public void doService(DataCollection dc, Connection con) throws TaskFailedException { String serviceID = dc.getValue("serviceID"); if (serviceID == null) { dc.addMessage("exilNoServiceID", serviceID); } else { Job aJob = (Job); // Get based on the Id from the hashmap. /*if(aJob.previliged(dc.getValue("rolesToValidate"))){ dc.addMessage("exilRPError","User Has No Previlige"); throw new TaskFailedException(); }*/ if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(aJob); if (aJob == null) { dc.addMessage("exilNoJobDefinition", serviceID); } else { if (aJob.hasAccess(dc, con)) aJob.execute(dc, con); else dc.addMessage("exilNoAccess", serviceID); } } }
/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { BlockingQueue<PendingMessage> messages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<PendingMessage>(); BlockingQueueEmailService emailService = new BlockingQueueEmailService(messages); Thread emailServiceThread = new Thread(emailService, "EmailService Thread"); emailServiceThread.start(); Job job = new Job(messages); try { job.execute(); } catch (JobExecutionException e1) { LOGGER.severe("error executing job, to retry"); System.exit(-1); } try { emailServiceThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } }