private HttpMethod createMultiPostMethod(String url, HttpData httpData) { PostMethod method = new InnerPostMethod(url); if (httpData != null) { List<Part> list = new ArrayList<Part>(httpData.getPatameterCount()); Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> set = httpData.getParameterMap().entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : set) { list.add(new StringPart(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), "utf-8")); } Set<Entry<String, List<String>>> bset = httpData.getBatchParameterMap().entrySet(); for (Entry<String, List<String>> e : bset) { for (String s : e.getValue()) { list.add(new StringPart(e.getKey(), s, "utf-8")); } } try { for (HttpFile httpFile : httpData.getHttpFiles()) { list.add(new FilePart(httpFile.getName(), httpFile.getFile())); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } method.getParams().setBooleanParameter(HttpMethodParams.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, true); MultipartRequestEntity mre = new MultipartRequestEntity(list.toArray(new Part[list.size()]), method.getParams()); method.setRequestEntity(mre); } return method; }
public void testGetModificationsInvalidURL() throws Exception { HttpFile httpFile = new HttpFile(); File tempFile = File.createTempFile("HttpFileTest", null); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); httpFile.setURL(tempFile.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm()); tempFile.delete(); // should not throw with a URL that cannot be connected to httpFile.getModifications(new Date(), new Date()); }
public void testShouldGetEmptyModificationListWhenURLNotAvailable() throws MalformedURLException { HttpFile httpFile = new HttpFile() { protected long getURLLastModified(URL url) throws IOException { throw new UnknownHostException(url.getHost()); } }; String urlString = "http://NOTAREALURL" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".com"; new URL(urlString); httpFile.setURL(urlString); assertEquals(0, httpFile.getModifications(new Date(), new Date()).size()); }
public void testValidate() { HttpFile httpFile = new HttpFile(); try { httpFile.validate(); fail("HttpFile should throw when url not set."); } catch (CruiseControlException e) { assertEquals("'url' is required for HttpFile", e.getMessage()); } httpFile.setURL("Invalid URL"); try { httpFile.validate(); fail("HttpFile should throw when an invalid URL is provided"); } catch (CruiseControlException e) { assertEquals("'url' is not a valid connection string", e.getMessage()); } }
public void testGetModifications() throws Exception { final long timestamp = 100; HttpFile httpFile = new HttpFile() { protected long getURLLastModified(URL url) { return timestamp; } }; httpFile.setURL(""); List modifications = httpFile.getModifications(new Date(1), new Date()); assertEquals(1, modifications.size()); Modification modif = (Modification) modifications.get(0); assertEquals("my/path?que=ry", modif.getFileName()); assertEquals("", modif.getFolderName()); assertEquals("", modif.getFullPath()); assertEquals("", modif.comment); assertEquals(timestamp, modif.modifiedTime.getTime()); assertEquals("User", modif.userName); }
public void testShouldGetEmptyModificationnListWhenURLMalformed() { HttpFile httpFile = new HttpFile(); httpFile.setURL("THISISAMALFORMEDURL"); assertEquals(0, httpFile.getModifications(new Date(), new Date()).size()); }