예제 #1
  private void updatePageActions(EnumSet<UpdateFlags> flags) {
    final boolean isShowingProgress = (mUiMode == UIMode.PROGRESS);

    mStop.setVisibility(isShowingProgress ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
    mPageActionLayout.setVisibility(!isShowingProgress ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);

    boolean shouldShowSiteSecurity = (!isShowingProgress && mSecurityImageLevel > 0);

    setSiteSecurityVisibility(shouldShowSiteSecurity, flags);

    // We want title to fill the whole space available for it when there are icons
    // being shown on the right side of the toolbar as the icons already have some
    // padding in them. This is just to avoid wasting space when icons are shown.
    mTitle.setPadding(0, 0, (!isShowingProgress ? mTitlePadding : 0), 0);