예제 #1
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Script Engine instantiation using ServiceProvider - this will
    // look in the classpath for a file
    //  /META-INF/services/javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory
    // where the AbclScriptEngineFactory is registered
    ScriptEngine lispEngine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByExtension("lisp");

    // Alternatively, you can directly instantiate the script engine:

    // ScriptEngineManager scriptManager = new ScriptEngineManager();
    // scriptManager.registerEngineExtension("lisp", new AbclScriptEngineFactory());
    // ScriptEngine lispEngine = scriptManager.getEngineByExtension("lisp");

    // (thanks to Peter Tsenter for suggesting this)

    // Accessing variables
    System.out.println("*package* = " + lispEngine.get("*package*"));
    Object someValue = new Object();
    lispEngine.put("someVariable", someValue);
    System.out.println("someVariable = " + lispEngine.get("someVariable"));
    try {
      // Interpretation (also from streams)
      lispEngine.eval("(defun hello (arg) (print (list arg someVariable)) (terpri))");

      // Direct function invocation
      ((Invocable) lispEngine).invokeFunction("hello", "world");

      // Implementing a Java interface in Lisp
      lispEngine.eval("(defun compare-to (&rest args) 42)");
      Comparable c = ((Invocable) lispEngine).getInterface(java.lang.Comparable.class);
      System.out.println("compareTo: " + c.compareTo(null));

      // Compilation!
          "(defmacro slow-compiling-macro (arg) (dotimes (i 1000000) (incf i)) `(print ,arg))");

      long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
      lispEngine.eval("(slow-compiling-macro 42)");
      millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - millis;
      System.out.println("interpretation took " + millis);

      millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
      CompiledScript cs = ((Compilable) lispEngine).compile("(slow-compiling-macro 42)");
      millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - millis;
      System.out.println("compilation took " + millis);

      millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
      millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - millis;
      System.out.println("evaluation took " + millis);

      millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
      millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - millis;
      System.out.println("evaluation took " + millis);

      // Ecc. ecc.
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
예제 #2
파일: Repl.java 프로젝트: anba/es6draft
 private void handleException(Realm realm, StackOverflowError e) {
   // Create script exception with stacktrace from stackoverflow-error.
   ScriptException exception =
       newInternalError(realm.defaultContext(), Messages.Key.StackOverflow);
   handleException(realm, exception);
예제 #3
   * Execute the script and return the ScriptResult corresponding. This method can add an additional
   * user bindings if needed.
   * @param aBindings the additional user bindings to add if needed. Can be null or empty.
   * @param outputSink where the script output is printed to.
   * @param errorSink where the script error stream is printed to.
   * @return a ScriptResult object.
  public ScriptResult<E> execute(
      Map<String, Object> aBindings, PrintStream outputSink, PrintStream errorSink) {
    ScriptEngine engine = createScriptEngine();

    if (engine == null)
      return new ScriptResult<>(
          new Exception("No Script Engine Found for name or extension " + scriptEngineLookup));

    // SCHEDULING-1532: redirect script output to a buffer (keep the latest DEFAULT_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE)
    BoundedStringWriter outputBoundedWriter =
        new BoundedStringWriter(outputSink, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE);
    BoundedStringWriter errorBoundedWriter =
        new BoundedStringWriter(errorSink, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE);
    engine.getContext().setWriter(new PrintWriter(outputBoundedWriter));
    engine.getContext().setErrorWriter(new PrintWriter(errorBoundedWriter));
    Reader closedInput =
        new Reader() {
          public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
            throw new IOException("closed");

          public void close() throws IOException {}
    engine.getContext().setAttribute(ScriptEngine.FILENAME, scriptName, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

    try {
      Bindings bindings = engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
      // add additional bindings
      if (aBindings != null) {
        for (Entry<String, Object> e : aBindings.entrySet()) {
          bindings.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
      Object evalResult = engine.eval(getReader());


