   * Loads the ASI template to be used.
   * @param fromAttributeSetInstanceId
   * @return
   *     <ul>
   *       <li>ASI template
   *       <li><code>null</code> if this is not a valid settings and we need to dispose the dialog
   *     </ul>
   * @throws AdempiereException if something failed
  private final MAttributeSetInstance loadASITemplate(final int fromAttributeSetInstanceId) {
    final Properties ctx = getCtx();
    final int productId = getM_Product_ID();
    final boolean isPureProductASI = isPureProductASI();

    // If there is not product specified
    // and we need a pure product ASI (i.e. not the ASI that we configure on product level)
    // => this dialog does not make sense and we need to dispose it ASAP
    // TODO: in future we shall do this checking BEFORE we reach this point
    if (productId <= 0 && isPureProductASI) {
      return null;

    final MAttributeSetInstance asiTemplate;

    // Load/Create the ASI
    // Get the M_AttributeSet.
    MAttributeSet as = null;
    if (productId > 0) {
      // Get/Create the ASI
      asiTemplate = MAttributeSetInstance.get(ctx, fromAttributeSetInstanceId, productId);
      if (asiTemplate == null) {
        throw new AdempiereException(
            "@NotFound@ @M_AttributeSetInstance_ID@ (@M_Product_ID@=" + productId + ")");
      Env.setContext(ctx, m_WindowNo, "M_AttributeSet_ID", asiTemplate.getM_AttributeSet_ID());

      // Get Attribute Set
      as = asiTemplate.getMAttributeSet();
    } else {
      final int M_AttributeSet_ID = attributeContext.getM_AttributeSet_ID();
      asiTemplate =
          new MAttributeSetInstance(ctx, 0, M_AttributeSet_ID, ITrx.TRXNAME_None); // new ASI
      as = asiTemplate.getMAttributeSet();
      if (as == null && M_AttributeSet_ID == 0) {
        // FIXME: workaround to deal with M_AttributeSet_ID=0 which is an existing record
        as =
                .setContext(ctx, ITrx.TRXNAME_None)
                .addEqualsFilter(I_M_AttributeSet.COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSet_ID, 0)
    // Product has no Attribute Set
    if (as == null) {
      throw new AdempiereException("@PAttributeNoAttributeSet@");
    // Product has no Instance Attributes
    if (isPureProductASI && !as.isInstanceAttribute()) {
      throw new AdempiereException("@PAttributeNoInstanceAttribute@");

    return asiTemplate;
   * Existing Attribute Set Instance Selection Button
   * @return true if selected
  private void cmd_select() {

    int M_Warehouse_ID = attributeContext.getM_Warehouse_ID();

    final int C_DocType_ID = attributeContext.getC_DocType_ID();
    if (C_DocType_ID > 0) {
      final MDocType doctype = new MDocType(getCtx(), C_DocType_ID, ITrx.TRXNAME_None);
      String docbase = doctype.getDocBaseType();
      if (docbase.equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_MaterialReceipt)) M_Warehouse_ID = 0;

    // teo_sarca [ 1564520 ] Inventory Move: can't select existing attributes
    int M_Locator_ID = 0;
    if (m_AD_Column_ID
        == 8551) // TODO: hardcoded: M_MovementLine[324].M_AttributeSetInstance_ID[8551]
      M_Locator_ID = attributeContext.getM_Locator_ID();

    String title = "";
    // Get Text
    final String sql =
        "SELECT p.Name, w.Name, w.M_Warehouse_ID FROM M_Product p, M_Warehouse w "
            + "WHERE p.M_Product_ID=? AND w.M_Warehouse_ID"
            + (M_Locator_ID <= 0
                ? "=?"
                : " IN (SELECT M_Warehouse_ID FROM M_Locator where M_Locator_ID=?)"); // teo_sarca [
                                                                                      // 1564520 ]
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ITrx.TRXNAME_None);
      pstmt.setInt(1, m_M_Product_ID);
      pstmt.setInt(2, M_Locator_ID <= 0 ? M_Warehouse_ID : M_Locator_ID);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      if (rs.next()) {
        title = rs.getString(1) + " - " + rs.getString(2);
        M_Warehouse_ID = rs.getInt(3); // fetch the actual warehouse - teo_sarca [ 1564520 ]
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
      DB.close(rs, pstmt);
      rs = null;
      pstmt = null;

