예제 #1
  private void loadA2D(File f) {
    Reader in = null;
    String q = "", name, value;

    boolean keepOn = true, hasInfo, endOfLine, isHeader;
    int xIndex = 0, yIndex = 0, chIndex;
    char c;

    data = new double[0][0];

    try {
      in = new FileReader(f);

      while (keepOn) {
        chIndex = in.read();
        c = (char) chIndex;

        hasInfo = q.length() > 0;
        endOfLine = (c == '\n');
        isHeader = hasInfo && (q.charAt(0) == '#');

        if (hasInfo && endOfLine && isHeader) {
          name = q.substring(q.indexOf('#') + 1, q.indexOf(':'));
          value = q.substring(q.indexOf(':') + 1).trim();

          if (name.equals("Size")) {
            res = Int2.parseInfoString(value);
            data = new double[res.x][res.y];
          } else if (name.equals("Origin")) this.origin = Pos2d.parseInfoString(value);
          else if (name.equals("Step")) this.step = Vec2d.parseInfoString(value);
          else if (name.equals("SeamlessX")) this.seamlessX = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
          else if (name.equals("SeamlessY")) this.seamlessY = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);

          q = "";
        } else if (hasInfo && (isHeader == false) && (Character.isWhitespace(c) || chIndex == -1)) {
          data[xIndex][yIndex++] = Double.parseDouble(q);
          q = "";

          if (endOfLine) {
            yIndex = 0;
        } else {
          q += c;

        keepOn = (chIndex != -1);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      System.err.println("Fehler beim Lesen der Datei \"" + f.getPath() + "\": " + exc);
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (Exception exc) {
예제 #2
   * Returns a denominator for filtering the wide-field, OTF band 0 with no attenuation.
   * @param wParam Wiener filter parameter
  public Vec2d.Real getWidefieldDenominator(double wParam) {

    Vec2d.Real ret = Vec2d.createReal(sp, 2);
    addWienerDenominator(ret, 0, 0, false);

    final int w = ret.vectorWidth(), h = ret.vectorHeight();
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
      for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) ret.set(x, y, 1 / (ret.get(x, y) + (float) (wParam * wParam)));
    return ret;
예제 #3
   * Returns a copy of a per-band, per-direction Wiener denominator. This is used mostly for
   * filtering intermediate results.
   * @param d Direction
   * @param b Band
   * @param wParam Wiener filter parameter
  public Vec2d.Real getIntermediateDenominator(int d, int b, double wParam) {

    // get the otf
    Vec2d.Real ret = Vec2d.createReal(sp, 2);
    addWienerDenominator(ret, d, b, sp.otf().isAttenuate());

    // add the wiener parameter
    final int w = ret.vectorWidth(), h = ret.vectorHeight();
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
      for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) ret.set(x, y, 1 / (ret.get(x, y) + (float) (wParam * wParam)));
    return ret;
예제 #4
   * Setup the Wiener filter. This (re)initiates the cached filter values. Has to be called if the
   * OTF or the shift parameters change.
  public void updateCache() {

    Tool.Timer t1 = Tool.getTimer();
    final int w = sp.vectorWidth(), h = sp.vectorHeight();

    wDenom = Vec2d.createReal(2 * w, 2 * h);
    boolean useAtt = sp.otf().isAttenuate();

    // loop directions, bands
    for (int d = 0; d < sp.nrDir(); d++) {
      for (int b = 0; b < sp.dir(d).nrBand(); b++) {
        addWienerDenominator(wDenom, d, b, useAtt);

    Tool.trace("Wiener filter setup complete, took " + t1);
예제 #5
  public static Point closestPoint(Vec2d seg_a, Vec2d seg_b, Point circleOrigin) {

    Vec2d seg_v = seg_b.sub(seg_a);
    Vec2d pt_v = new Vec2d(circleOrigin.getX(), circleOrigin.getY()).sub(seg_a);
    Vec2d seg_v_unit = seg_v.div(seg_v.Length());
    double proj = pt_v.Dot(seg_v_unit);
    Point closest;

    if (proj <= 0) {
      closest = new Point(seg_a.x, seg_b.x);
    } else if (proj >= seg_v.Length()) {
      closest = new Point(seg_b.x, seg_b.x);
    } else {
      Vec2d proj_v = seg_v_unit.mul(proj);
      Vec2d newVec = proj_v.add(seg_a);
      closest = new Point(newVec.x, newVec.y);
    return closest;