public void startGame() { state = State.IN_GAME; for (Tribute t : ServerGames.tributes) { t.player.setHealth(20); t.player.setFoodLevel(20); clearItems(t.player); if (!t.player.isOnline()) { ServerGames.tributes.remove(t); } } loaded.clear(); Chests.resetChests(); bets.clear(); clearAll(); load(); for (Player p : getCorn().getWorld().getPlayers()) { p.setCompassTarget(getCorn()); } server.broadcastMessage(GOLD + "[ServerGames]" + GREEN + " Let the game begin!"); game = new Game(this); startTimer(); }
public void startLobby() { server.broadcastMessage(GOLD + "[ServerGames]" + GREEN + " Countdown started."); clearAll(); bets.clear(); this.clearEnt(); load(); tpAll(waiting); ServerGames.current = worlds.get(new Random().nextInt(ServerGames.worlds.size())); for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { showAllFor(p); showPlayer(p); if (isTribute(p) || isSpectator(p)) clearItems(p); } loaded.clear(); this.resetPlayers(); state = State.LOBBY; game = new Lobby(this); startTimer(); }
public void startDeath() { server.broadcastMessage(GOLD + "[ServerGames] " + RED + "Do not run from the deathmatch."); for (Tribute t : ServerGames.tributes) { if (!t.player.isDead()) { t.player.teleport(toCenter(t.start)); tell(t.player, GOLD + "[ServerGames] " + GREEN + "You have made it to the deathmatch."); } } for (Spectator s : ServerGames.spectators) { if (!s.player.isDead()) s.player.teleport(ServerGames.getCorn()); } clearAll(); load(); state = State.DEATHMATCH; game = new Deathmatch(this); startTimer(); }
public int broadcastMessage(String message) { JSONAPI.instance.jsonServer.logChat("", message); return Server.broadcastMessage(message); }
public void startSetup() { clearAll(); int i = 0; for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { if (!isSpectator(p) && !isTribute(p)) { hidePlayer(p); } if (isTribute(p)) { if (i >= getTubes().size()) i = 0; Location to = getTubes().get(i); p.setHealth(20); p.setFoodLevel(20); p.setSprinting(false); p.setSneaking(false); p.setPassenger(null); p.setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL); p.setFireTicks(0); clearItems(p); getTribute(p).start = to; p.teleport(toCenter(to)); i++; } } for (String s : ServerGames.worlds) { World w = ServerGames.server.getWorld(s); w.getEntities().clear(); w.setThundering(false); w.setTime(0); w.setWeatherDuration(0); w.setStorm(false); } // ----- WORLD RESETTING ----- LogBlock logblock = (LogBlock) getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("LogBlock"); QueryParams params = new QueryParams(logblock); = getCorn().getWorld(); params.silent = false; try { logblock.getCommandsHandler() .new CommandRollback(this.getServer().getConsoleSender(), params, false); } catch (Exception e) { } clearEnt(); // ----- WORLD RESETTING ----- server.broadcastMessage(DARK_AQUA + "This plugin was created by Brenhien and NerdsWBNerds."); server.broadcastMessage( DARK_AQUA + "Email [email protected] or tweet us (@NerdsWBNerds) with ideas or bugs you have found."); load(); state = State.SET_UP; game = new Setup(this); startTimer(); }
public static int broadcastMessage(String message) { return server.broadcastMessage(message); }