예제 #1
    protected SelectChannelEndPoint newEndPoint(
        SocketChannel channel, SelectSet selectSet, SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
      // We're connected, cancel the connect timeout
      Timeout.Task connectTimeout = _connectingChannels.remove(channel);
      if (connectTimeout != null) connectTimeout.cancel();
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
        LOG.debug("Channels with connection pending: {}", _connectingChannels.size());

      // key should have destination at this point (will be replaced by endpoint after this call)
      HttpDestination dest = (HttpDestination) key.attachment();

      SelectChannelEndPoint scep =
          new SelectChannelEndPoint(channel, selectSet, key, (int) _httpClient.getIdleTimeout());
      AsyncEndPoint ep = scep;

      if (dest.isSecure()) {
        LOG.debug("secure to {}, proxied={}", channel, dest.isProxied());
        ep = new UpgradableEndPoint(ep, newSslEngine(channel));

      AsyncConnection connection =
          selectSet.getManager().newConnection(channel, ep, key.attachment());

      AbstractHttpConnection httpConnection = (AbstractHttpConnection) connection;

      if (dest.isSecure() && !dest.isProxied()) ((UpgradableEndPoint) ep).upgrade();


      return scep;
 protected SelectChannelEndPoint newEndPoint(
     SocketChannel channel, SelectSet selectSet, SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
   SelectChannelEndPoint endp = new SelectChannelEndPoint(channel, selectSet, key, 2000);
   endp.setConnection(selectSet.getManager().newConnection(channel, endp, key.attachment()));
   _lastEndp = endp;
   return endp;