@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { ResumeTestData.init(storage.isSectionSupported()); storage.save(ResumeTestData.R1); storage.save(ResumeTestData.R2); storage.save(ResumeTestData.R3); }
public static String[] parseJarEntryFile(IStorage storage) { if (storage == null) return null; String s = storage.toString(); if (!s.startsWith("JarEntryFile[")) return null; // $NON-NLS-1$ s = s.substring("JarEntryFile[".length()); // $NON-NLS-1$ int i = s.indexOf("::"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (i < 0) return null; String jarFile = s.substring(0, i); String entry = storage.getFullPath().toString(); return new String[] {jarFile, entry}; }
@Override public boolean isReadOnly(Object element) { IStorage storage = EditorUtils.getStorageFromInput(element); if (storage != null) { return storage.isReadOnly(); } File file = EditorUtils.getLocalFileFromInput(element); if (file != null) { return !file.isFile(); } return super.isReadOnly(element); }
@Before public void before() { R1 = new Resume("Полное Имя 1", "location1"); R1.addContact(ContactType.MAIL, "*****@*****.**"); R1.addContact(ContactType.PHONE, "11111"); if (storage.isSectionSupported()) { R1.addObjective("Objective1"); R1.addMultiTextSection(SectionType.ACHIEVEMENT, "Achivment11", "Achivment12"); R1.addMultiTextSection(SectionType.QUALIFICATIONS, "Java", "Sql"); R1.addOrganizationSection( SectionType.EXPERIENCE, new Organization( "Organization11", null, new Organization.Period( LocalDate.of(2005, Month.JANUARY, 1), Organization.Period.NOW, "position1", "content1"), new Organization.Period( 2001, Month.MARCH, 2005, Month.JANUARY, "position2", "content2")), new Organization("Organization12", "http://Organization12.ru")); R1.addOrganizationSection( SectionType.EDUCATION, new Organization( "Institute", null, new Organization.Period( 1996, Month.JANUARY, 2001, Month.DECEMBER, "aspirant", "IT facultet"), new Organization.Period( 2001, Month.MARCH, 2005, Month.JANUARY, "student", "IT facultet")), new Organization("Organization12", "http://Organization12.ru")); } R2 = new Resume("Полное Имя 2", "location2"); R2.addContact(ContactType.SKYPE, "skype2"); R2.addContact(ContactType.PHONE, "22222"); R3 = new Resume("Полное Имя 3", ""); storage.clear(); storage.save(R3); storage.save(R1); storage.save(R2); }
@Test public void testDeleteNotFound() throws Exception { thrown.expect(WebAppException.class); thrown.expectMessage(ExceptionType.NOT_FOUND.getMessage()); thrown.expect(new ExceptionTypeMatcher(ExceptionType.NOT_FOUND)); storage.load("dummy"); }
@Test public void testUpdateMissed() throws Exception { Resume resume = new Resume("fullName_U1", "location_U1"); thrown.expect(WebAppException.class); thrown.expectMessage(ExceptionType.NOT_FOUND.getMessage()); storage.update(resume); }
@Override public void add(IStorage<T> item) { File subdir = new File(thisFolder, item.getName()); subdir.mkdir(); // TODO: save recursivelly the passed IStorage throw new UnsupportedOperationException("method is not implemented"); }
@Test public void testDelete() throws Exception { storage.delete(ResumeTestData.R1.getUuid()); assertSize(2); assertGet(ResumeTestData.R2); assertGet(ResumeTestData.R3); thrown.expect(WebAppException.class); thrown.expectMessage(ExceptionType.NOT_FOUND.getMessage()); assertGet(ResumeTestData.R1); }
public StorageManager(List<StorageConf> confList) { for (StorageConf conf : confList) { if (conf == null || conf.getId() == null) { continue; } IStorage storage = ReflectionUtil.createInstanceByDefaultConstructor( conf.getStorageClassName(), IStorage.class); if (storage.init( conf.getId(), conf.getLineLimit(), conf.getByteLimit(), conf.getDestructLimit(), conf.getWaitTime())) { storage.getStat().setPeriodInSeconds(conf.getPeriod()); storageMap.put(conf.getId(), storage); } } }
@org.junit.Test public void testGetAllSorted() throws Exception { /*Resume[] src = new Resume[]{R1, R2, R3}; Arrays.sort(src); Assert.assertArrayEquals(src, storage.getAllSorted().toArray());*/ List<Resume> list = Arrays.asList(R1, R2, R3); Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<Resume>() { @Override public int compare(Resume o1, Resume o2) { return 0; } }); Assert.assertEquals(list, storage.getAllSorted()); }