      // Add output to the script result
      ScriptResult<E> result = this.getResult(evalResult, bindings);

      return result;
    } catch (javax.script.ScriptException e) {
      // drop exception cause as it might not be serializable
      ScriptException scriptException = new ScriptException(e.getMessage());
      return new ScriptResult<>(scriptException);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      String stack = Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(t);
      if (t.getMessage() != null) {
        stack = t.getMessage() + System.lineSeparator() + stack;
      return new ScriptResult<>(new Exception(stack));
예제 #4
  protected void fillRecipients(Message email, Execution execution, JCRSessionWrapper session)
      throws MessagingException {
    try {
      // to
      AddressTemplate to = getTemplate().getTo();
      if (to != null) {
        fillRecipients(to, email, Message.RecipientType.TO, execution, session);

      // cc
      AddressTemplate cc = getTemplate().getCc();
      if (cc != null) {
        fillRecipients(cc, email, Message.RecipientType.CC, execution, session);

      // bcc
      AddressTemplate bcc = getTemplate().getBcc();
      if (bcc != null) {
        fillRecipients(bcc, email, Message.RecipientType.BCC, execution, session);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
예제 #5
  private boolean refresh(String importString) {
    this.scope = new Scope(new VariableList(), Parser.getExistingFunctionScope());

    TreeMap imports = this.parser.getImports();

    if (importString.length() > 0) {
      String[] importList = importString.split(",");

      for (int i = 0; i < importList.length; ++i) {
        try {
          this.parser.importFile(importList[i], this.scope);
        } catch (ScriptException e) {
          // The user changed the script since it was validated
          KoLmafia.updateDisplay(MafiaState.ERROR, e.getMessage());
          return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          return false;

    this.lastImportString = importString;
    return true;
 private static void sendTransactionsToListener(
     StoredBlock block,
     NewBlockType blockType,
     BlockChainListener listener,
     int relativityOffset,
     List<Transaction> transactions,
     boolean clone,
     Set<Sha256Hash> falsePositives)
     throws VerificationException {
   for (Transaction tx : transactions) {
     try {
       if (listener.isTransactionRelevant(tx)) {
         if (clone) tx = new Transaction(tx.params, tx.bitcoinSerialize());
         listener.receiveFromBlock(tx, block, blockType, relativityOffset++);
     } catch (ScriptException e) {
       // We don't want scripts we don't understand to break the block chain so just note that this
       // tx was
       // not scanned here and continue.
       log.warn("Failed to parse a script: " + e.toString());
     } catch (ProtocolException e) {
       // Failed to duplicate tx, should never happen.
       throw new RuntimeException(e);
예제 #7
 /** Will load the script source from the provided filename. */
 public static void loadScript(String script_name) {
   try {
     js_engine.eval(new java.io.FileReader(script_name));
   } catch (ScriptException se) {
   } catch (java.io.IOException iox) {
예제 #8
  * Will invoke the "update" function of the script loaded by this engine with the provided list of
  * parameters.
 public static void executeScript(Object... args) {
   try {
     js_invocable.invokeFunction("update", args);
   } catch (ScriptException se) {
   } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
예제 #9
파일: Repl.java 프로젝트: anba/es6draft
 private void printScriptStackTrace(Realm realm, ScriptException e) {
   if (options.scriptStacktrace) {
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
     printScriptFrames(sb, realm, e, 1);
     if (sb.length() == 0 && e.getCause() != null) {
       printScriptFrames(sb, realm, e.getCause(), 1);
예제 #10
 /** Returns true if this output is to a key, or an address we have the keys for, in the wallet. */
 public boolean isWatched(Wallet wallet) {
   try {
     Script script = getScriptPubKey();
     return wallet.isWatchedScript(script);
   } catch (ScriptException e) {
     // Just means we didn't understand the output of this transaction: ignore it.
     log.debug("Could not parse tx output script: {}", e.toString());
     return false;
예제 #11
 private void preConfigure() {
   // Jython sys.path
   String dataPackDirForwardSlashes = SCRIPT_FOLDER.getPath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
   String configScript = "import sys;sys.path.insert(0,'" + dataPackDirForwardSlashes + "');";
   try {
     this.eval("jython", configScript);
   } catch (ScriptException e) {
     _log.fatal("Failed preconfiguring jython: " + e.getMessage());
예제 #12
  public void reportScriptFileError(File script, ScriptException e) {
    String dir = script.getParent();
    String name = script.getName() + ".error.log";
    if (dir != null) {
      File file = new File(dir + "/" + name);
      FileOutputStream fos = null;
      try {
        if (!file.exists()) {

        fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
        String errorHeader =
            "Error on: "
                + file.getCanonicalPath()
                + "\r\nLine: "
                + e.getLineNumber()
                + " - Column: "
                + e.getColumnNumber()
                + "\r\n\r\n";
            "Failed executing script: "
                + script.getAbsolutePath()
                + ". See "
                + file.getName()
                + " for details.");
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
            "Failed executing script: "
                + script.getAbsolutePath()
                + "\r\n"
                + e.getMessage()
                + "Additionally failed when trying to write an error report on script directory. Reason: "
                + ioe.getMessage());
      } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e1) {
    } else {
          "Failed executing script: "
              + script.getAbsolutePath()
              + "\r\n"
              + e.getMessage()
              + "Additionally failed when trying to write an error report on script directory.");
예제 #13
  public void shouldMapScriptErrorCodeToLocalisedMessage() {
    // given
    ScriptException se;
    Locale locale = new Locale("te");

    for (ScriptErrorCode errorCode : ScriptErrorCode.values()) {
      // when
      se = new ScriptException(errorCode);
      // then
      assertThat(se.getL10NMessage(locale)).isEqualTo(format(errorCode.name() + "-TRANSLATED"));
예제 #14
 private void sendTransactionsToWallet(
     StoredBlock block, NewBlockType blockType, List<Transaction> newTransactions)
     throws VerificationException {
   // Scan the transactions to find out if any mention addresses we own.
   for (Transaction tx : newTransactions) {
     try {
       scanTransaction(block, tx, blockType);
     } catch (ScriptException e) {
       // We don't want scripts we don't understand to break the block chain,
       // so just note that this tx was not scanned here and continue.
       log.warn("Failed to parse a script: " + e.toString());
예제 #15
  protected void fillContent(Message email, Execution execution, JCRSessionWrapper session)
      throws MessagingException {
    String text = getTemplate().getText();
    String html = getTemplate().getHtml();
    List<AttachmentTemplate> attachmentTemplates = getTemplate().getAttachmentTemplates();

    try {
      if (html != null || !attachmentTemplates.isEmpty()) {
        // multipart
        MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("related");

        BodyPart p = new MimeBodyPart();
        Multipart alternatives = new MimeMultipart("alternative");
        p.setContent(alternatives, "multipart/alternative");

        // html
        if (html != null) {
          BodyPart htmlPart = new MimeBodyPart();
          html = evaluateExpression(execution, html, session);
          htmlPart.setContent(html, "text/html; charset=UTF-8");

        // text
        if (text != null) {
          BodyPart textPart = new MimeBodyPart();
          text = evaluateExpression(execution, text, session);
          textPart.setContent(text, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8");

        // attachments
        if (!attachmentTemplates.isEmpty()) {
          addAttachments(execution, multipart);

