getServer().getComplexBlock(x, y, z);

      if (complexBlock instanceof Chest) {
        Chest chest = (Chest) complexBlock;
        Item[] itemArray = chest.getContents();
        boolean occupied = false;

        // Got to make sure that at least one slot is occupied
        for (int i = 0; itemArray.length > i; i++) {
          if (itemArray[i] != null) {
            // Found an item
            if (itemArray[i].getAmount() > 0) {
              occupied = true;

        if (occupied) {
          chests.add(new ComparableComplexBlock<Chest>(pos.toBlockVector(), chest));
  public void shift(Vector change) throws RegionOperationException {
    pos1 = pos1.add(change);
    pos2 = pos2.add(change);

예제 #30
  private void directory_to_directory(
      String source_base_name, String destination_base_name, String directory_name)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // E.g.
    // source_base_name:        /foo/bar
    // destination_base_name:   /x/y
    // directory_name:     abc
    // - Create /x/y/abc
    // - Copy /foo/bar/abc/* to /x/y/abc/*

    // Get source directory.
    String source_directory_name = Path.concatenate(source_base_name, directory_name);
    File source_directory = File.create(source_directory_name);

    // Get destination directory, creating it if
    // necessary.
    String destination_directory_name = Path.concatenate(destination_base_name, directory_name);
    File destination_directory = File.create(destination_directory_name);

    // Get files in source directory
    String[] source_file_names = source_directory.list();
    Vector source_files = new Vector();
    for (int i = 0; i < source_file_names.length; i++)
      source_files.addElement(File.create(source_directory_name, source_file_names[i]));

    // Copy
    to_directory(source_files, destination_directory);