예제 #1
   * This method is obsolete and supplied for backwards compatability only; new code should call
   * {@link #getLayoutInfo(Container, int) getLayoutInfo} instead.
  protected GridBagLayoutInfo GetLayoutInfo(Container parent, int sizeflag) {
    synchronized (parent.getTreeLock()) {
      GridBagLayoutInfo r = new GridBagLayoutInfo();
      Component comp;
      GridBagConstraints constraints;
      Dimension d;
      Component components[] = parent.getComponents();

      int compindex, i, j, k, px, py, pixels_diff, nextSize;
      int curX, curY, curWidth, curHeight, curRow, curCol;
      double weight_diff, weight, start, size;
      int xMax[], yMax[];

       * Pass #1
       * Figure out the dimensions of the layout grid (use a value of 1 for
       * zero or negative widths and heights).

      r.width = r.height = 0;
      curRow = curCol = -1;
      xMax = new int[MAXGRIDSIZE];
      yMax = new int[MAXGRIDSIZE];

      for (compindex = 0; compindex < components.length; compindex++) {
        comp = components[compindex];
        if (!comp.isVisible()) continue;
        constraints = lookupConstraints(comp);

        curX = constraints.gridx;
        curY = constraints.gridy;
        curWidth = constraints.gridwidth;
        if (curWidth <= 0) curWidth = 1;
        curHeight = constraints.gridheight;
        if (curHeight <= 0) curHeight = 1;

        /* If x or y is negative, then use relative positioning: */
        if (curX < 0 && curY < 0) {
          if (curRow >= 0) curY = curRow;
          else if (curCol >= 0) curX = curCol;
          else curY = 0;
        if (curX < 0) {
          px = 0;
          for (i = curY; i < (curY + curHeight); i++) px = Math.max(px, xMax[i]);

          curX = px - curX - 1;
          if (curX < 0) curX = 0;
        } else if (curY < 0) {
          py = 0;
          for (i = curX; i < (curX + curWidth); i++) py = Math.max(py, yMax[i]);

          curY = py - curY - 1;
          if (curY < 0) curY = 0;

        /* Adjust the grid width and height */
        for (px = curX + curWidth; r.width < px; r.width++) ;
        for (py = curY + curHeight; r.height < py; r.height++) ;

        /* Adjust the xMax and yMax arrays */
        for (i = curX; i < (curX + curWidth); i++) {
          yMax[i] = py;
        for (i = curY; i < (curY + curHeight); i++) {
          xMax[i] = px;

        /* Cache the current slave's size. */
        if (sizeflag == PREFERREDSIZE) d = comp.getPreferredSize();
        else d = comp.getMinimumSize();
        constraints.minWidth = d.width;
        constraints.minHeight = d.height;

        /* Zero width and height must mean that this is the last item (or
         * else something is wrong). */
        if (constraints.gridheight == 0 && constraints.gridwidth == 0) curRow = curCol = -1;

        /* Zero width starts a new row */
        if (constraints.gridheight == 0 && curRow < 0) curCol = curX + curWidth;

        /* Zero height starts a new column */
        else if (constraints.gridwidth == 0 && curCol < 0) curRow = curY + curHeight;

       * Apply minimum row/column dimensions
      if (columnWidths != null && r.width < columnWidths.length) r.width = columnWidths.length;
      if (rowHeights != null && r.height < rowHeights.length) r.height = rowHeights.length;

       * Pass #2
       * Negative values for gridX are filled in with the current x value.
       * Negative values for gridY are filled in with the current y value.
       * Negative or zero values for gridWidth and gridHeight end the current
       *  row or column, respectively.

      curRow = curCol = -1;
      xMax = new int[MAXGRIDSIZE];
      yMax = new int[MAXGRIDSIZE];

      for (compindex = 0; compindex < components.length; compindex++) {
        comp = components[compindex];
        if (!comp.isVisible()) continue;
        constraints = lookupConstraints(comp);

        curX = constraints.gridx;
        curY = constraints.gridy;
        curWidth = constraints.gridwidth;
        curHeight = constraints.gridheight;

        /* If x or y is negative, then use relative positioning: */
        if (curX < 0 && curY < 0) {
          if (curRow >= 0) curY = curRow;
          else if (curCol >= 0) curX = curCol;
          else curY = 0;

        if (curX < 0) {
          if (curHeight <= 0) {
            curHeight += r.height - curY;
            if (curHeight < 1) curHeight = 1;

          px = 0;
          for (i = curY; i < (curY + curHeight); i++) px = Math.max(px, xMax[i]);

          curX = px - curX - 1;
          if (curX < 0) curX = 0;
        } else if (curY < 0) {
          if (curWidth <= 0) {
            curWidth += r.width - curX;
            if (curWidth < 1) curWidth = 1;

          py = 0;
          for (i = curX; i < (curX + curWidth); i++) py = Math.max(py, yMax[i]);

          curY = py - curY - 1;
          if (curY < 0) curY = 0;

        if (curWidth <= 0) {
          curWidth += r.width - curX;
          if (curWidth < 1) curWidth = 1;

        if (curHeight <= 0) {
          curHeight += r.height - curY;
          if (curHeight < 1) curHeight = 1;

        px = curX + curWidth;
        py = curY + curHeight;

        for (i = curX; i < (curX + curWidth); i++) {
          yMax[i] = py;
        for (i = curY; i < (curY + curHeight); i++) {
          xMax[i] = px;

