예제 #1
  private void parsePlugins(String context, QueryMetric queryMetric, JsonArray plugins)
      throws BeanValidationException, QueryException {
    for (int I = 0; I < plugins.size(); I++) {
      JsonObject pluginJson = plugins.get(I).getAsJsonObject();

      JsonElement name = pluginJson.get("name");
      if (name == null || name.getAsString().isEmpty())
        throw new BeanValidationException(
            new SimpleConstraintViolation("plugins[" + I + "]", "must have a name"), context);

      String pluginContext = context + ".plugins[" + I + "]";
      String pluginName = name.getAsString();
      QueryPlugin plugin = m_pluginFactory.createQueryPlugin(pluginName);

      if (plugin == null)
        throw new BeanValidationException(
            new SimpleConstraintViolation(pluginName, "invalid query plugin name"), pluginContext);

      deserializeProperties(pluginContext, pluginJson, pluginName, plugin);

      validateObject(plugin, pluginContext);

  private static boolean parseProperty(
      JsonElement propertyElement, IConfigPropertyHolder property, Gson gson) {
    if (!(propertyElement instanceof JsonObject)) return true;

    JsonObject propertyNode = propertyElement.getAsJsonObject();

    JsonElement value = propertyNode.get(VALUE_TAG);

    if (value == null) return true;

    try {
      Object parsedValue = gson.fromJson(value, property.getType());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Log.warn(e, "Failed to parse value of field %s:%s", property.category(), property.name());
      return true;

    JsonElement comment = propertyNode.get(COMMENT_TAG);

    final String expectedComment = property.comment();

    if (comment == null) {
      return !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(expectedComment);
    } else if (comment.isJsonPrimitive()) {
      String commentValue = comment.getAsString();
      return !expectedComment.equals(commentValue);

    return true;
 public TargetInfo deserialize(
     JsonElement element, Type type, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
     throws JsonParseException {
   final JsonObject object = element.getAsJsonObject();
   final List<String> targets = getStringListField(object, "targets");
   final List<String> libraries = getStringListField(object, "libraries");
   final List<String> excludes = getStringListField(object, "excludes");
   final List<SourceRoot> sourceRoots =
           new Function<JsonElement, SourceRoot>() {
             public SourceRoot fun(JsonElement element) {
               return context.deserialize(element, SourceRoot.class);
   final TargetAddressInfo addressInfo = context.deserialize(element, TargetAddressInfo.class);
   return new TargetInfo(
       new HashSet<TargetAddressInfo>(Collections.singleton(addressInfo)),
       new HashSet<String>(targets),
       new HashSet<String>(libraries),
       new HashSet<String>(excludes),
       new HashSet<SourceRoot>(sourceRoots));
예제 #4
 public static void dumpJSON(JsonValue tree, String key, String depthPrefix) {
   if (key != null) logger.info(depthPrefix + "Key " + key + ": ");
   switch (tree.getValueType()) {
     case OBJECT:
       logger.info(depthPrefix + "OBJECT");
       JsonObject object = (JsonObject) tree;
       for (String name : object.keySet()) dumpJSON(object.get(name), name, depthPrefix + "  ");
     case ARRAY:
       logger.info(depthPrefix + "ARRAY");
       JsonArray array = (JsonArray) tree;
       for (JsonValue val : array) dumpJSON(val, null, depthPrefix + "  ");
     case STRING:
       JsonString st = (JsonString) tree;
       logger.info(depthPrefix + "STRING " + st.getString());
     case NUMBER:
       JsonNumber num = (JsonNumber) tree;
       logger.info(depthPrefix + "NUMBER " + num.toString());
     case TRUE:
     case FALSE:
     case NULL:
       logger.info(depthPrefix + tree.getValueType().toString());
예제 #5
 public RollupTask parseRollupTask(String json) throws BeanValidationException, QueryException {
   JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
   JsonObject taskObject = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject();
   RollupTask task = parseRollupTask(taskObject, "");
   task.addJson(taskObject.toString().replaceAll("\\n", ""));
   return task;
예제 #6
 private static JsonObject deepCopyObj(JsonObject from) {
   JsonObject result = new JsonObject();
   for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : from.entrySet()) {
     result.add(entry.getKey(), deepCopy(entry.getValue()));
   return result;
예제 #7
   * Write the contents of the JsonArray as JSON text to a writer. For compactness, no whitespace is
   * added.
   * <p>Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical.
   * @return The writer.
   * @throws JsonException
  public Writer write(Writer writer) {
    try {
      boolean b = false;
      int len = length();


