/** * writeLink Write both data link or group link depending on the given path. * * @param pnSrcPath path of node targeted by the link * @param prRelPath path of node wearing the link * @throws NexusException */ protected void writeLink(PathNexus pnSrcPath, PathNexus prRelPath) throws NexusException { PathData pdDestNode; // Check the source node is well designed if (pnSrcPath.isRelative()) throw new NexusException("Path is invalid: the targeted path must be absolute!"); // Ensure the wearing node is a DataItem if (prRelPath.getDataItemName() == null) { PathGroup pgDest = new PathGroup(prRelPath.clone()); pdDestNode = new PathData(pgDest, generateDataName((PathGroup) pgDest, DataItem_LINK)); } else pdDestNode = (PathData) prRelPath; // Check the link is valid // PathNexus pnTgtPath = checkRelativeLinkTarget(prRelPath, pdDestNode); // Open path to get the corresponding NXlink openPath(pnSrcPath); NXlink nlLink = getNXlink(); // Create the source path if needed and open it createPath(pdDestNode, true); // Write the link getNexusFile().makenamedlink(pdDestNode.getDataItemName(), nlLink); // Update node list buffer NexusNode nnNode = pdDestNode.getCurrentNode(); pushNodeInBuffer(nnNode.getNodeName(), nnNode.getClassName()); }
protected void createPath(PathNexus paPath, boolean bKeepOpen) throws NexusException { String sCurClass = ""; // Class name of the group we are processing String sCurName = ""; // Name of the group we are processing NexusNode nCurStep = null; // Currently opened node name in the NexusFile int iCurDepth = 0; // Current depth in the path int iPathDepth = paPath.getDepth(); // Return to root node closeAll(); // Create each group NexusNode nnNode; while (iCurDepth < iPathDepth) { // Determine group and class names nnNode = paPath.getNode(iCurDepth); sCurName = nnNode.getNodeName(); sCurClass = nnNode.getClassName(); // Create appropriate group and open it nCurStep = getCurrentRealPath().getCurrentNode(); if (nnNode.isGroup() || "NXtechnical_data".equals(nnNode.getClassName())) { try { openGroup(sCurName, sCurClass); } catch (NexusException ne) { // Ensure we are still in the expected group if (nCurStep != null && !nCurStep.equals(getCurrentRealPath().getCurrentNode())) closeGroup(); // Create the requested group getNexusFile().makegroup(sCurName, sCurClass); // Force the buffer node list to be updated pushNodeInBuffer(sCurName, sCurClass); // Open created group openGroup(sCurName, sCurClass); } } // Go one step forward in path iCurDepth++; } // Return to root node if necessary if (!bKeepOpen) closeAll(); }
protected DataItem getDataItem(int[] iStartPos, int[] iShape) throws NexusException { DataItem dsData = readDataInfo(); NexusNode nnNode = getCurrentPath().getCurrentNode(); String sNodeClass = nnNode.getClassName(); if (!sNodeClass.equals("NXtechnical_data")) { dsData.setStart(iStartPos); dsData.setSlabSize(iShape); int[] iDataInf = new int[] {dsData.getSize().length, dsData.getType()}; // We want a iNbDim dimension array of data, so dimensions are the // iNbDim last ones of the opened DataItem int[] length = {1}; for (int iDim : iShape) { length[0] *= iDim; } // Prepare an array data Object oOutput; Object oInput = defineArrayObject(iDataInf[1], length); // Set data into temporary array having a single raw shape openFile(); getNexusFile().getslab(iStartPos, iShape, oInput); closeFile(); if (m_bResultAsSingleRaw) { oOutput = oInput; } else { // Changing the array into matrix (having iDimSize dimensions' // sizes) instead of single row oOutput = defineArrayObject(iDataInf[1], iShape); } // Converting byte[] to string in case of NX_CHAR data if (iDataInf[1] == NexusFile.NX_CHAR) { oOutput = new String((byte[]) oOutput).toCharArray(); } // Setting DataItem's data if (iDataInf[1] == NexusFile.NX_BOOLEAN) { oOutput = convertArray(new DataItem(oOutput)); } dsData.setData(new SoftReference<Object>(oOutput)); } dsData.isSingleRawArray(m_bResultAsSingleRaw); return dsData; }
