@Test public void testIsTimeToRemind() { LOG.info("Creating an upgrade response that's due for a reminder."); UpgradeResponse response = UpgradeResponse.fromJSON(TEST_JSON); assertTrue("It should be time to remind.", response.isTimeToRemind(1000L)); LOG.info("Now we shouldn't be due for one."); response.justReminded(); assertFalse("It shouldn't be time to remind.", response.isTimeToRemind(10000L)); }
@Test public void testJustReminded() { LOG.info("Creating an UpgradeResponse to remind the user about."); UpgradeResponse response = UpgradeResponse.fromJSON(TEST_JSON); assertEquals("Last reminder time incorrect.", 0L, response.getLastReminderTimeMillis()); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.info("Resetting last reminder time and verifying."); response.justReminded(); assertTrue( "Last reminder time not updated correctly.", response.getLastReminderTimeMillis() >= currentTime); }