    // Open ASI selection window and wait for result
    final int bpartnerId = attributeContext.getC_BPartner_ID();
    final PAttributeInstance pai =
        new PAttributeInstance(
            this, title, M_Warehouse_ID, M_Locator_ID, m_M_Product_ID, bpartnerId);
    final MAttributeSetInstance selectedASI = pai.getM_AttributeSetInstance();
    if (selectedASI == null) {
      // user canceled => do nothing

    setResultAndDispose(selectedASI, pai.getM_Locator_ID());
  } // cmd_select
 private Boolean getSOTrx() {
   return attributeContext.getSOTrx();
   * Add Attribute Line
   * @param attribute attribute
   * @param product product level attribute
   * @param readOnly value is read only
  private void addAttributeLine(final MAttribute attribute) {
    final boolean product = m_productWindow;
    final boolean readOnly = false;

    log.fine(attribute + ", Product=" + product + ", R/O=" + readOnly);
    CLabel label = new CLabel(attribute.getName());
    if (product) {
      label.setFont(new Font(label.getFont().getFontName(), Font.BOLD, label.getFont().getSize()));
    if (attribute.getDescription() != null) {

    centerPanel.add(label, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0));
    final int attributeSetInstanceId = asiTemplate.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID();
    final int attributeId = attribute.getM_Attribute_ID();
    final MAttributeInstance instance = attribute.getMAttributeInstance(attributeSetInstanceId);
    if (MAttribute.ATTRIBUTEVALUETYPE_List.equals(attribute.getAttributeValueType())) {
          attribute, Env.DYNATTR_WindowNo, attributeContext.getWindowNo());
          attribute, Env.DYNATTR_TabNo, attributeContext.getTabNo()); // tabNo

      final I_M_AttributeValue[] values =
          attribute.getMAttributeValues(getSOTrx()); // optional = null
      final CComboBox<I_M_AttributeValue> editor = new CComboBox<>(values);
      boolean found = false;
      if (instance != null && instance.getM_AttributeValue_ID() > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
          if (values[i] != null
              && values[i].getM_AttributeValue_ID() == instance.getM_AttributeValue_ID()) {
            found = true;
        if (found)
              "Attribute=" + attribute.getName() + " #" + values.length + " - found: " + instance);
                  + attribute.getName()
                  + " #"
                  + values.length
                  + " - NOT found: "
                  + instance);
      } // setComboBox
      else {
        log.fine("Attribute=" + attribute.getName() + " #" + values.length + " no instance");
      centerPanel.add(editor, null);
      if (readOnly) editor.setEnabled(false);
      else attributeId2editor.put(attributeId, editor);
    } else if (MAttribute.ATTRIBUTEVALUETYPE_Number.equals(attribute.getAttributeValueType())) {
      final VNumber editor =
          new VNumber(
              attribute.getName(), // ColumnName
              attribute.isMandatory(), // mandatory
              false, // IsReadOnly
              true, // IsUpdateable
              DisplayType.Number, // DisplayType
              attribute.getName() // Title
      if (instance != null) {
        if (InterfaceWrapperHelper.isNull(instance, I_M_AttributeInstance.COLUMNNAME_ValueNumber)) {
        } else {
      } else {
        // better don't set a default value
        // editor.setValue(Env.ZERO);
      centerPanel.add(editor, null);
      if (readOnly) editor.setEnabled(false);
      else attributeId2editor.put(attributeId, editor);
    } else if (MAttribute.ATTRIBUTEVALUETYPE_Date.equals(attribute.getAttributeValueType())) {
      final VDate editor =
          new VDate(
              attribute.getName(), // columnName
              attribute.isMandatory(), // mandatory
              false, // isReadOnly
              true, // isUpdateable
              DisplayType.Date, // displayType
              attribute.getName() // title
      if (instance != null) editor.setValue(instance.getValueDate());
      centerPanel.add(editor, null);
      if (readOnly) editor.setEnabled(false);
      else attributeId2editor.put(attributeId, editor);
    } else
    // Text Field
      VString editor =
          new VString(
              attribute.getName(), // ColumnName
              attribute.isMandatory(), // mandatory
              false, // isReadOnly
              true, // isUpdateable
              20, // displayLength
              INSTANCE_VALUE_LENGTH, // fieldLength
              null, // VFormat
              null // ObscureType
      if (instance != null) editor.setText(instance.getValue());
      centerPanel.add(editor, null);
      if (readOnly) editor.setEnabled(false);
      else attributeId2editor.put(attributeId, editor);

    // Add our attribute to the list of attributes
  } // addAttributeLine
  /** Initialize all panel fields and editors based on {@link #asiTemplate}. */
  private final void initAttributes() {
    final Properties ctx = getCtx();
    final boolean isProductWindow = isProductWindow();
    final boolean isProcessParameter = isProcessParameter();
    final boolean isPureProductASI = isPureProductASI();
    final boolean allowSelectExistingASI = isAllowSelectExistingASI();
    final MAttributeSet as = asiTemplate.getMAttributeSet();
    Check.assumeNotNull(as, "attribute set not null");
    final boolean isASITemplateNew = asiTemplate.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() <= 0;

    // Show Select existing ASI (if allowed)
    if (allowSelectExistingASI) {
      // New/Edit - Selection
      if (isASITemplateNew) // new ASI
      cbNewEdit.setText(msgBL.getMsg(ctx, "NewRecord"));
      else cbNewEdit.setText(msgBL.getMsg(ctx, "EditRecord"));
      centerPanel.add(cbNewEdit, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0));
      bSelectExistingASI.setText(msgBL.getMsg(ctx, "SelectExisting"));
      centerPanel.add(bSelectExistingASI, null);