      } else if (text != null) {
        // unipart
        text = evaluateExpression(execution, text, session);
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
예제 #16
 protected void fillSubject(Message email, Execution execution, JCRSessionWrapper session)
     throws MessagingException {
   String subject = getTemplate().getSubject();
   if (subject != null) {
     try {
       String evaluatedSubject =
           evaluateExpression(execution, subject, session).replaceAll("[\r\n]", "");
       email.setSubject(WordUtils.abbreviate(evaluatedSubject, 60, 74, "..."));
     } catch (RepositoryException e) {
       logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
     } catch (ScriptException e) {
       logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
예제 #17
파일: Repl.java 프로젝트: anba/es6draft
 private void handleException(Realm realm, OutOfMemoryError e) {
   // Try to recover after OOM.
   Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
   long beforeGc = rt.freeMemory();
   long afterGc = rt.freeMemory();
   if (afterGc > beforeGc && (afterGc - beforeGc) < 50_000_000) {
     // Calling gc() cleared less than 50MB, assume unrecoverable OOM and rethrow error.
     throw e;
   // Create script exception with stacktrace from oom-error.
   ScriptException exception =
       newInternalError(realm.defaultContext(), Messages.Key.OutOfMemoryVM);
   handleException(realm, exception);
예제 #18
 /** Returns true if any connected wallet considers any transaction in the block to be relevant. */
 private boolean containsRelevantTransactions(Block block) {
   // Does not need to be locked.
   for (Transaction tx : block.transactions) {
     try {
       for (final ListenerRegistration<BlockChainListener> registration : listeners) {
         if (registration.executor != Threading.SAME_THREAD) continue;
         if (registration.listener.isTransactionRelevant(tx)) return true;
     } catch (ScriptException e) {
       // We don't want scripts we don't understand to break the block chain so just note that this
       // tx was
       // not scanned here and continue.
       log.warn("Failed to parse a script: " + e.toString());
   return false;
  public void if_target_exception_set_cause() throws Exception {
    BugFreeBeanShell test =
        new BugFreeBeanShell() {
          public void beanshellSetup() throws Exception {

    try {
      fail("A EvalError shall be trown!");
    } catch (ScriptException x) {
예제 #20
 /** Returns true if this output is to a key, or an address we have the keys for, in the wallet. */
 public boolean isMine(Wallet wallet) {
   try {
     Script script = getScriptPubKey();
     if (script.isSentToRawPubKey()) {
       byte[] pubkey = script.getPubKey();
       return wallet.isPubKeyMine(pubkey);
     if (script.isPayToScriptHash()) {
       return wallet.isPayToScriptHashMine(script.getPubKeyHash());
     } else {
       byte[] pubkeyHash = script.getPubKeyHash();
       return wallet.isPubKeyHashMine(pubkeyHash);
   } catch (ScriptException e) {
     // Just means we didn't understand the output of this transaction: ignore it.
     log.debug("Could not parse tx output script: {}", e.toString());
     return false;
예제 #21
   * Fills the <code>from</code> attribute of the given email. The sender addresses are an optional
   * element in the mail template. If absent, each mail server supplies the current user's email
   * address.
   * @see {@link InternetAddress#getLocalAddress(Session)}
  protected void fillFrom(Message email, Execution execution, JCRSessionWrapper session)
      throws MessagingException {
    try {
      AddressTemplate fromTemplate = getTemplate().getFrom();
      // "from" attribute is optional
      if (fromTemplate == null) return;

      // resolve and parse addresses
      String addresses = fromTemplate.getAddresses();
      if (addresses != null) {
        addresses = evaluateExpression(execution, addresses, session);
        // non-strict parsing applies to a list of mail addresses entered by a human
        email.addFrom(InternetAddress.parse(addresses, false));

      EnvironmentImpl environment = EnvironmentImpl.getCurrent();
      IdentitySession identitySession = environment.get(IdentitySession.class);
      AddressResolver addressResolver = environment.get(AddressResolver.class);

      // resolve and tokenize users
      String userList = fromTemplate.getUsers();
      if (userList != null) {
        String[] userIds = tokenizeActors(userList, execution, session);
        List<User> users = identitySession.findUsersById(userIds);
        email.addFrom(resolveAddresses(users, addressResolver));

