@Override public void careForInventorySlot(ItemStack is) { if (is != null) { HeatRegistry manager = HeatRegistry.getInstance(); HeatIndex index = manager.findMatchingIndex(is); if (index != null) { float temp = TFC_ItemHeat.getTemp(is); if (fuelTimeLeft > 0 && is.getItem() instanceof ICookableFood) { float inc = Food.getCooked(is) + Math.min(fireTemp / 700, 2f); Food.setCooked(is, inc); temp = inc; if (Food.isCooked(is)) { int[] cookedTasteProfile = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; Random r = new Random( ((ICookableFood) is.getItem()).getFoodID() + (((int) Food.getCooked(is) - 600) / 120)); cookedTasteProfile[0] = r.nextInt(31) - 15; cookedTasteProfile[1] = r.nextInt(31) - 15; cookedTasteProfile[2] = r.nextInt(31) - 15; cookedTasteProfile[3] = r.nextInt(31) - 15; cookedTasteProfile[4] = r.nextInt(31) - 15; Food.setCookedProfile(is, cookedTasteProfile); Food.setFuelProfile(is, EnumFuelMaterial.getFuelProfile(fuelTasteProfile)); } } else if (fireTemp > temp && index.hasOutput()) { temp += TFC_ItemHeat.getTempIncrease(is); } else temp -= TFC_ItemHeat.getTempDecrease(is); TFC_ItemHeat.setTemp(is, temp); } } }
public void cookItem() { HeatRegistry manager = HeatRegistry.getInstance(); Random r = new Random(); if (fireItemStacks[1] != null) { HeatIndex index = manager.findMatchingIndex(fireItemStacks[1]); if (index != null && TFC_ItemHeat.getTemp(fireItemStacks[1]) > index.meltTemp) { ItemStack output = index.getOutput(fireItemStacks[1], r); ItemCookEvent eventMelt = new ItemCookEvent(fireItemStacks[1], output, this); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(eventMelt); output = eventMelt.result; int damage = 0; ItemStack mold = null; if (output != null) { damage = output.getItemDamage(); if (output.getItem() == fireItemStacks[1].getItem()) damage = fireItemStacks[1].getItemDamage(); // If the input is unshaped metal if (fireItemStacks[1].getItem() instanceof ItemMeltedMetal) { // if both output slots are empty then just lower the input item into the first output // slot if (fireItemStacks[7] == null && fireItemStacks[8] == null) { fireItemStacks[7] = fireItemStacks[1].copy(); fireItemStacks[1] = null; return; } // Otherwise if the first output has an item that doesnt match the input item then put // the item in the second output slot else if (fireItemStacks[7] != null && fireItemStacks[7].getItem() != TFCItems.ceramicMold && (fireItemStacks[7].getItem() != fireItemStacks[1].getItem() || fireItemStacks[7].getItemDamage() == 0)) { if (fireItemStacks[8] == null) { fireItemStacks[8] = fireItemStacks[1].copy(); fireItemStacks[1] = null; return; } } mold = new ItemStack(TFCItems.ceramicMold, 1); mold.stackSize = 1; mold.setItemDamage(1); } } // Morph the input float temp = TFC_ItemHeat.getTemp(fireItemStacks[1]); fireItemStacks[1] = index.getMorph(); if (fireItemStacks[1] != null && manager.findMatchingIndex(fireItemStacks[1]) != null) { // if the input is a new item, then apply the old temperature to it TFC_ItemHeat.setTemp(fireItemStacks[1], temp); } // Check if we should combine the output with a pre-existing output if (output != null && output.getItem() instanceof ItemMeltedMetal) { int leftover = 0; boolean addLeftover = false; int fromSide = 0; if (fireItemStacks[7] != null && output.getItem() == fireItemStacks[7].getItem() && fireItemStacks[7].getItemDamage() > 0) { int amt1 = 100 - damage; // the percentage of the output int amt2 = 100 - fireItemStacks[7].getItemDamage(); // the percentage currently in the out slot int amt3 = amt1 + amt2; // combined amount leftover = amt3 - 100; // assign the leftover so that we can add to the other slot if applicable if (leftover > 0) addLeftover = true; int amt4 = 100 - amt3; // convert the percent back to mc damage if (amt4 < 0) amt4 = 0; // stop the infinite glitch fireItemStacks[7] = output.copy(); fireItemStacks[7].setItemDamage(amt4); TFC_ItemHeat.setTemp(fireItemStacks[7], temp); if (fireItemStacks[1] == null && mold != null) fireItemStacks[1] = mold; } else if (fireItemStacks[8] != null && output.getItem() == fireItemStacks[8].getItem() && fireItemStacks[8].getItemDamage() > 0) { int amt1 = 100 - damage; // the percentage of