예제 #1
  public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor data) {
    if (data.moveToFirst()) {
      detailString = convertCursorRowToUXFormat(data);
      if (shareProvider != null) {
      mWeatherId = data.getInt(COL_WEATHER_ID);

      long date = data.getLong(ForecastFragment.COL_WEATHER_DATE);
      // POPULATE THE text views
      mDay.setText(Utility.getDayName(getActivity(), date));
      mDate.setText(Utility.getFormattedMonthDay(getActivity(), date));

          getString(R.string.format_degrees, data.getFloat(ForecastFragment.COL_WEATHER_MAX_TEMP)));
          getString(R.string.format_degrees, data.getFloat(ForecastFragment.COL_WEATHER_MIN_TEMP)));
      mHumidity.setText(getString(R.string.format_humidity, data.getFloat(COL_HUMIDITY)));
      mPressure.setText(getString(R.string.format_pressure, data.getFloat(COL_PRESSURE)));

      float windSpeed = data.getFloat(COL_WIND_SPEED);
      String windDirection = getWindDirection(data.getFloat(COL_DEGREES));
      mWind.setText(getString(R.string.format_wind_kmh, windSpeed, windDirection));
      if (mCompass != null) {

예제 #2
  public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor data) {
    if (data != null && data.moveToFirst()) {
      // Read weather condition ID from cursor
      int weatherId = data.getInt(data.getColumnIndex(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_WEATHER_ID));
      // Use placeholder Image

      // Read date from cursor and update views for day of week and date
      String date = data.getString(data.getColumnIndex(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_DATETEXT));
      String friendlyDateText = Utility.getDayName(getActivity(), date);
      String dateText = Utility.getFormattedMonthDay(getActivity(), date);

      // Read description from cursor and update view
      String description = data.getString(data.getColumnIndex(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_SHORT_DESC));

      // For accessibility, add a content description to the icon field.

      // Read high temperature from cursor and update view
      boolean isMetric = Utility.isMetric(getActivity());

      double high = data.getDouble(data.getColumnIndex(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_MAX_TEMP));
      String highString = Utility.formatTemperature(getActivity(), high, isMetric);

      // Read low temperature from cursor and update view
      double low = data.getDouble(data.getColumnIndex(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_MIN_TEMP));
      String lowString = Utility.formatTemperature(getActivity(), low, isMetric);

      // Read humidity from cursor and update view
      float humidity = data.getFloat(data.getColumnIndex(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_HUMIDITY));
      mHumidityView.setText(getActivity().getString(R.string.format_humidity, humidity));

      // Read wind speed and direction from cursor and update view
      float windSpeedStr = data.getFloat(data.getColumnIndex(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_WIND_SPEED));
      float windDirStr = data.getFloat(data.getColumnIndex(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_DEGREES));
      mWindView.setText(Utility.getFormattedWind(getActivity(), windSpeedStr, windDirStr));

      // Read pressure from cursor and update view
      float pressure = data.getFloat(data.getColumnIndex(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_PRESSURE));
      mPressureView.setText(getActivity().getString(R.string.format_pressure, pressure));

      // We still need this for the share intent
      mForecast = String.format("%s - %s - %s/%s", dateText, description, high, low);

      // If onCreateOptionsMenu has already happened, we need to update the share intent now.
      if (mShareActionProvider != null) {
예제 #3
     * Take the String representing the complete forecast in JSON Format and pull out the data we
     * need to construct the Strings needed for the wireframes.
     * <p>Fortunately parsing is easy: constructor takes the JSON string and converts it into an
     * Object hierarchy for us.
    private ForeCastObj[] getWeatherDataFromJson(String forecastJsonStr, int numDays)
        throws JSONException {

      // These are the names of the JSON objects that need to be extracted.
      final String OWM_LIST = "list";
      final String OWM_WEATHER = "weather";
      final String OWM_TEMPERATURE = "temp";
      final String OWM_MAX = "max";
      final String OWM_MIN = "min";
      final String OWM_DESCRIPTION = "main";

      JSONObject forecastJson = new JSONObject(forecastJsonStr);
      JSONArray weatherArray = forecastJson.getJSONArray(OWM_LIST);

      // OWM returns daily forecasts based upon the local time of the city that is being
      // asked for, which means that we need to know the GMT offset to translate this data
      // properly.

      // Since this data is also sent in-order and the first day is always the
      // current day, we're going to take advantage of that to get a nice
      // normalized UTC date for all of our weather.

      Time dayTime = new Time();

      // we start at the day returned by local time. Otherwise this is a mess.
      int julianStartDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), dayTime.gmtoff);

      // now we work exclusively in UTC
      dayTime = new Time();

      ForeCastObj[] resultStrs = new ForeCastObj[numDays];
      for (int i = 0; i < weatherArray.length(); i++) {
        // For now, using the format "Day, description, hi/low"
        String day;
        String description;
        String highAndLow;

        // Get the JSON object representing the day
        JSONObject dayForecast = weatherArray.getJSONObject(i);

        // The date/time is returned as a long.  We need to convert that
        // into something human-readable, since most people won't read "1400356800" as
        // "this saturday".
        long dateTime;
        // Cheating to convert this to UTC time, which is what we want anyhow
        dateTime = dayTime.setJulianDay(julianStartDay + i);
        // day = getReadableDateString(dateTime);
        day = Utility.getDayName(getApplicationContext(), dateTime);

        // description is in a child array called "weather", which is 1 element long.
        JSONObject weatherObject = dayForecast.getJSONArray(OWM_WEATHER).getJSONObject(0);
        description = weatherObject.getString(OWM_DESCRIPTION);

        // Temperatures are in a child object called "temp".  Try not to name variables
        // "temp" when working with temperature.  It confuses everybody.
        JSONObject temperatureObject = dayForecast.getJSONObject(OWM_TEMPERATURE);
        double high = temperatureObject.getDouble(OWM_MAX);
        double low = temperatureObject.getDouble(OWM_MIN);

        ForeCastObj tmpObj = new ForeCastObj();
        tmpObj.day = day;
        tmpObj.description = description;
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, Unit);
        tmpObj.hight =
                getApplicationContext(), high, (Unit == "metric" ? false : true));
        tmpObj.low =
                getApplicationContext(), low, (Unit == "metric" ? false : true));

        resultStrs[i] = tmpObj;

      return resultStrs;