예제 #1
   * Check if cast from supertype to subtype is erased. It is an error in "is" statement and warning
   * in "as".
  public static boolean isCastErased(
      @NotNull KotlinType supertype,
      @NotNull KotlinType subtype,
      @NotNull KotlinTypeChecker typeChecker) {
    // cast between T and T? is always OK
    if (supertype.isMarkedNullable() || subtype.isMarkedNullable()) {
      return isCastErased(
          TypeUtils.makeNotNullable(supertype), TypeUtils.makeNotNullable(subtype), typeChecker);

    // if it is a upcast, it's never erased
    if (typeChecker.isSubtypeOf(supertype, subtype)) return false;

    // downcasting to a non-reified type parameter is always erased
    if (TypeUtils.isNonReifiedTypeParemeter(subtype)) return true;

    // Check that we are actually casting to a generic type
    // NOTE: this does not account for 'as Array<List<T>>'
    if (allParametersReified(subtype)) return false;

    KotlinType staticallyKnownSubtype =
        findStaticallyKnownSubtype(supertype, subtype.getConstructor()).getResultingType();

    // If the substitution failed, it means that the result is an impossible type, e.g. something
    // like Out<in Foo>
    // In this case, we can't guarantee anything, so the cast is considered to be erased
    if (staticallyKnownSubtype == null) return true;

    // If the type we calculated is a subtype of the cast target, it's OK to use the cast target
    // instead.
    // If not, it's wrong to use it
    return !typeChecker.isSubtypeOf(staticallyKnownSubtype, subtype);
예제 #2
   * Remember that we are trying to cast something of type {@code supertype} to {@code subtype}.
   * <p>Since at runtime we can only check the class (type constructor), the rest of the subtype
   * should be known statically, from supertype. This method reconstructs all static information
   * that can be obtained from supertype.
   * <p>Example 1: supertype = Collection<String> subtype = List<...> result = List<String>, all
   * arguments are inferred
   * <p>Example 2: supertype = Any subtype = List<...> result = List<*>, some arguments were not
   * inferred, replaced with '*'
  public static TypeReconstructionResult findStaticallyKnownSubtype(
      @NotNull KotlinType supertype, @NotNull TypeConstructor subtypeConstructor) {
    assert !supertype.isMarkedNullable() : "This method only makes sense for non-nullable types";

    // Assume we are casting an expression of type Collection<Foo> to List<Bar>
    // First, let's make List<T>, where T is a type variable
    ClassifierDescriptor descriptor = subtypeConstructor.getDeclarationDescriptor();
    assert descriptor != null : "Can't create default type for " + subtypeConstructor;
    KotlinType subtypeWithVariables = descriptor.getDefaultType();

    // Now, let's find a supertype of List<T> that is a Collection of something,
    // in this case it will be Collection<T>
    KotlinType supertypeWithVariables =
        TypeCheckingProcedure.findCorrespondingSupertype(subtypeWithVariables, supertype);

    final List<TypeParameterDescriptor> variables =

    Map<TypeConstructor, TypeProjection> substitution;
    if (supertypeWithVariables != null) {
      // Now, let's try to unify Collection<T> and Collection<Foo> solution is a map from T to Foo
      TypeUnifier.UnificationResult solution =
              new TypeProjectionImpl(supertype),
              new TypeProjectionImpl(supertypeWithVariables),
              new Predicate<TypeConstructor>() {
                public boolean apply(TypeConstructor typeConstructor) {
                  ClassifierDescriptor descriptor = typeConstructor.getDeclarationDescriptor();
                  return descriptor instanceof TypeParameterDescriptor
                      && variables.contains(descriptor);
      substitution = Maps.newHashMap(solution.getSubstitution());
    } else {
      // If there's no corresponding supertype, no variables are determined
      // This may be OK, e.g. in case 'Any as List<*>'
      substitution = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(variables.size());

    // If some of the parameters are not determined by unification, it means that these parameters
    // are lost,
    // let's put stars instead, so that we can only cast to something like List<*>, e.g. (a: Any) as
    // List<*>
    boolean allArgumentsInferred = true;
    for (TypeParameterDescriptor variable : variables) {
      TypeProjection value = substitution.get(variable.getTypeConstructor());
      if (value == null) {
        substitution.put(variable.getTypeConstructor(), TypeUtils.makeStarProjection(variable));
        allArgumentsInferred = false;

