예제 #1
  * ************************************************************************ Create Missing
  * Document Types
  * @param ctx context
  * @param AD_Client_ID client
  * @param sp server process
  * @param trx transaction
 public static void createDocumentTypes(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) {
   s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID);
   String sql =
       "SELECT rl.Value, rl.Name "
           + "FROM AD_Ref_List rl "
           + "WHERE rl.AD_Reference_ID=183"
           + " AND rl.IsActive='Y' AND NOT EXISTS "
           + " (SELECT * FROM C_DocType dt WHERE dt.AD_Client_ID=? AND rl.Value=dt.DocBaseType)";
   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;
   try {
     pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
     pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
     rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
     while (rs.next()) {
       String name = rs.getString(2);
       String value = rs.getString(1);
       s_log.config(name + "=" + value);
       MDocType dt = new MDocType(ctx, value, name, trx);
       if (dt.save()) {
         if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, name);
         else s_log.fine(name);
       } else {
         if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, "Not created: " + name);
         else s_log.warning("Not created: " + name);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
   } finally {
 } //	createDocumentTypes
예제 #2
   * Create Period Controls
   * @param ctx context
   * @param AD_Client_ID client
   * @param sp server process
   * @param trx transaction
  public static void createPeriodControls(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) {
    s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID);

    //	Delete Duplicates
    String sql =
        "DELETE FROM C_PeriodControl "
            + "WHERE (C_Period_ID, DocBaseType) IN "
            + "(SELECT C_Period_ID, DocBaseType "
            + "FROM C_PeriodControl pc2 "
            + "GROUP BY C_Period_ID, DocBaseType "
            + "HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)"
            + " AND C_PeriodControl_ID NOT IN "
            + "(SELECT MIN(C_PeriodControl_ID) "
            + "FROM C_PeriodControl pc3 "
            + "GROUP BY C_Period_ID, DocBaseType)";
    int no = DB.executeUpdate(trx, sql);
    s_log.info("Duplicates deleted #" + no);

    //	Insert Missing
    sql =
        "SELECT DISTINCT p.AD_Client_ID, p.C_Period_ID, dbt.DocBaseType "
            + "FROM C_Period p, "
            + "C_DocBaseType dbt "
            + "WHERE p.AD_Client_ID=? "
            + " AND NOT EXISTS"
            + " (SELECT * FROM C_PeriodControl pc "
            + "WHERE pc.C_Period_ID=p.C_Period_ID AND pc.DocBaseType=dbt.DocBaseType)"
            + " AND (dbt.AD_Client_ID = 0 OR p.AD_Client_ID = dbt.AD_Client_ID)";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    int counter = 0;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while (rs.next()) {
        int Client_ID = rs.getInt(1);
        int C_Period_ID = rs.getInt(2);
        String DocBaseType = rs.getString(3);
                + Client_ID
                + ", C_Period_ID="
                + C_Period_ID
                + ", DocBaseType="
                + DocBaseType);
        MPeriodControl pc = new MPeriodControl(ctx, Client_ID, C_Period_ID, DocBaseType, trx);
        if (pc.save()) {
        } else s_log.warning("Not saved: " + pc);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
    if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(counter), "@C_PeriodControl_ID@ @Created@");
    s_log.info("Inserted #" + counter);
  } //	createPeriodControls