/** * Adjusts the object to nside_in. * * @param nside_in the new Nside parameter */ public void setNside(long nside_in) throws Exception { if (nside_in != nside) { super.setNside(nside_in); HealpixUtils.check(nside <= (1 << 13), "resolution too high"); data = new float[(int) getNpix()]; } }
/** * Adjusts the object to scheme_in, and sets pixel data to data_in. * * @param data_in pixel data; must have a valid length (12*nside^2) * @param scheme_in the new ordering scheme */ public void setDataAndScheme(float[] data_in, Scheme scheme_in) throws Exception { super.setNsideAndScheme(npix2Nside(data_in.length), scheme_in); data = data_in; }