      // resolve and tokenize groups
      String groupList = fromTemplate.getGroups();
      if (groupList != null) {
        for (String groupId : tokenizeActors(groupList, execution, session)) {
          Group group = identitySession.findGroupById(groupId);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
  public void throw_parse_exception_if_script_has_errors() throws Exception {
    BugFreeBeanShell test =
        new BugFreeBeanShell() {
          public void beanshellSetup() throws Exception {

    try {
      fail("A ScriptError shall be trown!");
    } catch (Throwable x) {
      then(((ScriptException) x).getErrorLineNumber()).isEqualTo(6);
      then(((ScriptException) x).getErrorSourceFile())
      then(((ScriptException) x).getErrorText()).isEqualTo(")");
  public void add_error_information() throws Exception {
    final String SCRIPT = "src/test/resources/bsh/test2.bsh";

    BugFreeBeanShell test =
        new BugFreeBeanShell() {
          public void beanshellSetup() throws Exception {

    try {
      fail("A EvalError shall be trown!");
    } catch (ScriptException x) {
                  "%s:%d at '%s'", "src/test/resources/bsh/test2.bsh", 5, "hello .prop "));
예제 #24
파일: Repl.java 프로젝트: anba/es6draft
 private void handleException(Realm realm, ScriptException e) {
   String message = formatMessage("uncaught_exception", e.getMessage(realm.defaultContext()));
   console.printf("%s%n", message);
   printScriptStackTrace(realm, e);
예제 #25
  public void shouldMapScriptErrorCodeToMessage() {
    // given
    ScriptException se;

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(CONTEXT_NOT_RECOGNISED, context);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo(format("Script type not recognised: {0}", context));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED, language);
    // then
        .isEqualTo(format("Scripting language not supported: {0}", language));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FIND_BY_NAME_FAILED, scriptName, realm);
    // then
        .isEqualTo(format("Failed to read script called {0} from realm {1}", scriptName, realm));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FIND_BY_UUID_FAILED, uuid, realm);
    // then
        .isEqualTo(format("Failed to read script with UUID {0} from realm " + "{1}", uuid, realm));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(DELETE_FAILED, uuid, realm);
    // then
            format("Failed to delete script with UUID {0} from realm " + "{1}", uuid, realm));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(RETRIEVE_FAILED, uuid, realm);
    // then
            format("Failed to retrieve script with UUID {0} from " + "realm {1}", uuid, realm));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(RETRIEVE_ALL_FAILED, realm);
    // then
        .isEqualTo(format("Failed to retrieve scripts from realm {0}", realm));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(SAVE_FAILED, uuid, realm);
    // then
        .isEqualTo(format("Failed to save script with UUID {0} in realm " + "{1}", uuid, realm));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(MISSING_SCRIPT_UUID);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("Script UUID must be specified");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(MISSING_SCRIPT_NAME);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("Script name must be specified");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(MISSING_SCRIPT);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("A script must be specified");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(MISSING_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("Scripting language must be specified");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(MISSING_SCRIPT_CONTEXT);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("Script type must be specified");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(SCRIPT_NAME_EXISTS, scriptName, realm);
    // then
        .isEqualTo(format("Script with name {0} already exist in realm {1}", scriptName, realm));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(SCRIPT_UUID_EXISTS, uuid, realm);
    // then
        .isEqualTo(format("Script with UUID {0} already exist in realm {1}", uuid, realm));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(SCRIPT_UUID_NOT_FOUND, uuid, realm);
    // then
        .isEqualTo(format("Script with UUID {0} could not be found in realm {1}", uuid, realm));

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FILTER_BOOLEAN_LITERAL_FALSE);
    // then
        .isEqualTo("The 'boolean literal' filter with value of 'false' is not supported");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FILTER_EXTENDED_MATCH);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("The 'extended match' filter is not supported");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FILTER_GREATER_THAN);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("The 'greater than' filter is not supported");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FILTER_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("The 'greater than or equal' filter is not supported");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FILTER_LESS_THAN);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("The 'less than' filter is not supported");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FILTER_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("The 'less than or equal' filter is not supported");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FILTER_NOT);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("The 'not' filter is not supported");

    // when
    se = new ScriptException(FILTER_PRESENT);
    // then
    assertThat(se.getMessage()).isEqualTo("The 'present' filter is not supported");