/** Validate that no errors appear when no conflict occurs */ @Test public void testGoodInventoryNumber() { final String invNumber = "INV-12345"; fixture.setInventoryNumber(invNumber); context.checking( new Expectations() { { oneOf(assetRepository).findAssetByInventoryNumber(invNumber); will(returnValue(null)); } }); rule.validate(fixture, errors); context.assertIsSatisfied(); }
/** Validate that a rejection occurs if a conflict occurs */ @Test public void testConflictingInventoryNumber() { final Asset asset = new Asset(); final String invNumber = "INV-12345"; fixture.setInventoryNumber(invNumber); context.checking( new Expectations() { { oneOf(assetRepository).findAssetByInventoryNumber(invNumber); will(returnValue(asset)); oneOf(errors).rejectValue("inventoryNumber", MSG_PREFIX + "inventoryNumber.conflict"); } }); rule.validate(fixture, errors); context.assertIsSatisfied(); }
/** Validate that nothing happens if an empty inventory number is provided */ @Test public void testAllowsEmptyInventoryNumber() { rule.validate(fixture, errors); }