// @Test
  // URL Pattern: [usage][getHello]=2
  // EXPECTED: Success; hits +2
  public void testAuthrepUsageWithNestedMethodAndUserKey() throws ServerError {
    ParameterMap usage = new ParameterMap();
    usage.add("getHello", "2");
    params.add("usage", usage);

    AuthorizeResponse auresp = serviceApi.authrep(params);
  // @Test
  // URL Pattern: [usage][hits]=1
  // Expected: OK results in Hits incrementing by 1
  public void testAuthrepEmptyUsageAndUserKey() throws ServerError {

    ParameterMap usage = new ParameterMap();
    params.add("usage", usage);

    AuthorizeResponse auresp = serviceApi.authrep(params);
  // @Test
  // URL Pattern: [usage][hits]=1
  // Expected: OK results in Hits incrementing by 1
  public void testAuthrepNullUsageAndUserKey() throws ServerError {

    AuthorizeResponse auresp = serviceApi.authrep(params);
  // @Test
  // URL http://requestb.in/1k27m9c1
  // In order to visually examine the request headers in a POST
  public void testPostToRequestBin() throws ServerError {

    AuthorizeResponse auresp = serviceApi.authrep(params);