예제 #1
  public KMeansResult cluster(double[][] centroids, double[][] instances, double threshold) {

    int itr = -1;
    // initialize the result
    KMeansResult result = new KMeansResult();
    LinkedList<Double> distortionList = new LinkedList<Double>();
    result.clusterAssignment = new int[instances.length];
    boolean completed = false;

    // loop until finally done
    while (!completed) {
      // increment iteration

      // call the assignInstance method to assign the instances to centroids
      assignInstance(centroids, instances, result);

      // check orphaned centroid
      boolean noOrphaned = false;
      while (!noOrphaned) {
        int orphanNum = -1;
        orphanNum = checkOrphan(centroids, result);
        // if the centroid is orphaned, then assign it as scenario requores
        if (orphanNum >= 0) {
          assignOrphan(orphanNum, centroids, instances, result);
        } else {
          noOrphaned = true;

      // update centroids
      updateCentroids(centroids, instances, result);

      // compute new distortion
      double distortion = calculateDistortion(centroids, instances, result);
      // track the distortion

      // check whether the algorithm should terminate
      if (itr > 0
          && Math.abs(
                  (distortionList.get(itr) - distortionList.get(itr - 1))
                      / distortionList.get(itr - 1))
              < threshold) {
        completed = true;

    // set centroids to KMeansResult final centroids array
    result.centroids = centroids;
    // initialize result's distortion array
    result.distortionIterations = new double[distortionList.size()];

    // record distortionList into result of distortion array
    for (int i = 0; i < distortionList.size(); i++) {
      result.distortionIterations[i] = distortionList.get(i);

    return result;