예제 #1
    public void trySearch(SearchState state) {
      // This code exploits the fact that all .jar files will be found for the JarredScript feature.
      // This is where the basic extension mechanism gets fixed
      Library oldLibrary = state.library;

      // Create package name, by splitting on / and joining all but the last elements with a ".",
      // and downcasing them.
      String[] all = state.searchFile.split("/");

      StringBuilder finName = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = 0, j = (all.length - 1); i < j; i++) {

      try {
        // Make the class name look nice, by splitting on _ and capitalize each segment, then
        // joining
        // the, together without anything separating them, and last put on "Service" at the end.
        String[] last = all[all.length - 1].split("_");
        for (int i = 0, j = last.length; i < j; i++) {

        // We don't want a package name beginning with dots, so we remove them
        String className = finName.toString().replaceAll("^\\.*", "");

        // If there is a jar-file with the required name, we add this to the class path.
        if (state.library instanceof JarredScript) {
          // It's _really_ expensive to check that the class actually exists in the Jar, so
          // we don't do that now.
              .addURL(((JarredScript) state.library).getResource().getURL());

        // quietly try to load the class
        Class theClass = runtime.getJavaSupport().loadJavaClassQuiet(className);
        state.library = new ClassExtensionLibrary(theClass);
      } catch (Exception ee) {
        state.library = null;
        runtime.getGlobalVariables().set("$!", runtime.getNil());

      // If there was a good library before, we go back to that
      if (state.library == null && oldLibrary != null) {
        state.library = oldLibrary;
예제 #2
 public void trySearch(SearchState state) throws RaiseException {
   // no library or extension found, try to load directly as a class
   Script script;
   String className = buildClassName(state.searchFile);
   int lastSlashIndex = className.lastIndexOf('/');
   if (lastSlashIndex > -1
       && lastSlashIndex < className.length() - 1
       && !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(className.charAt(lastSlashIndex + 1))) {
     if (lastSlashIndex == -1) {
       className = "_" + className;
     } else {
       className =
           className.substring(0, lastSlashIndex + 1)
               + "_"
               + className.substring(lastSlashIndex + 1);
   className = className.replace('/', '.');
   try {
     Class scriptClass = Class.forName(className);
     script = (Script) scriptClass.newInstance();
   } catch (Exception cnfe) {
     throw runtime.newLoadError("no such file to load -- " + state.searchFile);
   state.library = new ScriptClassLibrary(script);
예제 #3
 protected Library findLibraryBySearchState(SearchState state) {
   Library library = super.findLibraryBySearchState(state);
   if (library == null) {
     library = findLibraryWithClassloaders(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType);
     if (library != null) {
       state.library = library;
   return library;
예제 #4
 public void trySearch(SearchState state) {
   state.library = findLibraryWithClassloaders(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType);
예제 #5
 public void trySearch(SearchState state) {
   state.library = findLibraryWithoutCWD(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType);