   * This method loads the property file and sets the refresh time. If the property:
   * "CacheRefreshDuration" is found in the property file, then it will set it as follows: If the
   * value is "-1", then
   * @param propertyFile The name of the property file to be loaded.
   * @param refreshInfo The refresh information that we already know - this may be null if this is
   *     the first time the file is being loaded.
   * @throws gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.properties.PropertyAccessException This exception is thrown if it
   *     cannot load the property file for some reason.
  private synchronized void loadPropertyFile(String propertyFile) throws PropertyAccessException {
    String propFilePathAndName = fileUtilities.getPropertyFileLocation(propertyFile);

    File propertyFileLocation = new File(propFilePathAndName);
    // propertyFileDAO.loadPropertyFile(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(propertyFile), propertyFile);
    propertyFileDAO.loadPropertyFile(propertyFileLocation, propertyFile);
    String cacheRefreshDuration = propertyFileDAO.getProperty(propertyFile, CACHE_REFRESH_DURATION);
    refreshHandler.addRefreshInfo(propertyFile, cacheRefreshDuration);