  public void add(Editable point) {
    if (point instanceof PlanningSegment) {

      // hey, is this a closing segment?
      if (point instanceof ClosingSegment) {
        // do we already have one?
        if (this.getSegments().last() instanceof ClosingSegment) {
          // skip....
          _toolParent.logError(ToolParent.WARNING, "Already have closing segment", null);

      // take a copy of the name, to stop it getting manmgled
      String name = point.getName();


      if (point.getName() != name) ((PlanningSegment) point).setName(name);

      // better do a recalc, aswell
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException("can't add this type to a composite track wrapper");
  protected void paintThisFix(CanvasType dest, WorldLocation lastLocation, FixWrapper fw) {
    // set the label format to ]my label format
    if (_lastLabelFormat != null) fw.setLabelFormat(_lastLabelFormat);

    // set the fix font-size to be my font-size

    // and now let it paint
    super.paintThisFix(dest, lastLocation, fw);
  public void bake(
      Transform ownerTransform,
      Transform targetTransform,
      Track ownerTrack,
      Track targetTrack,
      Ipo influenceIpo) {
    TrackWrapper ownerWrapperTrack = ownerTrack != null ? new TrackWrapper(ownerTrack) : null;
    TrackWrapper targetWrapperTrack = targetTrack != null ? new TrackWrapper(targetTrack) : null;

    // uruchamiamy bake dla transformat zalenie od tego, ktre argumenty s nullami, a ktre - nie
    this.bake(ownerTransform, targetTransform, influenceIpo.calculateValue(0));
    if (ownerWrapperTrack != null) {
      float[] ownerTimes = ownerWrapperTrack.getTimes();
      Vector3f[] translations = ownerWrapperTrack.getTranslations();
      Quaternion[] rotations = ownerWrapperTrack.getRotations();
      Vector3f[] scales = ownerWrapperTrack.getScales();

      float[] targetTimes = targetWrapperTrack == null ? null : targetWrapperTrack.getTimes();
      Vector3f[] targetTranslations =
          targetWrapperTrack == null ? null : targetWrapperTrack.getTranslations();
      Quaternion[] targetRotations =
          targetWrapperTrack == null ? null : targetWrapperTrack.getRotations();
      Vector3f[] targetScales = targetWrapperTrack == null ? null : targetWrapperTrack.getScales();
      Vector3f translation = new Vector3f(), scale = new Vector3f();
      Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion();

      Transform ownerTemp = new Transform(), targetTemp = new Transform();
      for (int i = 0; i < ownerTimes.length; ++i) {
        float t = ownerTimes[i];
        if (targetWrapperTrack == null) {
          this.bake(ownerTemp, targetTransform, influenceIpo.calculateValue(i));
        } else {
          // getting the values that are the interpolation of the target track for the time 't'
          this.interpolate(targetTranslations, targetTimes, t, translation);
          this.interpolate(targetRotations, targetTimes, t, rotation);
          this.interpolate(targetScales, targetTimes, t, scale);


          this.bake(ownerTemp, targetTemp, influenceIpo.calculateValue(i));
        // need to clone here because each of the arrays will reference the same instance if they
        // hold the same value in the compact array
        translations[i] = ownerTemp.getTranslation().clone();
        rotations[i] = ownerTemp.getRotation().clone();
        scales[i] = ownerTemp.getScale().clone();
      ownerWrapperTrack.setKeyframes(ownerTimes, translations, rotations, scales);