        /* Make negative sizes start a new row/column */
        if (constraints.gridheight == 0 && constraints.gridwidth == 0) curRow = curCol = -1;
        if (constraints.gridheight == 0 && curRow < 0) curCol = curX + curWidth;
        else if (constraints.gridwidth == 0 && curCol < 0) curRow = curY + curHeight;

        /* Assign the new values to the gridbag slave */
        constraints.tempX = curX;
        constraints.tempY = curY;
        constraints.tempWidth = curWidth;
        constraints.tempHeight = curHeight;

       * Apply minimum row/column dimensions and weights
      if (columnWidths != null)
        System.arraycopy(columnWidths, 0, r.minWidth, 0, columnWidths.length);
      if (rowHeights != null) System.arraycopy(rowHeights, 0, r.minHeight, 0, rowHeights.length);
      if (columnWeights != null)
        System.arraycopy(columnWeights, 0, r.weightX, 0, columnWeights.length);
      if (rowWeights != null) System.arraycopy(rowWeights, 0, r.weightY, 0, rowWeights.length);

       * Pass #3
       * Distribute the minimun widths and weights:

      nextSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

      for (i = 1; i != Integer.MAX_VALUE; i = nextSize, nextSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        for (compindex = 0; compindex < components.length; compindex++) {
          comp = components[compindex];
          if (!comp.isVisible()) continue;
          constraints = lookupConstraints(comp);

          if (constraints.tempWidth == i) {
            px = constraints.tempX + constraints.tempWidth; /* right column */

             * Figure out if we should use this slave\'s weight.  If the weight
             * is less than the total weight spanned by the width of the cell,
             * then discard the weight.  Otherwise split the difference
             * according to the existing weights.

            weight_diff = constraints.weightx;
            for (k = constraints.tempX; k < px; k++) weight_diff -= r.weightX[k];
            if (weight_diff > 0.0) {
              weight = 0.0;
              for (k = constraints.tempX; k < px; k++) weight += r.weightX[k];
              for (k = constraints.tempX; weight > 0.0 && k < px; k++) {
                double wt = r.weightX[k];
                double dx = (wt * weight_diff) / weight;
                r.weightX[k] += dx;
                weight_diff -= dx;
                weight -= wt;
              /* Assign the remainder to the rightmost cell */
              r.weightX[px - 1] += weight_diff;

             * Calculate the minWidth array values.
             * First, figure out how wide the current slave needs to be.
             * Then, see if it will fit within the current minWidth values.
             * If it will not fit, add the difference according to the
             * weightX array.

            pixels_diff =
                    + constraints.ipadx
                    + constraints.insets.left
                    + constraints.insets.right;

            for (k = constraints.tempX; k < px; k++) pixels_diff -= r.minWidth[k];
            if (pixels_diff > 0) {
              weight = 0.0;
              for (k = constraints.tempX; k < px; k++) weight += r.weightX[k];
              for (k = constraints.tempX; weight > 0.0 && k < px; k++) {
                double wt = r.weightX[k];
                int dx = (int) ((wt * ((double) pixels_diff)) / weight);
                r.minWidth[k] += dx;
                pixels_diff -= dx;
                weight -= wt;
              /* Any leftovers go into the rightmost cell */
              r.minWidth[px - 1] += pixels_diff;
          } else if (constraints.tempWidth > i && constraints.tempWidth < nextSize)
            nextSize = constraints.tempWidth;

          if (constraints.tempHeight == i) {
            py = constraints.tempY + constraints.tempHeight; /* bottom row */

             * Figure out if we should use this slave's weight.  If the weight
             * is less than the total weight spanned by the height of the cell,
             * then discard the weight.  Otherwise split it the difference
             * according to the existing weights.

            weight_diff = constraints.weighty;
            for (k = constraints.tempY; k < py; k++) weight_diff -= r.weightY[k];
            if (weight_diff > 0.0) {
              weight = 0.0;
              for (k = constraints.tempY; k < py; k++) weight += r.weightY[k];
              for (k = constraints.tempY; weight > 0.0 && k < py; k++) {
                double wt = r.weightY[k];
                double dy = (wt * weight_diff) / weight;
                r.weightY[k] += dy;
                weight_diff -= dy;
                weight -= wt;
              /* Assign the remainder to the bottom cell */
              r.weightY[py - 1] += weight_diff;

             * Calculate the minHeight array values.
             * First, figure out how tall the current slave needs to be.
             * Then, see if it will fit within the current minHeight values.
             * If it will not fit, add the difference according to the
             * weightY array.

            pixels_diff =
                    + constraints.ipady
                    + constraints.insets.top
                    + constraints.insets.bottom;
            for (k = constraints.tempY; k < py; k++) pixels_diff -= r.minHeight[k];
            if (pixels_diff > 0) {
              weight = 0.0;
              for (k = constraints.tempY; k < py; k++) weight += r.weightY[k];
              for (k = constraints.tempY; weight > 0.0 && k < py; k++) {
                double wt = r.weightY[k];
                int dy = (int) ((wt * ((double) pixels_diff)) / weight);
                r.minHeight[k] += dy;
                pixels_diff -= dy;
                weight -= wt;
              /* Any leftovers go into the bottom cell */
              r.minHeight[py - 1] += pixels_diff;
          } else if (constraints.tempHeight > i && constraints.tempHeight < nextSize)
            nextSize = constraints.tempHeight;

      return r;