예제 #1
   * Performs precomputation before actual state elimination. This handles cases in which all or
   * some states can or have to be treated differently, e.g. because there are no target states at
   * all, or some states do never reach a target state.
   * @return true iff state elimination is necessary to obtain a result
  private boolean precompute() {
    /* if there are no target states, the result is zero everywhere
     * for a reachability probability analysis, so all states can be
     * made absorbing. If we are performing analysis of accumulated
     * rewards, the value will be infinity everywhere. */
    if (!pmc.isUseTime() && !pmc.hasTargetStates()) {
      for (int state = 0; state < pmc.getNumStates(); state++) {
        if (pmc.isUseRewards()) {
          pmc.setReward(state, pmc.getFunctionFactory().getInf());
      return false;

    /* search for states which might never reach a target state and thus
     * have to be assigned a reward of infinity. */
    if (pmc.isUseRewards()) {
      int[] backStatesArr = collectStatesBackward();
      HashSet<Integer> reaching = new HashSet<Integer>();
      for (int stateNr = 0; stateNr < backStatesArr.length; stateNr++) {
      for (int state = 0; state < pmc.getNumStates(); state++) {
        if (!pmc.isUseTime() && !reaching.contains(state)) {
          pmc.setReward(state, pmc.getFunctionFactory().getInf());
    return true;
예제 #2
   * Obtain result for a given state. Before calling this method, all states must have been
   * eliminated.
   * @param state state to obtain result for
   * @return result for given state
  Function getResult(int state) {
    /* due to state elimination, at this point each state:
     * A) either has only a self-loop, or
     * B) has no self loop and only transitions to one or more states
     *    of the form A. */

    if (pmc.isUseRewards() && !pmc.isUseTime()) {
      /* states which do not reach target states with probability one
       * are assigned a reward of infinity. Target states have a reward
       * of zero and only self-loops. Because of this, and from the state
       * elimination (see above), we can read the reward directly from
       * the according reward structure. */

      return pmc.getReward(state);
    } else if (pmc.isUseRewards() && pmc.isUseTime()) {
      /* due to state elimination, each state either: A) has a self loop
       * and or: B) does not have a self-loop and only transitions to
       * states of the form A. The long-run average probability for states
       * of the form A is then just reward(state) / time(state). For all
       * states of both the form A and B, the long-run average is the
       * probability to move to a state of form A times the long-run
       * average value of that A state. */
      ListIterator<Integer> toStateIter = pmc.transitionTargets.get(state).listIterator();
      ListIterator<Function> toProbIter = pmc.transitionProbs.get(state).listIterator();
      Function result = pmc.getFunctionFactory().getZero();
      while (toStateIter.hasNext()) {
        int toState = toStateIter.next();
        Function toProb = toProbIter.next();
        result = result.add(toProb.multiply(pmc.getReward(toState)).divide(pmc.getTime(toState)));
      return result;
    } else {
      /* due to state elimination, each state either: A) has a self loop
       * and then is a target state or cannot reach a target state at all,
       * or: B) is not a target state or a state which cannot reach
       * target states, and then does not have a self-loop and only
       * transitions to states of the form A. Because of this, to obtain
       * reachability probabilities, we just have to add up the one-step
       * probabilities to target states. */
      ListIterator<Integer> toStateIter = pmc.transitionTargets.get(state).listIterator();
      ListIterator<Function> toProbIter = pmc.transitionProbs.get(state).listIterator();
      Function result = pmc.getFunctionFactory().getZero();
      while (toStateIter.hasNext()) {
        int toState = toStateIter.next();
        Function toProb = toProbIter.next();
        if (pmc.isTargetState(toState)) {
          result = result.add(toProb);
      return result;
예제 #3
   * Eliminates a given state
   * @param midState state to eliminate
  private void eliminate(int midState) {
    Function loopProb = pmc.getSelfLoopProb(midState);
    /* states with only a self-loop require no further treatment */
    if (loopProb.equals(pmc.getFunctionFactory().getOne())) {
    /* slStar = 1/(1-x), where x is the self-loop probability */
    Function slStar = loopProb.star();

    /* adapt rewards and time spent in state accordingly. The new
     * values correspond to adding the expected reward/time obtained
     * from moving to the midState from one of its predecessors, times
     * the probability of moving. */
    if (pmc.isUseRewards()) {
      pmc.setReward(midState, pmc.getReward(midState).multiply(slStar));
      for (int from : pmc.incoming.get(midState)) {
        if (from != midState) {
                  .add(pmc.getTransProb(from, midState).multiply(pmc.getReward(midState))));
    if (pmc.isUseTime()) {
      pmc.setTime(midState, pmc.getTime(midState).multiply(slStar));
      for (int from : pmc.incoming.get(midState)) {
        if (from != midState) {
                  .add(pmc.getTransProb(from, midState).multiply(pmc.getTime(midState))));

    /* redirect transitions of predecessors of midState. Redirection is
     * done such that some state fromState will have a probability of
     * moving to a successor state toState of midState with probability
     * (<fromState-to-midState-prob> * <midState-to-toState-prob)
     * / (1-<self-loop-prob>). (If there already was a transition from fromState
     * to toState, probabilities will be added up.). All transitions to
     * midState will be removed. */
    ArrayList<NewTransition> newTransitions = new ArrayList<NewTransition>();
    for (int fromState : pmc.incoming.get(midState)) {
      if (fromState != midState) {
        Function fromToMid = pmc.getTransProb(fromState, midState);
        ListIterator<Integer> toStateIter = pmc.transitionTargets.get(midState).listIterator();
        ListIterator<Function> toProbIter = pmc.transitionProbs.get(midState).listIterator();
        while (toStateIter.hasNext()) {
          int toState = toStateIter.next();
          Function midToTo = toProbIter.next();
          if (toState != midState) {
            Function fromToToAdd = fromToMid.multiply(slStar.multiply(midToTo));
            newTransitions.add(new NewTransition(fromState, toState, fromToToAdd));
    for (int fromState : pmc.incoming.get(midState)) {
      ListIterator<Integer> toStateIter = pmc.transitionTargets.get(fromState).listIterator();
      ListIterator<Function> toProbIter = pmc.transitionProbs.get(fromState).listIterator();
      while (toStateIter.hasNext()) {
        int state = toStateIter.next();
        if (state == midState) {
    for (NewTransition newTransition : newTransitions) {
      pmc.addTransition(newTransition.fromState, newTransition.toState, newTransition.prob);

    /* remove self loop from state and set outgoing probabilities to
     * <out-prob> / (1-<self-loop-prob>). This corresponds to the
     * probability to eventually leaving midState to a specific successor
     * state, after executing any number of self loops. */
    ListIterator<Integer> toStateIter = pmc.transitionTargets.get(midState).listIterator();
    ListIterator<Function> toProbIter = pmc.transitionProbs.get(midState).listIterator();
    while (toStateIter.hasNext()) {
      int toState = toStateIter.next();
      Function toProb = toProbIter.next();
      if (midState != toState) {
    toStateIter = pmc.transitionTargets.get(midState).listIterator();
    toProbIter = pmc.transitionProbs.get(midState).listIterator();
    while (toStateIter.hasNext()) {
      int toState = toStateIter.next();
      if (midState == toState) {