      for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
        if (b) {
        Object v = this.myArrayList.get(i);
        if (v instanceof JsonObject) {
          ((JsonObject) v).write(writer);
        } else if (v instanceof JsonArray) {
          ((JsonArray) v).write(writer);
        } else {
        b = true;
      return writer;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new JsonException(e);
 public JsonElement serialize(MoveStrategy src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
   JsonObject result = new JsonObject();
   result.add("type", new JsonPrimitive(src.getClass().getSimpleName()));
   result.add("properties", context.serialize(src, src.getClass()));
   return result;
예제 #9
  * Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JsonArray. Warning: This method assumes that the data
  * structure is acyclical.
  * @param indentFactor The number of spaces to add to each level of indentation.
  * @param indent The indention of the top level.
  * @return a printable, displayable, transmittable representation of the array.
  * @throws JsonException
 String toString(int indentFactor, int indent) {
   int len = length();
   if (len == 0) {
     return "[]";
   int i;
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
   if (len == 1) {
     sb.append(JsonObject.valueToString(this.myArrayList.get(0), indentFactor, indent));
   } else {
     int newindent = indent + indentFactor;
     for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
       if (i > 0) {
       for (int j = 0; j < newindent; j += 1) {
         sb.append(' ');
       sb.append(JsonObject.valueToString(this.myArrayList.get(i), indentFactor, newindent));
     for (i = 0; i < indent; i += 1) {
       sb.append(' ');
   return sb.toString();
예제 #10
   * Returns the information for the given node-id
   * @param id the id of the host which connectivity information u want
   * @return NodeInfo object with all information
   * @throws FileNotFoundException
   * @throws Exception
  public NodeInfo getNodeConnectivityInfoForId(String id) throws FileNotFoundException, Exception {
    // reading and parsing the hostfile
    JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(fileHosts));
    JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
    JsonArray hostsArray = parser.parse(reader).getAsJsonArray();

    NodeInfo nodeInfo = null;

    // gernerating NodeInfo for id
    for (JsonElement obj : hostsArray) {
      JsonObject host = obj.getAsJsonObject();
      try {
        String hostId = host.get(GraphManager.JSON_ID).getAsString();
        if (hostId.equals(id)) {
          nodeInfo =
              new NodeInfo(
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new JsonParseException(
            "Fehler in der JSON-Konfigdatei: Bitte README.pdf fuer das richtige Format lesen");

    if (nodeInfo == null) {
      throw new Exception("No connectivity info for id found");
    return nodeInfo;
 private static void readJsonFile() {
   try (JsonReader jsonReader =
           new FileReader(
               Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "target/myData.json").toString()))) {
     JsonStructure jsonStructure = jsonReader.read();
     JsonValue.ValueType valueType = jsonStructure.getValueType();
     if (valueType == JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT) {
       JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) jsonStructure;
       JsonValue firstName = jsonObject.get("firstName");
       LOGGER.info("firstName=" + firstName);
       JsonValue emailAddresses = jsonObject.get("phoneNumbers");
       if (emailAddresses.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.ARRAY) {
         JsonArray jsonArray = (JsonArray) emailAddresses;
         for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
           JsonValue jsonValue = jsonArray.get(i);
           LOGGER.info("emailAddress(" + i + "): " + jsonValue);
     } else {
       LOGGER.warning("First object is not of type " + JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT);
   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
     LOGGER.severe("Failed to open file: " + e.getMessage());
예제 #12
 public static LauncherProfiles load() throws IOException {
   System.out.println("Loading Minecraft profiles from " + DevLauncher.workingDirectory);
   try (FileReader reader = new FileReader(getFile())) {
     LauncherProfiles profiles = new LauncherProfiles();
     JsonObject e = new JsonParser().parse(reader).getAsJsonObject();
     for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : e.entrySet()) {
       if (entry.getKey().equals("clientToken")) {
         profiles.clientToken = entry.getValue().getAsString();
       } else if (entry.getKey().equals("authenticationDatabase")) {
         JsonObject o = entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject();
         for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry1 : o.entrySet()) {
               GSON.fromJson(entry1.getValue(), OnlineProfile.class));
       } else {
         profiles.everythingElse.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
     INSTANCE = profiles;
     return INSTANCE;
   } finally {
     if (INSTANCE == null) {
       INSTANCE = new LauncherProfiles();
예제 #13
  private void parseGroupBy(String context, QueryMetric queryMetric, JsonArray groupBys)
      throws QueryException, BeanValidationException {
    for (int J = 0; J < groupBys.size(); J++) {
      String groupContext = "group_by[" + J + "]";
      JsonObject jsGroupBy = groupBys.get(J).getAsJsonObject();