/** * CopyNode make a full copy of the current source node (itself and its descendants) into the * currently opened destination path. The copy cares of all nodes' attributes. * * @param nfrSource handler on the opened source file */ protected void copyNode(NexusFileReader nfrSource) throws NexusException { // Keep in buffer current path (used for recursion process) PathNexus pnSrcPath = nfrSource.getCurrentRealPath().clone(); PathNexus pnTgtPath = getCurrentRealPath().clone(); NexusNode nnCurNode = pnSrcPath.getCurrentNode(); if (getCurrentRealPath().getCurrentNode() != null && !getCurrentRealPath().getCurrentNode().isRealGroup()) throw new NexusException( "Invalid destination path: only a group can contain nodes!\n" + getCurrentRealPath()); // Check the kind of the node if (nnCurNode == null || nnCurNode.isGroup() || "NXtechnical_data".equals(nnCurNode.getClassName())) { // Copy the current group PathNexus pnPath = pnTgtPath.clone(); if (nnCurNode != null) pnPath.pushNode(nnCurNode); createPath(pnPath, true); copyAllAttr(nfrSource); // Copy all its descendants ArrayList<NexusNode> nodes = nfrSource.listChildren(); for (NexusNode node : nodes) { nfrSource.openNode(node); copyNode(nfrSource); } } else { // Copy the current DataItem PathData pdDstPath = new PathData(pnTgtPath.getNodes(), nnCurNode.getNodeName()); DataItem dsData = nfrSource.getDataItem(); writeData(dsData, pdDstPath); } // Return back to the original position in both source and destination files closeAll(); openPath(pnTgtPath); nfrSource.closeAll(); nfrSource.openPath(pnSrcPath.getParentPath()); }
protected DataItem getDataItem(int iRank) throws NexusException { DataItem dataItem; NexusNode nnNode = getCurrentPath().getCurrentNode(); String sNodeName = nnNode.getNodeName(); String sNodeClass = nnNode.getClassName(); // If encountered a DataItem get its datas if (!nnNode.isGroup() && !sNodeClass.equals("NXtechnical_data")) { dataItem = readDataItem(iRank); dataItem.setNodeName(sNodeName); return dataItem; } // else if we encountered a NXtechnical_data group: we get its "data" // and "description" else if (!nnNode.isGroup() && sNodeClass.equals("NXtechnical_data")) { // Get the "data" node openData("data"); dataItem = readDataItem(iRank); dataItem.setNodeName(sNodeName); closeData(); // Try to get a description for the technical data try { // Set to "data" as description attribute the "description" node // beside openData("description"); dataItem.setDesc(readDataItem(iRank).getData()); closeData(); } catch (NexusException ne) { closeData(); } dataItem.setPath(getCurrentPath().clone()); return dataItem; } else { return null; } }
/** * readDataInfo Return the DataItem fitting the opened DataItem, without main data. The DataItem * is initialized with dimsize, type... but the DataItem isn't read. */ public DataItem readDataInfo() throws NexusException { NexusNode nnNode = getCurrentPath().getCurrentNode(); if (!nnNode.isGroup() && nnNode.getClassName().equals("NXtechnical_data")) { return getDataItem(); } // Get infos on DataItem (data type, rank, dimsize) int[] iNodeSize = new int[RANK_MAX]; // whole DataItem dimension's sizes int[] iDimSize; // data dimension's sizes int[] iDataInf = new int[2]; // iDataInf[0] = DataItem rank ; // iDataInf[1]= data type openFile(); getNexusFile().getinfo(iNodeSize, iDataInf); // Initialize dimension's sizes iDimSize = new int[iDataInf[0]]; System.arraycopy(iNodeSize, 0, iDimSize, 0, iDataInf[0]); // Check if DataItem is linked to an external DataItem DataItem dsData = new DataItem(); dsData.setType(iDataInf[1]); dsData.setSize(iDimSize); dsData.setSlabSize(iDimSize); dsData.setStart(new int[iDimSize.length]); dsData.setNodeName(getCurrentPath().getDataItemName()); dsData.setPath(getCurrentPath().clone()); dsData.isSingleRawArray(m_bResultAsSingleRaw); if (dsData.getType() == NexusFile.NX_CHAR) { dsData.setData(readNodeValue(iDataInf, dsData.getSize(), iDimSize.length)); } closeFile(); // Initialize DataItem's attributes getDataItemAttribute(dsData); return dsData; }