예제 #1
 private void moveAndClear(LongLongMap from, LongLongMap to) {
   long[] table = from.table;
   for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ) {
     long key = table[i++];
     long val = table[i++];
     if (key == 0) continue;
     to.put(key, val);
예제 #2
  protected void initOpen() {

    // replay log
    long pos = headerSize;
    final long volumeSize = vol.length();
    long lastValidPos = pos;
    long highestRecid2 = RECID_LAST_RESERVED;
    LongLongMap commitData = tx ? new LongLongMap() : null;

    try {

      while (true) {
        lastValidPos = pos;
        if (pos >= volumeSize) break;
        final long instPos = pos;
        final int inst = vol.getUnsignedByte(pos++);

        if (inst == I_INSERT || inst == I_UPDATE) {

          long recid = vol.getPackedLong(pos);
          pos += recid >>> 60;
          recid = longParityGet(recid & DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK);

          highestRecid2 = Math.max(highestRecid2, recid);

          commitData.put(recid, instPos);

          // skip rest of the record
          long size = vol.getPackedLong(pos);
          long dataLen = longParityGet(size & DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK) - 1;
          dataLen = Math.max(0, dataLen);
          pos = pos + (size >>> 60) + dataLen;
        } else if (inst == I_DELETE) {
          long recid = vol.getPackedLong(pos);
          pos += recid >>> 60;
          recid = longParityGet(recid & DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK);

          highestRecid2 = Math.max(highestRecid2, recid);

          commitData.put(recid, -1);
        } else if (inst == I_DELETE) {
          long recid = vol.getPackedLong(pos);
          pos += recid >>> 60;
          recid = longParityGet(recid & DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK);
          highestRecid2 = Math.max(highestRecid2, recid);
          commitData.put(recid, -2);

        } else if (inst == I_SKIP_SINGLE_BYTE) {
          // do nothing, just skip single byte
        } else if (inst == I_SKIP_MULTI_BYTE) {
          // read size and skip it
          // skip rest of the record
          long size = vol.getPackedLong(pos);
          pos += (size >>> 60) + longParityGet(size & DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK);
        } else if (inst == I_TX_VALID) {
          if (tx) {
            // apply changes from commitData to indexTable
            for (int i = 0; i < commitData.table.length; i += 2) {
              long recidOffset = commitData.table[i] * 8;
              if (recidOffset == 0) continue;
              indexTable.ensureAvailable(recidOffset + 8);
              indexTable.putLong(recidOffset, commitData.table[i + 1]);
        } else if (inst == I_TX_ROLLBACK) {
          if (tx) {
        } else if (inst == 0) {
          // rollback last changes if that is necessary
          if (tx) {
            // rollback changes in index table since last valid tx

        } else {
          // TODO log here?
          LOG.warning("Unknown instruction " + inst);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      // log replay finished
      // TODO log here?
      LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Log replay finished", e);
      if (tx) {
        // rollback changes in index table since last valid tx
    eof = lastValidPos;

예제 #3
  protected void replaySoft() {
    if (CC.ASSERT && !commitLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) throw new AssertionError();

    LongList written = CC.PARANOID ? new LongList() : null;

    for (int lockPos = 0; lockPos < locks.length; lockPos++) {
      try {
        // update index table
        long[] table = committedIndexTable[lockPos].table;
        for (int pos = 0; pos < table.length; ) {
          long recidOffset = table[pos++];
          long val = table[pos++];
          if (recidOffset == 0 || val == -1) continue indexValLoop;

          realVol.ensureAvailable(Fun.roundUp(recidOffset + 8, StoreDirect.PAGE_SIZE));
          realVol.putLong(recidOffset, val);

          if (CC.PARANOID) {
            // check this is index page
            if (!Fun.arrayContains(indexPages, Fun.roundDown(recidOffset, PAGE_SIZE))) {
              throw new AssertionError("not index page");

        // write data
        table = committedDataLongs[lockPos].table;
        for (int pos = 0; pos < table.length; ) {
          long volOffset = table[pos++];
          long walPointer = table[pos++];
          if (volOffset == 0 || walPointer == -1) continue dataLoop;

          byte[] b = wal.walGetByteArray2(walPointer);
          if (CC.ASSERT) assertRecord(volOffset, b);

          realVol.ensureAvailable(Fun.roundUp(volOffset + b.length, StoreDirect.PAGE_SIZE));
          realVol.putData(volOffset, b, 0, b.length);
          if (CC.ASSERT && b.length > MAX_REC_SIZE) throw new AssertionError();

          if (CC.PARANOID) written.add((volOffset << 16) | b.length);
      } finally {
    try {
      // flush modified Long Stack pages
      for (int pos = 0; pos < committedPageLongStack.table.length; ) {
        long volOffset = committedPageLongStack.table[pos++];
        long walPointer = committedPageLongStack.table[pos++];
        if (volOffset == 0 || walPointer == -1) continue dataLoop;

        byte[] b = wal.walGetByteArray2(walPointer);
        if (CC.ASSERT) assertLongStackPage(volOffset, b);

        realVol.ensureAvailable(Fun.roundUp(volOffset + b.length, StoreDirect.PAGE_SIZE));
        realVol.putData(volOffset, b, 0, b.length);

        if (CC.PARANOID) written.add((volOffset << 16) | b.length);

      if (CC.PARANOID) {
        byte[] headVolBuf = new byte[headVolBackup.length];
        headVol.getData(0, headVolBuf, 0, headVolBuf.length);
        if (!Arrays.equals(headVolBuf, headVolBackup)) throw new AssertionError();

      // update page header
      realVol.putData(0, headVolBackup, 0, headVolBackup.length);
    } finally {

    if (CC.PARANOID) {
      // check for overlaps
      long[] w = Arrays.copyOf(written.array, written.size);
      for (int i = 0; i < w.length - 1; i++) {
        long offset1 = w[i] >>> 16;
        long size1 = w[i] & 0xFF;
        long offset2 = w[i + 1] >>> 16;
        long size2 = w[i + 1] & 0xFF;

        if (offset1 + size1 > offset2) {
          throw new AssertionError(
              "write overlap conflict at: "
                  + offset1
                  + " + "
                  + size1
                  + " > "
                  + offset2
                  + " ("
                  + size2
                  + ")");