    // Fetch M_Attributes
    final List<MAttribute> attributes;
    if (isProductWindow) {
      attributes = Arrays.asList(as.getMAttributes(false)); // non-instance attributes
    } else if (isPureProductASI) {
      // Regular product's attribute set instance attributes
      attributes = Arrays.asList(as.getMAttributes(true)); // all instance attributes
    } else if (isProcessParameter) {
      final IQueryBuilder<MAttribute> attributesQueryBuilder =
              .setContext(ctx, ITrx.TRXNAME_None)
      attributes = attributesQueryBuilder.create().list(MAttribute.class);
    } else {
      attributes = Collections.emptyList();

    // Create attributes UI editors
    for (final MAttribute attribute : attributes) {
      if (!attributeExcludeBL.isExcludedAttribute(
          attribute, as, m_AD_Column_ID, attributeContext.isSOTrx())) {

    // Lot
    if (isPureProductASI && as.isLot()) {
      CLabel label = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "Lot"));
      centerPanel.add(label, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0));
      centerPanel.add(fieldLotString, null);
      // M_Lot_ID
      // int AD_Column_ID = 9771; // M_AttributeSetInstance.M_Lot_ID
      // fieldLot = new VLookup ("M_Lot_ID", false,false, true,
      // MLookupFactory.get(getCtx(), m_WindowNo, 0, AD_Column_ID, DisplayType.TableDir));
      final String sql =
          "SELECT M_Lot_ID, Name "
              + "FROM M_Lot l "
              + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT M_Product_ID FROM M_Product p "
              + "WHERE p.M_AttributeSet_ID="
              + asiTemplate.getM_AttributeSet_ID()
              + " AND p.M_Product_ID=l.M_Product_ID)";
      fieldLot = new CComboBox<>(DB.getKeyNamePairs(sql, true));
      label = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "M_Lot_ID"));
      centerPanel.add(label, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0));
      centerPanel.add(fieldLot, null);
      if (asiTemplate.getM_Lot_ID() > 0) {
        for (int i = 1; i < fieldLot.getItemCount(); i++) {
          KeyNamePair pp = fieldLot.getItemAt(i);
          if (pp.getKey() == asiTemplate.getM_Lot_ID()) {
      // New Lot Button
      if (asiTemplate.getMAttributeSet().getM_LotCtl_ID() > 0) {
        if (Env.getUserRolePermissions().isTableAccess(MLot.Table_ID, false)
            && Env.getUserRolePermissions().isTableAccess(MLotCtl.Table_ID, false)
            && !asiTemplate.isExcludeLot(m_AD_Column_ID, attributeContext.isSOTrx())) {
          centerPanel.add(bLot, null);
      // Popup
      fieldLot.addMouseListener(new VPAttributeDialog_mouseAdapter(this)); // popup
      mZoom = new CMenuItem(msgBL.getMsg(ctx, "Zoom"), Images.getImageIcon2("Zoom16"));
    } // Lot

    // SerNo
    if (isPureProductASI && as.isSerNo()) {
      CLabel label = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "SerNo"));
      centerPanel.add(label, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0));
      centerPanel.add(fieldSerNo, null);
      // New SerNo Button
      if (asiTemplate.getMAttributeSet().getM_SerNoCtl_ID() != 0) {
        if (Env.getUserRolePermissions().isTableAccess(MSerNoCtl.Table_ID, false)
            && !asiTemplate.isExcludeSerNo(m_AD_Column_ID, attributeContext.isSOTrx())) {
          centerPanel.add(bSerNo, null);
    } // SerNo

    // GuaranteeDate.
    // We are displaying it if we deal with a pure product ASI (i.e. user is not editing the ASI
    // from product window),
    // and if:
    // * the attribute set requires a GuaranteeDate
    // * or if the ASI has a GuaranteeDate already set
    if (isPureProductASI && (as.isGuaranteeDate() || asiTemplate.getGuaranteeDate() != null)) {
      CLabel label = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "GuaranteeDate"));
      if (isASITemplateNew) {
        Date guaranteeDate = asiTemplate.getGuaranteeDate();
        if (guaranteeDate == null) {
          guaranteeDate =
                  m_M_Product_ID, // product
                  attributeContext.getC_BPartner_ID(), // vendor bpartner
                  Env.getDate(ctx) // dateReceipt
      } else {
      centerPanel.add(label, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0));
      centerPanel.add(fieldGuaranteeDate, null);
      fieldGuaranteeDateDisplayed = true;
    } // GuaranteeDate

    // Make sure we have at least something to edit or something to select,
    // else there is no point in showing empty this window.
    if (m_row == 0) {
      throw new AdempiereException("@PAttributeNoInfo@");

    // New/Edit Window
    if (allowSelectExistingASI) {

    // Attrribute Set Instance Description
      final CLabel labelDescription = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "Description"));
      centerPanel.add(labelDescription, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0));
      centerPanel.add(fieldDescription, null);

    // Window usually to wide (??)
      final Dimension dd = centerPanel.getPreferredSize();
      dd.width = Math.min(500, dd.width);
  } // initAttribute