예제 #1
  /** We scramble the components of the vector. */
  void scramble() {

    // (See "Applied Cryptography" by Bruce Schneier)
    int shuffle = size() - 1;
    for (int ii = shuffle; ii > 0; ii--) {
      int iiPermut = Math.abs(RandomSingleton.getInstance().nextInt()) % (ii + 1);
      if (iiPermut != ii) {
        Object permutObject = elementAt(ii);
        setElementAt(elementAt(iiPermut), ii);
        setElementAt(permutObject, iiPermut);
예제 #2
  * Constructs a random ranking of the numbers 1 through n. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if n
  * < 1. Must run in O(n log n) time <br>
  * <br>
  * <strong>Note:</strong> For random number generation, use the RandomSingleton class from Project
  * 1; this generator might be modified slightly for use in this project. To generate a random
  * permutation of 1 through n, use the <a href=
  * "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm" >"shuffle"
  * algorithm</a>
  * @param n Number of random rankings to create
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if n < 1
 public Ranking(int n) throws IllegalArgumentException {
   // Grab our Random object (You must use this class for anything Random!)
   Random rand = RandomSingleton.getInstance();
   if (n < 1) { // If n is less than one, constructor will throw an
     // exception.
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("n has to be bigger than or equal to 1");
   } else { // Otherwise it will make a shuffled permutation of n.
     Ranks = new int[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // O(n)
       Ranks[i] = i + 1;
     for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // O(n)
       int index = 1 + rand.nextInt(i + 1);
       int temp = Ranks[index - 1];
       Ranks[index - 1] = Ranks[i];
       Ranks[i] = temp;
     // Total time complexity: O(2n) = O(n)