예제 #1
 private String getPrimaryNetworkServiceName() {
   // TODO This would be faster (but harder to test?) if we just launched scutil once
   // and communicated with it line-by-line using stdin/stdout
   String output = runScutil("show State:/Network/Global/IPv4");
   Map<String, String> dictionary = Maps.parseDictionary(output.toString(), SCUTIL_LINE, false);
   String primaryInterface = verifyKey("PrimaryInterface", dictionary, "scutil", output);
   output = runNetworkSetup("-listnetworkserviceorder");
   dictionary = Maps.parseDictionary(output.toString(), NETWORKSETUP_LISTORDER_LINE, true);
   String userDefinedName =
       verifyKey(primaryInterface, dictionary, "networksetup -listnetworksetuporder", output);
   networkService = userDefinedName;
   return userDefinedName;
예제 #2
 /** Acquire current network settings using scutil/networksetup */
 private MacNetworkSettings getCurrentNetworkSettings() {
   String output = runNetworkSetup("-getwebproxy", networkService);
   Map<String, String> dictionary = Maps.parseDictionary(output, NETWORKSETUP_LINE, false);
   String strEnabled = verifyKey("Enabled", dictionary, "networksetup", output);
   boolean enabled = isTrueOrSomething(strEnabled);
   String server = verifyKey("Server", dictionary, "networksetup", output);
   String strPort = verifyKey("Port", dictionary, "networksetup", output);
   int port1;
   try {
     port1 = Integer.parseInt(strPort);
   } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
     throw new MacNetworkSetupException("Port didn't look right: " + output, e);
   String strAuth = verifyKey("Authenticated Proxy Enabled", dictionary, "networksetup", output);
   boolean auth = isTrueOrSomething(strAuth);
   String[] bypassDomains = getCurrentProxyBypassDomains();
   MacNetworkSettings networkSettings =
       new MacNetworkSettings(networkService, enabled, server, port1, auth, bypassDomains);
   return networkSettings;