      JsonElement nameElement = jsGroupBy.get("name");
      if (nameElement == null || nameElement.getAsString().isEmpty())
        throw new BeanValidationException(
            new SimpleConstraintViolation(groupContext, "must have a name"), context);

      String name = nameElement.getAsString();

      GroupBy groupBy = m_groupByFactory.createGroupBy(name);
      if (groupBy == null)
        throw new BeanValidationException(
            new SimpleConstraintViolation(groupContext + "." + name, "invalid group_by name"),

      deserializeProperties(context + "." + groupContext, jsGroupBy, name, groupBy);
      validateObject(groupBy, context + "." + groupContext);


예제 #14
 public Flag deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context)
     throws JsonParseException {
   JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
   FlagType flagType = FlagType.valueOf(jsonObject.get("flagType").getAsString());
   return new Flag(flagType, jsonObject.get("value").getAsString());
예제 #15
 public JsonElement serialize(Flag flag, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
   JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
   json.addProperty("flagType", flag.flagType.name);
   json.addProperty("value", flag.flagType.serializeValue(flag.value));
   return json;
예제 #16
 public AbstractProperty(String name, String category, JsonObject data) {
   super(name, category);
   canRandomize =
           && data.get("random").isJsonPrimitive()
           && data.get("random").getAsJsonPrimitive().isBoolean()
           && !data.get("random").getAsBoolean());
예제 #17
 public JsonObject exportToJson() {
   JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
   if (canRandomize) {
     json.addProperty("shouldRandomize", shouldRandomize);
   return json;
 public JsonElement serialize(
     AppAudioSession src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
   JsonObject element = new JsonObject();
   element.addProperty("ID", src.ID);
   element.addProperty("Volume", src.Volume);
   element.addProperty("Muted", src.Muted);
   return element;
예제 #19
 public String toString() {
   JsonObject ob = new JsonObject();
   ob.addProperty("lat", this.getLat());
   ob.addProperty("longitude", this.getLongitude());
   ob.addProperty("base64Image", this.getBase64Encoding());
   return ob.toString();
예제 #20
파일: RFView.java 프로젝트: jayfans3/h2o
 public static Response redirect(
     JsonObject fromPageResponse, Key rfModel, Key dataKey, boolean oobee) {
   JsonObject redir = new JsonObject();
   redir.addProperty(MODEL_KEY, rfModel.toString());
   redir.addProperty(DATA_KEY, dataKey.toString());
   redir.addProperty(OOBEE, oobee);
   return Response.redirect(fromPageResponse, RFView.class, redir);
예제 #21
 private JsonObject transformGuysData(JsonArray array) {
   JsonObject result = new JsonObject();
   for (JsonElement e : array) {
     String key = e.getAsJsonObject().get("sample").getAsString();
     result.add(key, e.getAsJsonObject().get("Expression"));
   return result;
예제 #22
   * @param id the id of the node which neighbours you want to get
   * @return returns a list all neighbours for the given host id
   * @throws FileNotFoundException
   * @throws ParseException
   * @throws Exception
  public ArrayList<NodeInfo> getHostsListForId(String id) throws Exception {
    // Reading the graphfile
    File f = new File(this.fileGraph);
    FileReader in = new FileReader(f);

    // parsing the graphfile
    Parser graphParser = new Parser();
    ArrayList<Graph> graphList = graphParser.getGraphs();

    if (graphList.size() < 1) {
      throw new Exception("No graph in graphfile found.");

    Graph graph = graphList.get(0);
    ArrayList<Edge> edges = graph.getEdges();

    // getting all neighbours
    ArrayList<String> neighbours = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Edge edge : edges) {
      String sourceId = edge.getSource().getNode().getId().getId();
      String targetId = edge.getTarget().getNode().getId().getId();

      if (sourceId.equals(id)) {
      } else if (targetId.equals(id)) {

    // reading the host information
    File file = new File(this.fileHosts);
    Scanner input;

    ArrayList<NodeInfo> hosts = new ArrayList<>();
    JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(fileHosts));

    // parsing the host information
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
    JsonArray hostsArray = parser.parse(reader).getAsJsonArray();

    // matching the hostinformation for the neighbours
    for (JsonElement obj : hostsArray) {
      JsonObject host = obj.getAsJsonObject();
      String hostId = host.get(GraphManager.JSON_ID).getAsString();
      if (neighbours.contains(hostId)) {
        if (!listContainsHost(hosts, hostId)) {
              new NodeInfo(
    return hosts;
예제 #23
  private void SetTurnManager(JsonObject turnTracker)
      throws TurnIndexException, InvalidTurnStatusException, GeneralPlayerException {
    int currentTurn = turnTracker.getAsJsonPrimitive("currentTurn").getAsInt();
    String status = turnTracker.getAsJsonPrimitive("status").getAsString();