the output int amt2 = 100 - fireItemStacks[8].getItemDamage(); // the percentage currently in the out slot int amt3 = amt1 + amt2; // combined amount leftover = amt3 - 100; // assign the leftover so that we can add to the other slot if applicable if (leftover > 0) addLeftover = true; fromSide = 1; int amt4 = 100 - amt3; // convert the percent back to mc damage if (amt4 < 0) amt4 = 0; // stop the infinite glitch fireItemStacks[8] = output.copy(); fireItemStacks[8].setItemDamage(amt4); TFC_ItemHeat.setTemp(fireItemStacks[8], temp); if (fireItemStacks[1] == null && mold != null) fireItemStacks[1] = mold; } else if (fireItemStacks[7] != null && fireItemStacks[7].getItem() == TFCItems.ceramicMold) { fireItemStacks[7] = output.copy(); fireItemStacks[7].setItemDamage(damage); TFC_ItemHeat.setTemp(fireItemStacks[7], temp); } else if (fireItemStacks[8] != null && fireItemStacks[8].getItem() == TFCItems.ceramicMold) { fireItemStacks[8] = output.copy(); fireItemStacks[8].setItemDamage(damage); TFC_ItemHeat.setTemp(fireItemStacks[8], temp); } if (addLeftover) { int dest = fromSide == 1 ? 7 : 8; if (fireItemStacks[dest] != null && output.getItem() == fireItemStacks[dest].getItem() && fireItemStacks[dest].getItemDamage() > 0) { int amt1 = 100 - leftover; // the percentage of the output int amt2 = 100 - fireItemStacks[dest] .getItemDamage(); // the percentage currently in the out slot int amt3 = amt1 + amt2; // combined amount int amt4 = 100 - amt3; // convert the percent back to mc damage if (amt4 < 0) amt4 = 0; // stop the infinite glitch fireItemStacks[dest] = output.copy(); fireItemStacks[dest].setItemDamage(amt4); TFC_ItemHeat.setTemp(fireItemStacks[dest], temp); } else if (fireItemStacks[dest] != null && fireItemStacks[dest].getItem() == TFCItems.ceramicMold) { fireItemStacks[dest] = output.copy(); fireItemStacks[dest].setItemDamage(100 - leftover); TFC_ItemHeat.setTemp(fireItemStacks[dest], temp); } } } else if (output != null) { if (fireItemStacks[7] != null && fireItemStacks[7].getItem() == output.getItem() && fireItemStacks[7].stackSize + output.stackSize <= fireItemStacks[7].getMaxStackSize()) { fireItemStacks[7].stackSize += output.stackSize; } else if (fireItemStacks[8] != null && fireItemStacks[8].getItem() == output.getItem() && fireItemStacks[8].stackSize + output.stackSize <= fireItemStacks[8].getMaxStackSize()) { fireItemStacks[8].stackSize += output.stackSize; } else if (fireItemStacks[7] == null) { fireItemStacks[7] = output.copy(); } else if (fireItemStacks[8] == null) { fireItemStacks[8] = output.copy(); } else if (fireItemStacks[7].stackSize == fireItemStacks[7].getMaxStackSize() && fireItemStacks[8].stackSize == fireItemStacks[8].getMaxStackSize() || fireItemStacks[7].getItem() != output.getItem() && fireItemStacks[8].getItem() != output.getItem() || fireItemStacks[7].stackSize == fireItemStacks[7].getMaxStackSize() && fireItemStacks[8].getItem() != output.getItem() || fireItemStacks[7].getItem() != output.getItem() && fireItemStacks[8].stackSize == fireItemStacks[8].getMaxStackSize()) { fireItemStacks[1] = output.copy(); } } } } }
public float getOutput2Temp() { return TFC_ItemHeat.getTemp(fireItemStacks[8]); }
@Override public void updateEntity() { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { ItemStack itemstack = storage[INPUT_SLOT]; BarrelPreservativeRecipe preservative = BarrelManager.getInstance() .findMatchingPreservativeRepice(this, itemstack, fluid, sealed); if (itemstack != null && fluid != null && fluid.getFluid() == TFCFluids.FRESHWATER) { if (TFC_ItemHeat.hasTemp(itemstack)) { float temp = TFC_ItemHeat.getTemp(itemstack); if (fluid.amount >= 1 && temp > 1) { temp -= 50; fluid.amount -= 1; TFC_ItemHeat.setTemp(itemstack, temp); TFC_ItemHeat.handleItemHeat(itemstack); } } } if (fluid != null && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() instanceof IFood) { float w = ((IFood) itemstack.getItem()).getFoodWeight(itemstack); if (fluid.getFluid() == TFCFluids.VINEGAR) { // If the food is brined then we attempt to pickle it if (Food.isBrined(itemstack) && !Food.isPickled(itemstack) && w / fluid.amount <= Global.FOOD_MAX_WEIGHT / this.getMaxLiquid() && this.getSealed() && sealtime != 0 && TFC_Time.getTotalHours() - sealtime >= 4) { fluid.amount -= 1 * w; Food.setPickled(itemstack, true); } } } if (preservative == null) { // No preservative was matched - decay normally TFC_Core.handleItemTicking(this, this.worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } else { float env = preservative.getEnvironmentalDecayFactor(); float base = preservative.getBaseDecayModifier(); if (Float.isNaN(env) || env < 0.0) { TFC_Core.handleItemTicking(this, this.worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } else if (Float.isNaN(base) || base < 0.0) { TFC_Core.handleItemTicking(this, this.worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, env); } else { TFC_Core.handleItemTicking(this, this.worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, env, base); } } // If lightning can strike here then it means that the barrel can see the sky, so rain can hit // it. If true then we fill // the barrel when its raining. if (!this.getSealed() && worldObj.canLightningStrikeAt(xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord)) { int count = getInvCount(); if (count == 0 || count == 1 && this.getInputStack() != null) { if (this.fluid == null) fluid = new FluidStack(TFCFluids.FRESHWATER, 1); else if (this.fluid != null && fluid.getFluid() == TFCFluids.FRESHWATER) fluid.amount = Math.min(fluid.amount + 1, getMaxLiquid()); } } // We only want to bother ticking food once per 5 seconds to keep overhead low. processTimer++; if (processTimer > 100) { processItems(); processTimer = 0; } // Here we handle item stacks that are too big for MC to handle such as when making mortar. // If the stack is > its own max stack size then we split it and add it to the invisible solid // storage area or // spawn the item in the world if there is no room left. if (this.getFluidLevel() > 0 && getInputStack() != null) { int count = 1; while (this.getInputStack().stackSize > getInputStack().getMaxStackSize()) { ItemStack is = getInputStack().splitStack(getInputStack().getMaxStackSize()); if (count < this.storage.length && this.getStackInSlot(count) == null) { this.setInventorySlotContents(count, is); } else { worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityItem(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, is)); } count++; } } // Move any items in the solid storage slots to the main slot if they exist and the barrel has // liquid. else if (this.getFluidLevel() > 0 && getInputStack() == null && this.getInvCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < storage.length; i++) { if (storage[i] != null) { storage[INPUT_SLOT] = storage[i].copy(); storage[i] = null; break; } } } // Reset our fluid if all of the liquid is gone. if (fluid != null && fluid.amount == 0) fluid = null; // Handle adding fluids to the barrel if the barrel is currently in input mode. if (mode == MODE_IN) { ItemStack container = getInputStack(); FluidStack inLiquid = FluidContainerRegistry.getFluidForFilledItem(container); if (container != null && container.getItem() instanceof IFluidContainerItem) { FluidStack isfs = ((IFluidContainerItem) container.getItem()).getFluid(container); if (isfs != null && addLiquid(isfs)) { ((IFluidContainerItem) container.getItem()) .drain( container, ((IFluidContainerItem) container.getItem()).getCapacity(container), true); } } else if (inLiquid != null && container != null && container.stackSize == 1) { if (addLiquid(inLiquid)) { this.setInventorySlotContents(0, FluidContainerRegistry.drainFluidContainer(container)); } } } // Drain liquid from the barrel to a container if the barrel is in output mode. else if (mode == MODE_OUT) { ItemStack container = getInputStack(); if (container != null && fluid != null && container.getItem() instanceof IFluidContainerItem) { FluidStack isfs = ((IFluidContainerItem) container.getItem()).getFluid(container); if (isfs == null || fluid.isFluidEqual(isfs)) { fluid.amount -= ((IFluidContainerItem) container.getItem()).fill(container, fluid, true); if (fluid.amount == 0) fluid = null; } } else if (FluidContainerRegistry.isEmptyContainer(container)) { this.setInventorySlotContents(0, this.removeLiquid(getInputStack())); } } } }