    // At this point we have values for all type parameters of List
    // Let's make a type by substituting them: List<T> -> List<Foo>
    KotlinType substituted =
        TypeSubstitutor.create(substitution).substitute(subtypeWithVariables, Variance.INVARIANT);

    return new TypeReconstructionResult(substituted, allArgumentsInferred);
예제 #3
  * Differs from `isNullableType` only by treating type parameters: acceptsNullable(T) <=> T has
  * nullable lower bound Semantics should be the same as `isSubtype(Nothing?, T)`
  * @return true if `null` can be assigned to storage of this type
 public static boolean acceptsNullable(@NotNull KotlinType type) {
   if (type.isMarkedNullable()) {
     return true;
   if (FlexibleTypesKt.isFlexible(type)
       && acceptsNullable(FlexibleTypesKt.flexibility(type).getUpperBound())) {
     return true;
   return false;
예제 #4
 public static KotlinType createSubstitutedSupertype(
     @NotNull KotlinType subType,
     @NotNull KotlinType superType,
     @NotNull TypeSubstitutor substitutor) {
   KotlinType substitutedType = substitutor.substitute(superType, Variance.INVARIANT);
   if (substitutedType != null) {
     return makeNullableIfNeeded(substitutedType, subType.isMarkedNullable());
   return null;
예제 #5
  public static boolean hasNullableSuperType(@NotNull KotlinType type) {
    if (type.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor() instanceof ClassDescriptor) {
      // A class/trait cannot have a nullable supertype
      return false;

    for (KotlinType supertype : getImmediateSupertypes(type)) {
      if (supertype.isMarkedNullable()) return true;
      if (hasNullableSuperType(supertype)) return true;

    return false;
예제 #6
  * A work-around of the generic nullability problem in the type checker Semantics should be the
  * same as `!isSubtype(T, Any)`
  * @return true if a value of this type can be null
 public static boolean isNullableType(@NotNull KotlinType type) {
   if (type.isMarkedNullable()) {
     return true;
   if (FlexibleTypesKt.isFlexible(type)
       && isNullableType(FlexibleTypesKt.flexibility(type).getUpperBound())) {
     return true;
   if (isTypeParameter(type)) {
     return hasNullableSuperType(type);
   return false;
예제 #7
  public static KotlinType makeNullableAsSpecified(@NotNull KotlinType type, boolean nullable) {
    Flexibility flexibility = type.getCapability(Flexibility.class);
    if (flexibility != null) {
      return flexibility.makeNullableAsSpecified(nullable);

    // Wrapping serves two purposes here
    // 1. It's requires less memory than copying with a changed nullability flag: a copy has many
    // fields, while a wrapper has only one
    // 2. It preserves laziness of types

    // Unwrap to avoid long delegation call chains
    if (type instanceof AbstractTypeWithKnownNullability) {
      return makeNullableAsSpecified(((AbstractTypeWithKnownNullability) type).delegate, nullable);

    // checking to preserve laziness
    if (!(type instanceof LazyType) && type.isMarkedNullable() == nullable) {
      return type;

    return nullable ? new NullableType(type) : new NotNullType(type);
예제 #8
 private static boolean isNotNullConstructedFromGivenClass(
     @NotNull KotlinType type, @NotNull FqNameUnsafe fqName) {
   return !type.isMarkedNullable() && isConstructedFromGivenClass(type, fqName);
예제 #9
 public static boolean isPrimitiveType(@NotNull KotlinType type) {
   ClassifierDescriptor descriptor = type.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor();
   return !type.isMarkedNullable()
       && descriptor instanceof ClassDescriptor
       && isPrimitiveClass((ClassDescriptor) descriptor);
예제 #10
 public static boolean isNullableAny(@NotNull KotlinType type) {
   return isAnyOrNullableAny(type) && type.isMarkedNullable();
예제 #11
 public static boolean isNullableNothing(@NotNull KotlinType type) {
   return isNothingOrNullableNothing(type) && type.isMarkedNullable();
예제 #12
  public static boolean canHaveSubtypes(KotlinTypeChecker typeChecker, @NotNull KotlinType type) {
    if (type.isMarkedNullable()) {
      return true;
    if (!type.getConstructor().isFinal()) {
      return true;

    List<TypeParameterDescriptor> parameters = type.getConstructor().getParameters();
    List<TypeProjection> arguments = type.getArguments();
    for (int i = 0, parametersSize = parameters.size(); i < parametersSize; i++) {
      TypeParameterDescriptor parameterDescriptor = parameters.get(i);
      TypeProjection typeProjection = arguments.get(i);
      if (typeProjection.isStarProjection()) return true;

      Variance projectionKind = typeProjection.getProjectionKind();
      KotlinType argument = typeProjection.getType();

      switch (parameterDescriptor.getVariance()) {
        case INVARIANT:
          switch (projectionKind) {
            case INVARIANT:
              if (lowerThanBound(typeChecker, argument, parameterDescriptor)
                  || canHaveSubtypes(typeChecker, argument)) {
                return true;
            case IN_VARIANCE:
              if (lowerThanBound(typeChecker, argument, parameterDescriptor)) {
                return true;
            case OUT_VARIANCE:
              if (canHaveSubtypes(typeChecker, argument)) {
                return true;
        case IN_VARIANCE:
          if (projectionKind != Variance.OUT_VARIANCE) {
            if (lowerThanBound(typeChecker, argument, parameterDescriptor)) {
              return true;
          } else {
            if (canHaveSubtypes(typeChecker, argument)) {
              return true;
        case OUT_VARIANCE:
          if (projectionKind != Variance.IN_VARIANCE) {
            if (canHaveSubtypes(typeChecker, argument)) {
              return true;
          } else {
            if (lowerThanBound(typeChecker, argument, parameterDescriptor)) {
              return true;
    return false;