예제 #1
 private String buildSearchClause(StoryTellersParams params) {
   // a profile may have multiple addresses, here we just want the one
   final String limitToOne =
       "(a.idx=(SELECT MIN(a2.idx) FROM address a2 WHERE a2.entity=a.entity) OR a.idx IS "
           + "NULL)"
           + (params.getCollectionId() == null
               ? ""
               : " AND "
                   // and a profile may have multiple stories
                   "cs.story=(SELECT MIN(cs2.story) FROM collection_story cs2 JOIN systemEntity es2 ON es2"
                   + ".id=cs2.story "
                   + "WHERE cs2.collection=cs.collection AND es2.owner=p.id)");
   if (params.getSearchText() == null && params.getCollectionId() == null) {
     return limitToOne;
   } else if (params.getCollectionId() == null) { // then search text must be null
     return limitToOne
         + " AND LOWER(u.handle) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER(p.givenName) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER(p"
         + ".surname) LIKE LOWER(?)";
   } else if (params.getSearchText() == null
       || "".equals(params.getSearchText())) { // then collection ID must be null
     return limitToOne + " AND cs.collection=?";
   } else { // has both search text and collection
     return limitToOne
         + " AND "
         + "LOWER(u.handle) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER(p.givenName) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER(p.surname) LIKE LOWER"
         + "(?) "
         + " AND cs.collection=?";
예제 #2
  private Object[] buildSearchParameters(StoryTellersParams params) {
    Object[] searchParameters =
        params.getSearchText() == null
            ? new Object[0]
            : new Object[] {
              "%" + params.getSearchText() + "%",
              "%" + params.getSearchText() + "%",
              "%" + params.getSearchText() + "%"
    if (params.getCollectionId() != null) {
      searchParameters = ArrayUtils.addAll(searchParameters, params.getCollectionId());

    return searchParameters;
예제 #3
 private String buildFromClause(StoryTellersParams params) {
   return " FROM systemEntity e "
       + // that's the profile
       "JOIN profile p on p.id=e.id "
       + "LEFT JOIN user u ON u.id=p.id "
       + // not all persons are users
       "LEFT JOIN address a ON p.id=a.entity "
       + // not all persons have address; see address bit in where
       // clause
       (params.getCollectionId() == null
           ? ""
           : "JOIN systemEntity es ON e.id=es.owner "
               + "JOIN collection_story cs ON es.id=cs.story");