예제 #1
  * Get a {@link Structure} contained in this caps.
  * <p>Finds the structure in @caps that has the index @index, and returns it.
  * @param index The index of the structure to get.
  * @return The Structure corresponding to index.
 public Structure getStructure(int index) {
    * WARNING: This function takes a const GstCaps *, but returns a
    * non-const GstStructure *.  This is for programming convenience --
    * the caller should be aware that structures inside a constant
    * #GstCaps should not be modified.
   // The above means we return a Structure proxy which does not own the pointer.
   // gst_caps_get_structure is not marked as CallerOwnsReturn, so it should work
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_get_structure(this, index);
예제 #2
  * Destructively discard all but the first structure from this caps.
  * <p>Useful when fixating. This caps must be writable.
  * @return truncated copy of the Caps
 public Caps truncate() {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_truncate(this);
예제 #3
  * Create a caps that is a copy of another caps.
  * @param caps The caps to copy.
  * @see #copy
 public Caps(Caps caps) {
예제 #4
  * Check if this caps is always compatible with another caps.
  * <p>A given Caps structure is always compatible with another if every media format that is in
  * the first is also contained in the second. That is, this caps1 is a subset of other.
  * @param other The caps to test against.
  * @return true if other is always compatible with this caps.
 public boolean isAlwaysCompatible(Caps other) {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_is_always_compatible(this, other);
예제 #5
  * Construct a new Caps from a string representation. Example:
  * <p><code>
  *  Caps caps = Caps.fromString("video/x-raw, format=RGB, bpp=32, depth=24, width=640, height=480");
  * </code>
  * @param caps The string representation of the caps.
  * @return The new Caps.
 public static Caps fromString(String caps) {
   return new Caps(initializer(GSTCAPS_API.ptr_gst_caps_from_string(caps)));
예제 #6
  * Determine if this caps represents no media formats.
  * @return true if this caps represents no formats.
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_is_empty(this);
예제 #7
  * Tests if two Caps are equal. This function only works on fixed Caps.
  * @param other The other caps to test against.
  * @return true if the other caps is equal to this one.
 public boolean isEqualFixed(Caps other) {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_is_equal_fixed(this, other);
예제 #8
  * Modifies this caps inplace into a representation that represents the same set of formats, but
  * in a simpler form. Component structures that are identical are merged. Component structures
  * that have values that can be merged are also merged.
  * @return The new {@link Caps}
 public Caps simplify() {
   this.ref(); // gst_caps_simplify copies "this" and drops one reference
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_simplify(this);
예제 #9
  * Append the structures contained in caps to this caps object. The structures in caps are not
  * copied -- they are transferred to this caps.
  * <p>If either caps is ANY, the resulting caps will be ANY.
  * @param caps The Caps to append
 public void append(Caps caps) {
   GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_append(this, caps);
예제 #10
  * Subtracts the subtrahend Caps from this Caps.
  * <p><note>This function does not work reliably if optional properties for caps are included on
  * one caps and omitted on the other.</note>
  * @param subtrahend The {@link Caps} to subtract.
  * @return The resulting caps.
 public Caps subtract(Caps subtrahend) {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_subtract(this, subtrahend);
예제 #11
  * Normalize the Caps.
  * <p>Creates a new {@link Caps} that represents the same set of formats as this Caps, but
  * contains no lists. Each list is expanded into separate {@link Structure}s
  * @return The new {@link Caps}
  * @see Structure
 public Caps normalize() {
   this.ref(); // gst_caps_normalize copies "this" and drops one reference
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_normalize(this);
예제 #12
  * Creates a new {@link Caps} that contains all the formats that are common to both this Caps and
  * the other Caps.
  * @param other The {@link Caps} to intersect with this one.
  * @return The new {@link Caps}
 public Caps intersect(Caps other) {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_intersect(this, other);
예제 #13
  * Create a new Caps as a copy of the this caps.
  * <p>The new Caps will be a copy of this caps, with all the internal structures copied as well.
  * @return The new Caps.
 public Caps copy() {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_copy(this);
예제 #14
  * Get the number of structures contained in this caps.
  * @return the number of structures that this caps contains
 public int size() {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_get_size(this);
예제 #15
 public String toString() {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_to_string(this);
예제 #16
  * Append structure to this caps. The structure is not copied; this caps takes ownership, so do
  * not use struct after calling this method.
  * @param struct The structure to append.
 public void append(Structure struct) {
   GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_append_structure(this, struct);
예제 #17
  * Determine if this caps represents any media format.
  * @return true if this caps represents any format.
 public boolean isAny() {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_is_any(this);
예제 #18
  * Remove a struture from the caps. Removes the stucture with the given index from the list of
  * structures contained in this caps.
  * @param index Index of the structure to remove.
 public void removeStructure(int index) {
   GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_remove_structure(this, index);
예제 #19
  * Determine if this caps is fixed.
  * <p>Fixed Caps describe exactly one format, that is, they have exactly one structure, and each
  * field in the structure describes a fixed type. Examples of non-fixed types are
  * @return true if this caps is fixed
 public boolean isFixed() {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_is_fixed(this);
예제 #20
  * Merge two {@link Caps} together.
  * <p>Appends the structures contained in caps2 to caps1 if they are not yet expressed by caps1 .
  * The structures in caps2 are not copied -- they are transferred to a writable copy of caps1 ,
  * and then caps2 is freed. If either caps is ANY, the resulting caps will be ANY.
  * @param caps1 the {@link Caps} that will take the new entries.
  * @param caps2 the {@link Caps} to merge in
  * @return merged Caps
 public static Caps merge(Caps caps1, Caps caps2) {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_merge(caps1, caps2);
예제 #21
  * Checks if all caps represented by this caps are also represented by superset.
  * <p>This function does not work reliably if optional properties for caps are included on one
  * caps and omitted on the other.
  * @param superset The potentially greater Caps
  * @return true if this caps is a subset of superset
 public boolean isSubset(Caps superset) {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_is_subset(this, superset);
예제 #22
  * Returns a writable copy of this caps.
  * <p>This method will invalidate the native side of this caps object, so it should not be used
  * after calling this method, and only the returned Caps object should be used.
  * <p>
  * @return A writable version of this caps object.
 public Caps makeWritable() {
   return GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_make_writable(this);
예제 #23
  * Creates a new Caps that indicates that it is compatible with any media format.
  * @return The new Caps.
 public static Caps anyCaps() {
   return new Caps(initializer(GSTCAPS_API.ptr_gst_caps_new_any()));
예제 #24
 public void setInteger(String field, Integer value) {
   GSTCAPS_API.gst_caps_set_simple(this, field, value, null);
예제 #25
  * Creates a new Caps that is empty. That is, the returned Caps contains no media formats.
  * @see #emptyCaps
 public Caps() {
예제 #26
  * Construct a new Caps from a string representation.
  * @param caps The string representation of the caps.
  * @see #fromString
 public Caps(String caps) {