    PlayerTurnTracker playerTurnTracker =
        new PlayerTurnTracker(currentTurn, TurnType.toEnum(status));
 public JsonElement serialize(Throwable src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
   JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
   jsonObject.add("class", new JsonPrimitive(src.getClass().getName()));
   if (src.getMessage() != null) {
     jsonObject.add("message", new JsonPrimitive(src.getMessage()));
   return jsonObject;
예제 #25
    private SegmentTileEntity deserializeTileEntity(
        JsonObject json, JsonDeserializationContext context) {
      SegmentTileEntity segment = new SegmentTileEntity();

      segment.retainsOwner = json.getAsJsonObject().get("retainsOwner").getAsBoolean();

      return segment;
예제 #26
파일: Job.java 프로젝트: chouclee/h2o
  * Annotate the number of columns and rows of the training data set in the job parameter JSON
  * @return JsonObject annotated with num_cols and num_rows of the training data set
 public JsonObject toJSON() {
   JsonObject jo = super.toJSON();
   if (source != null) {
     jo.getAsJsonObject("source").addProperty("num_cols", source.numCols());
     jo.getAsJsonObject("source").addProperty("num_rows", source.numRows());
   return jo;
예제 #27
파일: Job.java 프로젝트: chouclee/h2o
  * Annotate the number of columns and rows of the validation data set in the job parameter JSON
  * @return JsonObject annotated with num_cols and num_rows of the validation data set
 public JsonObject toJSON() {
   JsonObject jo = super.toJSON();
   if (validation != null) {
     jo.getAsJsonObject("validation").addProperty("num_cols", validation.numCols());
     jo.getAsJsonObject("validation").addProperty("num_rows", validation.numRows());
   return jo;
예제 #28
 private static void addFolder(FileSystem fs, Path p, JsonArray succeeded, JsonArray failed) {
   try {
     if (fs == null) return;
     for (FileStatus file : fs.listStatus(p)) {
       Path pfs = file.getPath();
       if (file.isDir()) {
         addFolder(fs, pfs, succeeded, failed);
       } else {
         Key k = Key.make(pfs.toString());
         long size = file.getLen();
         Value val = null;
         if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.JSON)) {
           JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
           JsonObject json = parser.parse(new InputStreamReader(fs.open(pfs))).getAsJsonObject();
           JsonElement v = json.get(Constants.VERSION);
           if (v == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing version");
           JsonElement type = json.get(Constants.TYPE);
           if (type == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type");
           Class c = Class.forName(type.getAsString());
           OldModel model = (OldModel) c.newInstance();
         } else if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.HEX)) { // Hex file?
           FSDataInputStream s = fs.open(pfs);
           int sz = (int) Math.min(1L << 20, size); // Read up to the 1st meg
           byte[] mem = MemoryManager.malloc1(sz);
           // Convert to a ValueArray (hope it fits in 1Meg!)
           ValueArray ary = new ValueArray(k, 0).read(new AutoBuffer(mem));
           val = new Value(k, ary, Value.HDFS);
         } else if (size >= 2 * ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ) {
           val =
               new Value(
                   new ValueArray(k, size),
                   Value.HDFS); // ValueArray byte wrapper over a large file
         } else {
           val = new Value(k, (int) size, Value.HDFS); // Plain Value
         DKV.put(k, val);
         Log.info("PersistHdfs: DKV.put(" + k + ")");
         JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
         o.addProperty(Constants.KEY, k.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, pfs.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.VALUE_SIZE, file.getLen());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
     o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, p.toString());
     o.addProperty(Constants.ERROR, e.getMessage());
  public JsonElement serialize(
      AssetReference asset, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
    JsonElement jsonAsset = context.serialize(asset.asset, asset.asset.getClass());
    GsonUtils.appendClassProperty(jsonAsset, asset.asset, context);

    JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
    jsonObject.add("asset", jsonAsset);
    return jsonObject;
예제 #30
 private void serializeBlock(
     SegmentBlock segment, JsonObject json, JsonSerializationContext context) {
   json.add("actions", serializeAsElementOrArray(segment.types, context));
   json.addProperty("meta", segment.getMeta());
   if (segment.clientUpdate != null) {
     JsonObject jsonUpdate = new JsonObject();
     jsonUpdate.add("coords", context.serialize(segment.clientUpdate.relativeCoords));
     json.add("clientUpdate", jsonUpdate);