protected boolean setDocumentContent(IDocument document, IStorage storage) throws CoreException { try { InputStream contentStream = storage.getContents(); try { String encoding = (storage instanceof IEncodedStorage ? ((IEncodedStorage) storage).getCharset() : GeneralUtils.getDefaultFileEncoding()); setDocumentContent(document, contentStream, encoding); } finally { ContentUtils.close(contentStream); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new CoreException(GeneralUtils.makeExceptionStatus(e)); } return true; }
@org.junit.Test(expected = WebAppException.class) public void testDeleteNotFound() throws Exception { storage.load("dummy"); }
@org.junit.Test public void testUpdate() throws Exception { R2.setFullName("Updated N2"); storage.update(R2); Assert.assertEquals(R2, storage.load(R2.getUuid())); }
@org.junit.Test public void testClear() throws Exception { storage.clear(); Assert.assertEquals(0, storage.size()); }
/** Serializes, batches, and sends events */ protected void send() { // Ensure that the serialized event string is under MAXEVENTSIZEINBYTES. // If it is over MAXEVENTSIZEINBYTES then we should use 2 or more strings and send them for (IStorage storage : storages) { if (executorService.isShutdown()) { return; } List<String> events = storage.drain(); for (String event : events) { this.clientTelemetry.IncrementEventsQueuedForUpload(); // Check to see if this single serialized event is greater than MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, if it is we // drop it. if (event.length() > SettingsStore.getCllSettingsAsInt(SettingsStore.Settings.MAXEVENTSIZEINBYTES)) { // This could cause big problems if the host application decides to do a ton of processing // for each // dropped event. for (ICllEvents cllEvent : cllEvents) { cllEvent.eventDropped(event); } continue; } if (batcher.canAddToBatch(event)) { try { batcher.addEventToBatch(event); } catch (EventBatcher.BatchFullException e) { logger.error(TAG, "Could not add to batch"); } } else { // Full batch, send events String batchedEvents = batcher.getBatchedEvents(); try { batcher.addEventToBatch(event); } catch (EventBatcher.BatchFullException e) { logger.error(TAG, "Could not add to batch"); } boolean sendResult = sendBatch(batchedEvents, storage); if (sendResult == false) { storage.close(); return; } } } // Send remaining events that didn't fill a whole batch String batchedEvents = batcher.getBatchedEvents(); boolean sendResult = sendBatch(batchedEvents, storage); if (sendResult == false) { storage.close(); return; } storage.discard(); } logger.info(TAG, "Sent " + clientTelemetry.snapshot.getEventsQueuedForUpload() + " events."); for (ICllEvents event : cllEvents) { event.sendComplete(); } }
@org.junit.Test(expected = WebAppException.class) public void testUpdateMissed() throws Exception { Resume resume = new Resume("dummy", "fullName_U1", "location_U1"); storage.update(resume); }
@org.junit.Test(expected = WebAppException.class) public void testSavePresented() throws Exception { storage.save(R1); }
@org.junit.Test(expected = WebAppException.class) public void testDeleteMissed() throws Exception { storage.delete("dummy"); }
private void assertGet(Resume r) { assertEquals(r, storage.load(r.getUuid())); }
@org.junit.Test public void testLoad() throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(R1, storage.load(R1.getUuid())); Assert.assertEquals(R2, storage.load(R2.getUuid())); Assert.assertEquals(R3, storage.load(R3.getUuid())); }
@org.junit.Test public void testDelete() throws Exception { storage.delete(R1.getUuid()); Assert.assertEquals(2, storage.size()); }
private void assertSize(int size) { assertEquals(size, storage.size()); }
@Test public void testGetAllSorted() throws Exception { List<Resume> list = Arrays.asList(ResumeTestData.R1, ResumeTestData.R2, ResumeTestData.R3); assertEquals(list, new ArrayList<>(storage.getAllSorted())); }
@Test public void testUpdate() throws Exception { ResumeTestData.R2.setFullName("Updated N2"); storage.update(ResumeTestData.R2); assertGet(ResumeTestData.R2); }
@Test public void testClear() throws Exception { storage.clear(); assertSize(0); }
@org.junit.Test public void testSize() throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(3, storage.size()); }
@Test public void testSaveAlreadyExist() throws Exception { thrown.expect(WebAppException.class); thrown.expectMessage(ExceptionType.ALREADY_EXISTS.getMessage()); storage.save(ResumeTestData.R1); }