예제 #1
   * <em>Note:</em> This test <i>does not</i> check {@code insert} function of {@code
   * ContentProvider}. The test only asserts that all columns were created with correct data type.
   * So, in this test, we use pure {@code insert} function of {@code SQLiteDatabase}
  public void checkInsertIntoLinkedArticlesTable() {
    ContentValues testValue = TestUtilities.createLinkedArticleValue();

    long rowId = db.insert(ArticleDatabase.Tables.LINKED_ARTICLES, null, testValue);

    assertTrue(rowId != -1);

    cursor =
            null, // column
            null, // selections
            null, // selection args
            null, // groupBy
            null, // having
            null); // orderBy

    assertTrue("Error: No records returned from Linked Articles table", cursor.moveToFirst());
        "Error: Linked Articles query validation failed", cursor, testValue);

        "Error: More than one record return from Linked Articles query", cursor.moveToNext());
예제 #2
      Students:  Here is where you will build code to test that we can insert and query the
      location database.  We've done a lot of work for you.  You'll want to look in TestUtilities
      where you can uncomment out the "createNorthPoleLocationValues" function.  You can
      also make use of the ValidateCurrentRecord function from within TestUtilities.
  public void testLocationTable() {
    // First step: Get reference to writable database
    SQLiteDatabase db = new WeatherDbHelper(this.mContext).getWritableDatabase();

    // Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    // (you can use the createNorthPoleLocationValues if you wish)
    ContentValues values = TestUtilities.createNorthPoleLocationValues();

    // Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long row = db.insert(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, values);
    assertTrue(row != -1);

    // Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    Cursor cursor =
        db.query(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null);

    // Move the cursor to a valid database row

    // Validate data in resulting Cursor with the original ContentValues
    // (you can use the validateCurrentRecord function in TestUtilities to validate the
    // query if you like)
    TestUtilities.validateCurrentRecord("Error: Location Query validation", cursor, values);

    // Finally, close the cursor and database
예제 #3
      Students:  Here is where you will build code to test that we can insert and query the
      location database.  We've done a lot of work for you.  You'll want to look in TestUtilities
      where you can uncomment out the "createNorthPoleLocationValues" function.  You can
      also make use of the ValidateCurrentRecord function from within TestUtilities.
  public long testLocationTable() {
    // First step: Get reference to writable database
    SQLiteDatabase db = new WeatherDbHelper(this.mContext).getWritableDatabase();
    // Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    // (you can use the createNorthPoleLocationValues if you wish)
    TestUtilities tu = new TestUtilities();
    ContentValues cv = tu.createNorthPoleLocationValues();
    // Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long id = db.insert(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, cv);
    assertFalse("Insert failed. ", id == -1);
    // Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + WeatherContract.LocationEntry.TABLE_NAME, null);
    // Move the cursor to a valid database row
    // Validate data in resulting Cursor with the original ContentValues
    // (you can use the validateCurrentRecord function in TestUtilities to validate the
    // query if you like)
    tu.validateCurrentRecord("Nije isti location record", c, cv);

    // Finally, close the cursor and database

    return id;
예제 #4
     Students:  Here is where you will build code to test that we can insert and query the
     database.  We've done a lot of work for you.  You'll want to look in TestUtilities
     where you can use the "createWeatherValues" function.  You can
     also make use of the validateCurrentRecord function from within TestUtilities.
  public long testWeatherTable() {
    // First insert the location, and then use the locationRowId to insert
    // the weather. Make sure to cover as many failure cases as you can.+
    long locationRowId = insertLocation();
    ContentValues weatherValues = TestUtilities.createWeatherValues(locationRowId);
    // Instead of rewriting all of the code we've already written in testLocationTable
    // we can move this code to insertLocation and then call insertLocation from both
    // tests. Why move it? We need the code to return the ID of the inserted location
    // and our testLocationTable can only return void because it's a test.
    SQLiteDatabase db = new WeatherDbHelper(this.mContext).getWritableDatabase();
    // Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    // (you can use the createNorthPoleLocationValues if you wish)

    // Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long id = db.insert(WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, weatherValues);
    assertFalse("Insert failed. ", id == -1);
    // Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, null);
    // Move the cursor to a valid database row
    // Validate data in resulting Cursor with the original ContentValues
    // (you can use the validateCurrentRecord function in TestUtilities to validate the
    // query if you like)
    TestUtilities.validateCurrentRecord("Nije isti location record", c, weatherValues);

    // Finally, close the cursor and database

    // Finally, close the cursor and database
    return id;
예제 #5
  public long insertLocation() {
    // First step: Get reference to writable database
    SQLiteDatabase db = new WeatherDbHelper(this.mContext).getWritableDatabase();

    // Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    ContentValues weatherValues = TestUtilities.createNorthPoleLocationValues();

    // Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long rowID = TestUtilities.insertNorthPoleLocationValues(this.mContext);
    assertFalse("Insert failed", rowID == -1);

    // Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    Cursor c =
        db.query(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null);

    // Move the cursor to a valid database row
    assertTrue("No records freturned from location query", c.moveToFirst());

    // Validate data in resulting Cursor with the original ContentValues
    // (you can use the validateCurrentRecord function in TestUtilities to validate the
    // query if you like)
        "Location data read from DB did not match ContentValues", c, weatherValues);

    assertFalse("More than one record returned", c.moveToNext());

    // Finally, close the cursor and database
    return rowID;
예제 #6
  public long insertReview(long movieId) {
    MovieDbHelper dbHelper = new MovieDbHelper(mContext);
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues testValues = TestUtilities.createReviewBladerunnerValues(movieId);
    long reviewRowId = db.insert(MoviesContract.ReviewEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, testValues);
    assertTrue(reviewRowId != -1);
    Cursor cursor =
            MoviesContract.ReviewEntry.TABLE_NAME, // Table to Query
            null, // all columns
            null, // Columns for the "where" clause
            null, // Values for the "where" clause
            null, // columns to group by
            null, // columns to filter by row groups
            null // sort order
    assertTrue("Error: No Records returned from review query", cursor.moveToFirst());
        "Error: Review Query Validation Failed", cursor, testValues);

    // Move the cursor to demonstrate that there is only one record in the database
    assertFalse("Error: More than one record returned from review query", cursor.moveToNext());

    // Sixth Step: Close Cursor and Database
    return reviewRowId;
예제 #7
  public long insertMovieXXX(int movieId) {
    // First step: Get reference to writable database
    // If there's an error in those massive SQL table creation Strings,
    // errors will be thrown here when you try to get a writable database.
    MovieDbHelper dbHelper = new MovieDbHelper(mContext);
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();

    // Second Step: Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    // (you can use the createNorthPoleLocationValues if you wish)
    ContentValues testValues;
    if (movieId == 1) {
      testValues = TestUtilities.createMovieBladerunnerValues();
    } else {
      testValues = TestUtilities.createMovieCasablancaValues();

    // Third Step: Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long locationRowId;
    locationRowId = db.insert(MoviesContract.MovieEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, testValues);

    // Verify we got a row back.
    assertTrue(locationRowId != -1);

    // Data's inserted.  IN THEORY.  Now pull some out to stare at it and verify it made
    // the round trip.

    // Fourth Step: Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    // A cursor is your primary interface to the query results.
    Cursor cursor =
            MoviesContract.MovieEntry.TABLE_NAME, // Table to Query
            null, // all columns
            null, // Columns for the "where" clause
            null, // Values for the "where" clause
            null, // columns to group by
            null, // columns to filter by row groups
            null // sort order

    // Move the cursor to a valid database row and check to see if we got any records back
    // from the query
    assertTrue("Error: No Records returned from movie query", cursor.moveToFirst());

    // Fifth Step: Validate data in resulting Cursor with the original ContentValues
    // (you can use the validateCurrentRecord function in TestUtilities to validate the
    // query if you like)
    TestUtilities.validateCurrentRecord("Error: Movie Query Validation Failed", cursor, testValues);

    // Move the cursor to demonstrate that there is only one record in the database
    assertFalse("Error: More than one record returned from movie query", cursor.moveToNext());

    // Sixth Step: Close Cursor and Database
    return locationRowId;
예제 #8
     Students:  Here is where you will build code to test that we can insert and query the
     database.  We've done a lot of work for you.  You'll want to look in TestUtilities
     where you can use the "createWeatherValues" function.  You can
     also make use of the validateCurrentRecord function from within TestUtilities.
  public void testWeatherTable() {
    // First insert the location, and then use the locationRowId to insert
    // the weather. Make sure to cover as many failure cases as you can.

    // Instead of rewriting all of the code we've already written in testLocationTable
    // we can move this code to insertLocation and then call insertLocation from both
    // tests. Why move it? We need the code to return the ID of the inserted location
    // and our testLocationTable can only return void because it's a test.

    long locationRowId = insertLocation();

    // Make sure we have a valid row ID.
    assertFalse("Error: Location Not Inserted Correctly", locationRowId == -1L);

    // First step: Get reference to writable database
    // If there's an error in those massive SQL table creation Strings,
    // errors will be thrown here when you try to get a writable database.
    WeatherDbHelper dbHelper = new WeatherDbHelper(mContext);
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();

    // Second Step (Weather): Create weather values
    ContentValues weatherValues = TestUtilities.createWeatherValues(locationRowId);

