예제 #1
파일: Solver.java 프로젝트: benhiggs/AI-git
    The method solve searches for a solution.
    The Printwriter argument is used to specify where the output should be directed.

    NOTE: The editing was done in the GameState class. I changed it to allow me to pass
         back an array of gamestates that were in the correct format and they had already
         been formatted to remove illegal moves.

  public void solve(
          output) { // takes the output format as an arguement, so that it can be output to the
                    // textfile.
    unexpanded.add(rootNode); // adds the current rootnode Node object to the unexpanded arraylist.
    while (unexpanded.size()
        > 0) { // loop whilst the arraylist holding the unexpanded nodes is populated
      Node n =
          unexpanded.get(0); // Node object n equals the first member of the unexpanded arraylist
      expanded.add(n); // adds the node n to the exppanded arraylist
          0); // removes the current node n, which is also the first object,from the unexpanded
              // arraylist
      if (n.state.isGoal()) { // if the node n matches the goal state, (if the boards are the same)
            output); // the solution is reported using the reportsolution method where the node and
                     // output are supplied
        return; // breaks the while loop as the solution has been found
      } else { // otherwise
        ArrayList<GameState> moveList =
                .possibleMoves(); // move list array initiated and populated with the possible moves
                                  // from state n
        for (GameState gs :
            moveList) { // for each state in possible moves, use the temporary GameState var gs
          if ((Node.findNodeWithState(unexpanded, gs) == null)
              && // if the current gamestate is not in the unexpanded arraylist and...
              (Node.findNodeWithState(expanded, gs)
                  == null)) { // the current gamestate is not in the expanded arraylist (nothing is
                              // returned from the function findNodeWithState)
            int newCost =
                    + 1; // returns the cost of exploring that node, and saves is as int newCost
            Node newNode =
                new Node(
                    gs, n,
                    newCost); // newNode is creates as type Node, which consists of the gamestate
                              // from moveList, the unexpanded node and the cost of exploration
            unexpanded.add(newNode); // this newNode is added to the unexpanded list
    output.println("No solution found"); // outputs no solution found if nothing is found.