  * Test ip encodings
  * @throws UnknownHostException
 public void testIPencoding() throws UnknownHostException {
   InetAddress srcIP = InetAddress.getByName("");
   InetAddress destIP = InetAddress.getByName("");
       "src ip encoding",
       new String(ReliableTransportMessage.leftPaddedIP(srcIP, 15)));
       "dest ip encoding",
       new String(ReliableTransportMessage.leftPaddedIP(destIP, 15)));
 /** Test entire encoding */
 public void testEncoding() throws UnknownHostException {
   String expectedHeader = " 2016D 1";
   String payload = "Hi Mom!";
   String padding = "                       ";
   String checksumStr = " 3352";
   assertEquals("Header length", ReliableTransportMessage.HEADER_LEN, expectedHeader.length());
   assertEquals("padding length", 23, padding.length());
   InetAddress srcIP = InetAddress.getByName("");
   InetAddress destIP = InetAddress.getByName("");
   ReliableTransportMessage msg =
       new ReliableTransportMessage(
           srcIP, destIP, 53200, 2016, ReliableTransportMessage.DATA, 1, payload);
   assertEquals("source IP", "/", msg.getSourceIP().toString());
   assertEquals("dest IP", "/", msg.getDestIP().toString());
   String expectedEncoding = expectedHeader + payload + padding + checksumStr;
   assertEquals("Expected Encoding length", 78, expectedEncoding.length());
       "Checksum input length",
       ReliableTransportMessage.HEADER_LEN + ReliableTransportMessage.PAYLOAD_LEN);
   for (int i = 0; i < 73; i++)
     // check i-th term of checksum
     assertEquals("Checksum term " + i, (int) expectedEncoding.charAt(i), msg.getChecksumTerm(i));
   String encodingStr = new String(msg.getBuffer());
   assertEquals("encoded length", 78, encodingStr.length());
   assertEquals("computed checksum", 3352, msg.getComputedChecksum());
   assertEquals("encoding", expectedEncoding, encodingStr);
  /** Test left-padded integer representation */
  public void testPaddedInt() {
    char[] expected1 = new String("  345").toCharArray();
    assertArrayEquals("encoding of 345", expected1, ReliableTransportMessage.leftPaddedInt(345, 5));

    try {
      ReliableTransportMessage.leftPaddedInt(-22, 5);
      fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    } // OK, it is supposed to throw this Exception

    try {
      ReliableTransportMessage.leftPaddedInt(345, 2);
      fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    } // OK, it is supposed to throw this Exception
 /** Test text padding */
 public void testTextPadding() {
   String payload = "Your mama wears cowboy boots";
   assertEquals("payload length", 28, payload.length());
   char[] encoding = ReliableTransportMessage.rightPaddedString(payload);
   for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++)
     // check i-th char
     assertEquals("char " + i, payload.charAt(i), encoding[i]);
   assertEquals("char 28", ' ', encoding[28]);
   assertEquals("char 29", ' ', encoding[29]);
  * Test fields of the constructed object
  * @throws UnknownHostException
 public void testConstructor() throws UnknownHostException {
   InetAddress srcIP = InetAddress.getByName("");
   InetAddress destIP = InetAddress.getByName("");
   ReliableTransportMessage msg =
       new ReliableTransportMessage(
           srcIP, destIP, 2200, 2015, ReliableTransportMessage.DATA, 1, "Hi mom!");
   assertEquals("source port: ", 2200, msg.getSrcPort());
   assertEquals("dest port: ", 2015, msg.getDestPort());
   assertEquals("op code", 'D', msg.getOpCode());
   assertEquals("sequence no", 1, msg.getSequenceNo());
   assertEquals("payload", "Hi mom!", msg.getPayload());
 /** Test reconstituting a message */
 public void testReconstituteMessage() {
   String encoding1 =
       " 2017D 1TCP, the Queen of Protocols!   4587";
   char[] encodingChars = encoding1.toCharArray();
   byte[] encodingBytes = new byte[encodingChars.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < encodingChars.length; i++)
     // convert i-th char to byte
     encodingBytes[i] = (byte) encodingChars[i];
   assertEquals("encoding1 length", ReliableTransportMessage.BUFFER_LEN, encoding1.length());
   ReliableTransportMessage msg1 = ReliableTransportMessage.reconstitute(encodingBytes);
   assertNotNull("reconstituted message 1 is NULL", msg1);
   assertEquals("Source IP", "/", msg1.getSourceIP().toString());
   assertEquals("Dest IP", "/", msg1.getDestIP().toString());
   assertEquals("Source port", 53200, msg1.getSrcPort());
   assertEquals("Dest port", 2017, msg1.getDestPort());
   assertEquals("Op code", ReliableTransportMessage.DATA, msg1.getOpCode());
   assertEquals("seq no", 1, msg1.getSequenceNo());
       "Payload length", ReliableTransportMessage.PAYLOAD_LEN, msg1.getPayload().length());
   assertEquals("Payload", "TCP, the Queen of Protocols!  ", msg1.getPayload());
   assertEquals("Computed checksum", 4587, msg1.getComputedChecksum());
   assertEquals("Stored checksum", 4587, msg1.getStoredChecksum());
   // encoding with garbled contents
   String encoding2 =
       " 2017D 1Drink Coca-cola!               4568";
   assertEquals("encoding2 length", ReliableTransportMessage.BUFFER_LEN, encoding2.length());
   encodingChars = encoding2.toCharArray();
   byte[] encodingBytes2 = new byte[encodingChars.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < encodingChars.length; i++)
     // convert i-th char to byte
     encodingBytes2[i] = (byte) encodingChars[i];
   ReliableTransportMessage msg2 = ReliableTransportMessage.reconstitute(encodingBytes2);
   assertNull("reconstituted message 2 is not NULL", msg2);