    // Third Step (Weather): Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long weatherRowId = db.insert(WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, weatherValues);
    assertTrue(weatherRowId != -1);

    // Fourth Step: Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    // A cursor is your primary interface to the query results.
    Cursor weatherCursor =
            WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, // Table to Query
            null, // leaving "columns" null just returns all the columns.
            null, // cols for "where" clause
            null, // values for "where" clause
            null, // columns to group by
            null, // columns to filter by row groups
            null // sort order

    // Move the cursor to the first valid database row and check to see if we have any rows
    assertTrue("Error: No Records returned from location query", weatherCursor.moveToFirst());

    // Fifth Step: Validate the location Query
        "testInsertReadDb weatherEntry failed to validate", weatherCursor, weatherValues);

    // Move the cursor to demonstrate that there is only one record in the database
        "Error: More than one record returned from weather query", weatherCursor.moveToNext());

    // Sixth Step: Close cursor and database
예제 #9
     Students:  Here is where you will build code to test that we can insert and query the
     database.  We've done a lot of work for you.  You'll want to look in TestUtilities
     where you can use the "createWeatherValues" function.  You can
     also make use of the validateCurrentRecord function from within TestUtilities.
  public void testWeatherTable() {
    // First insert the location, and then use the locationRowId to insert
    // the weather. Make sure to cover as many failure cases as you can.

    // Instead of rewriting all of the code we've already written in testLocationTable
    // we can move this code to insertLocation and then call insertLocation from both
    // tests. Why move it? We need the code to return the ID of the inserted location
    // and our testLocationTable can only return void because it's a test.

    long locationRowId = insertLocation();

    assertFalse("Error: Location Not Inserted Correctly", locationRowId == -1L);
    // First step: Get reference to writable database

    WeatherDbHelper dbHelper = new WeatherDbHelper(mContext);
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();

    // Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    // (you can use the createWeatherValues TestUtilities function if you wish)
    ContentValues weatherValues = TestUtilities.createWeatherValues(locationRowId);

    // Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long weatherRowId = db.insert(WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, weatherValues);
    assertTrue(weatherRowId != -1);

    // Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    Cursor weatherCursor =
        db.query(WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null);

    // Move the cursor to a valid database row
    assertTrue("Error: No Records returned from location query", weatherCursor.moveToFirst());

    // Validate data in resulting Cursor with the original ContentValues
    // (you can use the validateCurrentRecord function in TestUtilities to validate the
    // query if you like)
        "testInsertReadDb weatherEntry failed to validate", weatherCursor, weatherValues);

        "Error: More thant one record returned from weather query", weatherCursor.moveToNext());

    // Finally, close the cursor and database
예제 #10
     Students:  Here is where you will build code to test that we can insert and query the
     database.  We've done a lot of work for you.  You'll want to look in TestUtilities
     where you can use the "createWeatherValues" function.  You can
     also make use of the validateCurrentRecord function from within TestUtilities.
  public void testWeatherTable() {
    // First insert the location, and then use the locationRowId to insert
    // the weather. Make sure to cover as many failure cases as you can.

    SQLiteDatabase db = new WeatherDbHelper(this.mContext).getWritableDatabase();

    // Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    // (you can use the createNorthPoleLocationValues if you wish)
    ContentValues values = TestUtilities.createNorthPoleLocationValues();

    long row = db.insert(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, values);
    // Instead of rewriting all of the code we've already written in testLocationTable
    // we can move this code to insertLocation and then call insertLocation from both
    // tests. Why move it? We need the code to return the ID of the inserted location
    // and our testLocationTable can only return void because it's a test.

    // First step: Get reference to writable database

    // Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    // (you can use the createWeatherValues TestUtilities function if you wish)
    ContentValues weatherValue = TestUtilities.createWeatherValues(row);

    // Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long weatherRow = db.insert(WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, weatherValue);
    assertTrue(weatherRow != -1);

    // Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    Cursor cursor =
        db.query(WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null);

    // Move the cursor to a valid database row

    // Validate data in resulting Cursor with the original ContentValues
    // (you can use the validateCurrentRecord function in TestUtilities to validate the
    // query if you like)
    TestUtilities.validateCurrentRecord("Error: Location Query validation", cursor, weatherValue);

    // Finally, close the cursor and database
예제 #11
  public void testWeatherTable() {
    // First insert the location, and then use the locationRowId to insert
    // the weather. Make sure to cover as many failure cases as you can.
    long location = insertLocation();

    // First step: Get reference to writable database
    SQLiteDatabase db = new WeatherDbHelper(this.mContext).getWritableDatabase();

    // Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    // (you can use the createWeatherValues TestUtilities function if you wish)
    ContentValues weatherValues = TestUtilities.createWeatherValues(location);

    // Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long weatherRowId = db.insert(WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, weatherValues);
    assertFalse("Insert failed", weatherRowId == -1);

    // Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    Cursor c =
            WeatherContract.WeatherEntry.TABLE_NAME, // Table to Query
            null, // leaving "columns" null just returns all the columns.
            null, // cols for "where" clause
            null, // values for "where" clause
            null, // columns to group by
            null, // columns to filter by row groups
            null // sort order

    // Move the cursor to a valid database row
    assertTrue("No records freturned from weather query", c.moveToFirst());

    // Validate data in resulting Cursor with the original ContentValues
    // (you can use the validateCurrentRecord function in TestUtilities to validate the
    // query if you like)
        "testInsertReadDb weatherEntry failed to validate", c, weatherValues);

    // Finally, close the cursor and database
예제 #12
     Students: This is a helper method for the testWeatherTable quiz. You can move your
     code from testLocationTable to here so that you can call this code from both
     testWeatherTable and testLocationTable.
  public long insertLocation() {
    // First step: Get reference to writable database

    WeatherDbHelper dbHelper = new WeatherDbHelper(mContext);
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();

    // Create ContentValues of what you want to insert
    // (you can use the createNorthPoleLocationValues if you wish)
    ContentValues testValues = TestUtilities.createNorthPoleLocationValues();

    // Insert ContentValues into database and get a row ID back
    long locationRowId;
    locationRowId = db.insert(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, testValues);

    assertTrue(locationRowId != -1);

    // Query the database and receive a Cursor back
    Cursor cursor =
        db.query(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null);

    assertTrue("Error: No Records returned from location query", cursor.moveToFirst());

    // Move the cursor to a valid database row
        "Error: Location Query Validation Failed", cursor, testValues);

    // Validate data in resulting Cursor with the original ContentValues
    // (you can use the validateCurrentRecord function in TestUtilities to validate the
    // query if you like)
    assertFalse("Error: More than one record returned from location query", cursor.moveToNext());

    // Finally, close the cursor and database
    return locationRowId;
예제 #13
  // Student: Uncomment this test after you have completed writing the BulkInsert functionality
  // in your provider.  Note that this test will work with the built-in (default) provider
  // implementation, which just inserts records one-at-a-time, so really do implement the
  // BulkInsert ContentProvider function.
  public void testBulkInsert() {
    // first, let's create a location value
    ContentValues testValues = TestUtilities.createNorthPoleLocationValues();
    Uri locationUri = mContext.getContentResolver().insert(LocationEntry.CONTENT_URI, testValues);
    long locationRowId = ContentUris.parseId(locationUri);

    // Verify we got a row back.
    assertTrue(locationRowId != -1);

    // Data's inserted.  IN THEORY.  Now pull some out to stare at it and verify it made
    // the round trip.

    // A cursor is your primary interface to the query results.
    Cursor cursor =
                null, // leaving "columns" null just returns all the columns.
                null, // cols for "where" clause
                null, // values for "where" clause
                null // sort order

        "testBulkInsert. Error validating LocationEntry.", cursor, testValues);

    // Now we can bulkInsert some weather.  In fact, we only implement BulkInsert for weather
    // entries.  With ContentProviders, you really only have to implement the features you
    // use, after all.
    ContentValues[] bulkInsertContentValues = createBulkInsertWeatherValues(locationRowId);

    // Register a content observer for our bulk insert.
    TestUtilities.TestContentObserver weatherObserver = TestUtilities.getTestContentObserver();
        .registerContentObserver(WeatherEntry.CONTENT_URI, true, weatherObserver);

    int insertCount =
        mContext.getContentResolver().bulkInsert(WeatherEntry.CONTENT_URI, bulkInsertContentValues);

    // Students:  If this fails, it means that you most-likely are not calling the
    // getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); in your BulkInsert
    // ContentProvider method.

    assertEquals(insertCount, BULK_INSERT_RECORDS_TO_INSERT);

    // A cursor is your primary interface to the query results.
    cursor =
                null, // leaving "columns" null just returns all the columns.
                null, // cols for "where" clause
                null, // values for "where" clause
                WeatherEntry.DATE + " ASC" // sort order == by DATE ASCENDING

    // we should have as many records in the database as we've inserted
    assertEquals(cursor.getCount(), BULK_INSERT_RECORDS_TO_INSERT);

    // and let's make sure they match the ones we created
    for (int i = 0; i < BULK_INSERT_RECORDS_TO_INSERT; i++, cursor.moveToNext()) {
          "testBulkInsert.  Error validating WeatherEntry " + i,
    // cursor.close();